Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 34 The Thief of Gryffindor

Chapter 34 The Thief of Gryffindor

If you want to keep an eye on Sweet's movements at any time, there is a very simple way, the Marauder's Map.The Marauder's Map can see the movements of the teachers and students of Hogwarts at any time, and where Sweet goes will be seen on the Marauder's Map.

When Maureen returned to the common room at night, he went to visit James again.But James and Albus were sitting in the corner, looking slightly annoyed.

"James, Albus, what's the matter? You two?" Maureen asked.

James took a hard bite of the cake and said, "Someone broke into my dormitory and stole my folding box of jokes."

"Someone stole something?" Mo Lin was surprised, "When did it happen?"

"During dinner last night, when I went back to the dormitory to pick up the folding box joke, I realized it was gone!" James said distressedly.His folding box was much more stuffed than Hugo's, and contained everything from Weasleys.

"Is there anything else missing besides the folding box?" Maureen asked.

"Just the folding box, and Albus's is gone. Our Gryffindors must have done it. Albus and I sell magic jokes to everyone here every day. Some people are greedy." James Very angry, he and Albus acted as agents of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes and secretly helped George sell things at school, but this time it was obviously a big loss.

"Do you want to report to Professor Kane?" Morin said.Professor Kane, who taught Transfiguration, was the dean of Gryffindor, and Maureen felt the need to tell the dean about it.

Albus shook his head: "Our things were originally brought secretly, telling the dean can only be asking for trouble."

Many products of Weasley's Wheezes are banned in Hogwarts. The school will not welcome the kind of vomit nougat and quick-acting skipping candy into the campus to make students try to skip class, because the lost items are not valuables. The boss knew that the two of them would probably be locked up.

"The Marauder's Map..." Mo Lin asked hesitantly.

"I lost it too. I kept the Marauder's Map in a folding box." James stood up and scanned everyone in the common room, his eyes flickering with anger: "I want to see who stole my Stole my treasure, you dare to use it in the Gryffindor lounge! See if I don’t catch you!”

James was right. No one was more familiar with the products of Weasley's Whiskers than him. If someone suddenly appeared so many things that did not belong to him in a short period of time, it would definitely arouse suspicion.

"You said it could be Peeves?" Albus wondered, they had already had conflicts with Peeves.

"I asked the fat lady, not Peeves. Although ghosts can pass through walls, if they hold things in their hands, things can't follow through the wall. He can only walk through the door. The fat lady said that Peeves Not through the lounge entrance." James dismissed the possibility.

There are many Gryffindor students coming and going in and out of the common room every day. The fat lady may not remember so many students, but if there are ghosts who do not follow the usual path, she must know.

Both James and Albus's Weasley folding boxes were stolen, and Maureen could no longer use the Marauder's Map to spy on Sweet. He must now find another way to investigate the relationship between Sweet and the missing students .

As soon as Hugo came back, he heard that James and Albus's magic jokes had been stolen, so he ran back to his dormitory in a hurry. Fortunately, his folding box was still there.

"Who do you think would want to steal the Weasley folding box?" Hugo reassured after counting his magic jokes carefully.

"Those fun things are always wanted by someone. James and Albus sell them every day. It's too ostentatious. It's not unexpected for people to stare at them." Maureen said sitting on the bed.

"Fortunately, I'm not as ostentatious as they are. They can only suffer from being dumb. James and Albus secretly consulted with Uncle George to discuss being the agent of the school's Weasley's Wheezes. If their parents know, it is estimated that I want a few Howler letters to come to school together."

Hugo said last time that he also wanted to help Weasley's trick shop sell things to earn some extra money, but his mother Hermione had the foresight to come directly to threaten George, so George ruled out Hugo.

Without the Marauder's Map, Maureen decided to investigate Sweet by himself. He wanted to find out why Sweet left the dormitory so early every morning, what was the purpose of doing so, and whether it had something to do with the missing students.

Sweet's evening was as usual, coming back late, climbing into bed, drawing down the curtains, and not speaking to anyone.After everyone fell asleep, Maureen secretly drank some brain-boosting potion.

This was brewed during the Potions class last week. Professor Theodore asked them to prepare this refreshing potion, which can keep them awake when they are about to fall asleep in class.

Mo Lin didn't sleep all night, and waited until after three o'clock in the morning, when he suddenly heard a slight movement from the dormitory.Maureen pretended to be asleep on the bed, turned over and secretly looked at Sweet's bed.

Sweet had already got up and packed his things, folded the quilt, carried his schoolbag, and left the dormitory. His movements were very light. If Maureen hadn't been paying attention to him, he might not have heard his footsteps.

After Sweet left the dormitory, Maureen quickly got up and followed behind secretly.The lights in the common room were flickering on and off, and few Gryffindor students would get up so early.

Maureen heard the slight click of the door to the common room. Sweet had obviously left the common room, and Maureen came down the stairs, following her closely.When he opened the door, the fat lady was lying on the table in the portrait and sleeping, and even babbled, not knowing who had left.

At this time, the sky is very dark, the stars in the sky are still twinkling, and the lights of the castle are also flickering, which may be extinguished at any time.The figure of Sweet walked hurriedly in the darkness, he went down the stairs of the castle, and left the castle.

"After three o'clock in the morning, where did he leave the castle?" Molin followed behind Sweet, keeping a distance. When he walked up the stairs, the people in the portraits hanging beside the stairs were also snoring softly. People notice him.

Sweet quietly pushed open the gate of the castle and walked along the path towards the Forbidden Forest.There is a stone house next to the Forbidden Forest, that is Hagrid's house.Instead of walking towards Hagrid's house, Sweet turned a corner and walked into the Forbidden Forest.

"Why would he go to the Forbidden Forest?" Molin hesitated for a moment. At the beginning of school, Principal McGonagall reminded everyone not to go to the Forbidden Forest. There are many dangerous things that students are forbidden to set foot in.

So it seems that Sweet got up so early every morning to go to the Forbidden Forest?

(End of this chapter)

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