Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 330 Victory

Chapter 330 Victory
Constance and Pearson have the same personality, because they have a higher talent for magic than others, and have always been looked up to by their peers.When Professor Kane and Professor Flitwick said that Maureen was more talented, neither of them were convinced.

Pearson has suffered at the hands of Maureen, but Constance has not really played against Maureen.

When he heard what Mo Lin said, he smiled contemptuously: "It seems that you can defeat me by using these methods. Professor Kane has always asked me to take care of you, but I have never liked you very much. You originally chose to abstain. That's right, at least it can save you from suffering..."

But Maureen didn't want to talk nonsense with Constance, he waved his wand directly, and the four stones spun violently in the air, and smashed towards Constance very quickly, Constance also raised his wand, and he cast a delay spell , and then wanted to take control of these four stones, in his opinion, even if Mo Lin took control of the four transformation stones, it would be more than enough for him to take them back.

But soon Constance realized that he was wrong. The four deformation stones controlled by Morin could not be controlled by him. At this time, the stones had already roared and fell in front of him. He could only move towards the other side of the stage. A corner apparates away.

But when he first appeared, the ground suddenly became extremely muddy. Mo Lin had already turned the entire stage into a swamp, and he sank into it all at once.Constance was a little startled. He didn't expect Molin to be so fast. Just as he was about to cast a spell to undo the magic of the swamp, a few vines suddenly protruded from the swamp and grabbed his feet firmly.

Immediately afterwards, the four stones shattered into dust, spreading around Constance. Constance let out annoyance. He was blocked by the dust, so he had no idea where Molin was.


Constance cut off the vines under his feet, and then turned the swamp under his feet back to solid ground, and raised his wand to point at the flying sand and dust: "The smoke disappears!"

The dust is still flying, showing no signs of dissipating.

Constance was a little surprised, the dust seemed to be imprisoned by a strange wind. When his spell was applied to the dust, the wind immediately rolled out a hole, making it impossible for his spell to strike on the dust. on the dust.

But Constance is not a vegetarian. He threw out a clear spring from his wand, and the clear spring turned into water mist, covering the sand and dust, enveloping all the sand and dust, and then cast a freezing spell to freeze all the dust. Dust is under control.

"Hmph, I have finally snatched the control of these dusts, and now it's my turn."

Constance swung his wand quickly, dragging the ice chips, and all the sand and soil were recondensed into stones by him. He sneered and said, "What skills do you have? Just use it. If you can trap me, it's fine." I……"

"Hogwarts, Maureen Walker, win."

Before Constance finished speaking, the referee had already called out the result.


Constance was taken aback. He saw the beaver behind Molin. Molin had already turned the cornerstone into a beaver!
As long as the transformation of the cornerstone is successful, the game is tantamount to over.

Constance's face became extremely ashen. How could he have thought that Molin would attack the cornerstone from the very beginning. Those sandstorms and swamps were all delaying time. Although they couldn't trap him, they brought him a lot of trouble. After he got rid of these troubles, Molin's cornerstone had been deformed.

Standing on the stage, Maureen didn't look at Constance, but kept watching Zimmerman. He only had this guy in his mind. No matter what, he had to figure it out.

Zimmerman also watched Molin the whole time. He had already won the game. After seeing Maureen win, he walked off the stage and walked towards Durmstrang's lounge.

Molin walked back to Professor Kane silently. Professor Kane paid attention to Molin the whole time. After seeing Molin change his mind, he was quite surprised, and when he saw Molin win, he was even more delighted.

Unexpectedly, Molin's Transfiguration was so powerful, and his timing was so perfect that Constance was delayed for quite a while.

"Unexpectedly, you actually defeated Constance." Professor Kane exclaimed.

"Professor, there is a problem with that Zimmerman."

Morin didn't feel the joy after defeating Constance. He didn't care much about this kind of competition. Now he just wants to let Professor Kane know about it.

"It doesn't matter, Zimmerman is a matter of the next round or the next round, but you, I am really surprised, I don't quite understand, since when did you master these magics..."

"Professor, my business is not important."

Mo Lin lowered his voice, looked around, and dragged Professor Kane to the lounge. After making sure that the old witch couldn't watch him, he said, "You just saw Zimmerman using sand to create Is that figure gone?"

"Oh, I watched. I watched all of your games. What's the matter?" Professor Kane asked with a smile on his face.

"That figure, Zimmerman conjured up that figure in front of me on purpose, do you still remember the smoky man I told you about when I went to the Forbidden Forest to save An Ran?" Mo Lin said solemnly, "I see The smoke monster I got is exactly the same as the wizard figure that Zimmerman conjured out of sand!"

Professor Kane put away his smile and said in surprise, "Are you sure?"

"That's right, it's exactly the same! That Zimmerman showed me on purpose, he must know something, maybe he was Lucas or the old witch in disguise, I don't know, but it's definitely not simple. said Maureen.

"But it's impossible, that platform..." Magatha followed from just now, and was about to refute Mo Lin's words when she heard this.

"I know that there are some restrictions on the stage, but what if... what if Lucas has some powerful black magic item in his hand that can hide this? I heard that when the Goblet of Fire was held before, the Goblet of Fire was disturbed by people No? It was still under Mr. Dumbledore's eyes at that time, what if Lucas also has this ability?" Molin said seriously.

Professor Kane opened his mouth. He was a little hesitant. It was no secret in the wizarding world that the Goblet of Fire was disturbed and Voldemort was resurrected.If there is some powerful confusion spell that interferes with the anti-cheating magic of the stage, it is not impossible.

But Mo Lin's idea is still too unbelievable, a bit unacceptable.

"Mo Lin, although your guess is possible... If there is no evidence, we can't suspect that the opponent's player is impersonated by someone else." Professor Kane hesitated.

Except for Maureen, no one in the audience thought of what Zimmerman's human figure condensed with sand represented. Everyone just regarded that human figure as an ordinary wizard's shadow. Basically, many people can do it with sand. No one thought much about this.

"I know, Professor."

Mo Lin said in a deep voice, he just let Professor Kane know, so he could be careful. As for whether Zimmerman was pretended by someone else, he didn't care very much, he just wanted to know what the other party knew.

(End of this chapter)

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