Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 32 The Unexpected

Chapter 32 The Unexpected
Mo Lin's eyes widened in astonishment, and he went back to the past again!
This is the third time he has gone back to the past. He suddenly raised his head and looked at the position where Sweet was sitting just now. Sure enough, he saw that Sweet was staring at Jamie intently, and Jamie was unaware of it. I'm writing my homework.

If one person goes missing once in the past, does that mean that another person is missing this time?

Maureen remembered Mosby, the freshman who disappeared for the first time. Mosby was also on the seventh floor when he appeared, and Sweet was also on the seventh floor at that time, and just now Jamie and Sweet also went to Is it really a coincidence that I passed the seventh floor?

The more Mo Lin thought about it, the more something was wrong. When he followed Sweet and Jamie to the classroom on the seventh floor, Sweet and Jamie mysteriously disappeared in that classroom. Is the classroom quirky or is something wrong?
He glanced at Sweet, who was still staring at Jamie with a weird look on his face.Mo Lin immediately stood up without hesitation, and walked out of the library.Now that he has returned to the past, it means that what happened just now will happen again. What he has to do now is to go to that weird classroom ahead of time and wait for the arrival of Sweet and Jamie.

Mo Lin quickly ran to the seventh floor and came to the original classroom.He opened the door of the classroom cautiously. The classroom was still the same one, with everything in the utility room, and Sir Cadogan, who was crazy on the wall, was challenging him again.

"Stop! You sneaky thief, come and fight me hard, and I'll spare you!" cried Sir Cadogan, brandishing his short sword.

Mo Lin didn't have time to pay attention to him, and stood behind a pile of boxes to block his body so as not to be discovered, then stared at the door of the classroom through the gap, then took out his pocket watch and counted the time.If things are really as he thinks, then Sweet and Jamie should walk into this classroom later.

Time passed by, Maureen estimated that the two of them should come here soon, he looked at the classroom with bated breath, Sir Cadogan went to fight the gray horse on his own because Maureen ignored him , and was kicked several times by the horse's hoof.

Just before Maureen went back to the past, Maureen Bisweet and Jamie pushed the door open at this time, and according to expectations, Sweet and Jamie should also approach this classroom.Maureen stared nervously at the door of the classroom. He wanted to know why Sweet and Jamie disappeared after opening the door. Is there anything special about this classroom?

However, the time predicted by Maureen has arrived, but Sweet and Jamie did not push the door open as expected, no one came in, only Sir Cadogan on the wall was humming and singing Mo Im not able to understand the song.

"What's going on? They should have come here!" Mo Lin was puzzled, could it be that the time was wrong?But this is impossible. Since Maureen went back to the past, he is very sensitive to time, and it is impossible to miscalculate the time, but why didn't Sweet and Jamie come in?
An uneasy thought came to his mind, and he quickly moved to the door, opened the door of the classroom, and glanced into the corridor. There was no one in the corridor, and neither Sweet nor Jamie came.He immediately ran to the library, but there was no sign of Sweet and Jamie in the library.

Mo Lin was sure that what happened just now was not a hallucination, but he was confused. If he really went back to the past, why did things go differently from before?This was not the case the first two times he went back to the past. The first time he did tease Peeves with James and the others, and the second time he actually listened to a history of magic again.

"What's the problem?" Maureen thought all the way back to the Gryffindor common room. Not long after he came back, Hugo opened the door of the lounge and walked in cursing.

"What's wrong? Hugo." Mo Lin saw that Hugo's body was wet, and his robe was still dripping with water.Hugo doesn't like the library, he just went to the playground to watch Quidditch practice.

"Peeves!" Hugo said angrily, "He got into a fight with me. He has been seeking revenge on me for the past two days. Just now he put a bucket on my head."

Since James and the others played tricks on Peeves, Peeves didn't look for James and Albus because of the ghost glue of James and Albus, but instead looked for Hugo. This is the fifth time that Peeves Got tricked by Peeves.

Maureen drew out his wand, pointed at Hugo's wet robe, and said, "The shadow of water disappears."

Puffs of water vapor came out of Hugo's whole robe, and then disappeared into the air.

"It's really a practical spell. I must learn it." Hugo said enviously. He had said that he wanted to learn Molin's spell no less than [-] times. Unfortunately, he used many spells very frowningly.

"Speaking of which, why didn't Peeves come to you? James and Albus know how to deal with Peeves. It's fine if Peeves didn't go to them, why didn't you come to you? Didn't you Did you play tricks on him?" Hugo said angrily.

Mo Lin also felt strange, since he played tricks on Peeves last time, he never saw Peeves again, every time Hugo was teased by Peeves, he was alone with Mo Lin I was never teased.

"Maybe Peeves thinks you're easier to bully?" Maureen sat back on the chair. He didn't really care about Peeves' affairs. He wanted to know where Sweet and Jamie were now more than Peeves. where.

"Did you see Sweet and Jamie?" Maureen asked.

"Why are you looking for that Sweet? I haven't met that guy a few times." Hugo shook his head, then remembered something, and said with bright eyes: "But having said that, I heard something just now, The Quidditch team is going to select substitutes this Saturday, and even first-year freshmen can participate in the substitutions, do you want to try it?"

"Substitutes? Does the school's Quidditch team have substitutes?" Morin asked in surprise.

He knew that in normal team matches, there are substitute players. A Quidditch match can only end when the Golden Snitch is caught. Sometimes the match lasts for several days, and players need to be replaced to sleep.But Hogwarts games are small games, and substitutes are rarely used.

"Yes, last year in the final between Gryffindor and Slytherin, the Seekers of the two teams were both admitted to the hospital because they collided with each other on the field. The game could not end without the Seekers. Impromptu as a Seeker, the Slytherin keeper finally caught the Snitch after twelve hours and won the game. James said that Slytherin was lucky that the Slytherin himself flew to the Slytherin keeper In hand." Hugo said regretfully.

James and Albus were also on the school team, James and Albus were both batsmen.

"In order to prevent the same situation from happening this year, the school allows each college to select substitute players, and first-year freshmen can also participate. There is not much chance to play, but next year, after the seventh-grade students leave school, they can become regulars. You You can try to sign up." Hugo suggested.

"Then you can try it." Mo Lin replied casually, but he was still thinking about what happened just now.

(End of this chapter)

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