Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 303 Magic Leap

Chapter 303 Magic Leap
"This magic spell can transfer other people's spells?" Mo Lin asked in surprise.

"Yes, the first space magic, which transfers other people's spells to another place. When you cast other spells on me, I can use your spells to attack yourself." Walker explained.

"Awesome!" Mo Lin couldn't help exclaiming, this is simply stronger than the rebound spell.

"Can any spell be transferred?" Mo Lin asked with great interest.

"It's related to your own magical ability. The more advanced the spell is, the harder it is to transfer it. If the transfer is unsuccessful, it means that you have fallen into your own spell. So it's best not to try to transfer a powerful spell lightly."

Walker looked at Maureen meaningfully: "For example, the Killing Curse."

Mo Lin was taken aback, thinking that if he failed to transfer the Killing Curse, it would be tantamount to putting his own life in it, and the gain outweighs the gain.

However, it is impossible for him to defeat Walker now. If Walker masters the "Spell Leap", any magic he casts will be transferred to himself.

Mo Lin didn't ask any more questions, he began to settle down to learn this very weird space magic.Walker didn't do anything to Molin anymore, he stood opposite Molin, and when Maureen didn't understand, Walker would explain it.

Mo Lin soon discovered that the magic of spell jump is more difficult than the almost theoretical magic of Fenglonglong.This kind of magic is equivalent to forcibly taking other people's spells, and then changing the trajectory of the spells, just like apparition, making other people's spells disappear from one place and appear in another.

He tried for two hours, but he couldn't cast the spell.

But Maureen was not discouraged, his greatest strength was that he would not give up.

It wasn't until the next morning that he finally managed to reveal a faint golden light.

"It's really complicated magic." Mo Lin stuffed a piece of chocolate into his mouth. Practicing magic requires physical strength, but he became excited again: "Come on, try casting a spell at me."

Walker didn't talk nonsense, he raised his hand and fired a stun spell at Molin. The stun spell was blocked by Molin's golden circle. When Molin was thinking of transferring the stun spell to Walker's back, he suddenly felt Not good.

"It's over."

Mo Lin's eyes went dark, and he fell to the ground again.

"Resuscitate quickly." Walker pointed his wand at Maureen's chest.

Maureen got up with a dejected look on his face. He failed to transfer the Stunning Spell successfully like Walker.

"The gap is too obvious." Mo Lin couldn't help muttering.

Compared with Walker's, the "spell leap" he cast is like the sun, moon and fireflies. Walker can transfer his stun spell, but he cannot transfer Walker's stun spell.

"During practice, can you cast a less powerful magic, such as the happiness spell or something, so that even if I can't avoid being hit by the magic spell, I can still make myself happy." Mo Lin suggested.

"Yes." Walker did not object.

This is much easier, and the process of learning magic should be joyful.

Then Maureen had a happy morning.

Although happy, Maureen felt terrible.

He couldn't even transfer his own happiness spell, and was hit by the happiness spell every time.

"Forget it, I'd better go to bed first!" Mo Lin yawned, he stayed up late and studied all night plus morning, with little effect, even the simple happiness spell could not be transferred.

"By the way, can I come here only when others are not around?" Mo Lin asked.

"No, page 229 is just for you," Walker said.

Mo Lin shrugged his shoulders, and ran to his dormitory to catch up on sleep with a tired face.


Mo Lin never thought that it would take him so long to fully master a spell. He used to learn magic, and at most a few hours of practice was enough. Even Arnock reluctantly admitted that he was a genius.

But the spell leap, Morin practiced for two weeks, but failed to transfer Walker's spell.As for him trying to defeat Walker with magic, it is even more impossible, because Walker can transfer any spell he casts.

Even a powerful spell like the Wind Prisoner Dragon can be transferred by Walker.Walker knew Maureen too well, he was another Maureen, and Walker knew exactly how to cast Maureen's magic, when to cast it, and what effect it would have.

In school, apart from the professor, it was the first time that Maureen was inferior to another person in magic.

"Really, when can I learn the second spell?"

Maureen sighed, only when he defeated Walker could he learn the second spell, and he was still a long way from this condition.

In November, Hogwarts seemed to have fallen into peace again. Everyone was used to the occasional explosion in the depths of the Forbidden Forest, and the centaurs did not attack the students again. The stone arch seems really just a statue, nothing happened.

School life is back on track, and Quidditch training has returned to normal, but every time it needs to be supervised by a professor.

While resting in the sun at noon, Maureen and Hugo were discussing about the extended ears of Weasley's 2.38 modified version.

"In the past, the telescopic ear needed to be connected by a wire, but now it is not needed. Just throw this ear anywhere, and you can hold the other ear at a distance, and you can eavesdrop on the sound, which is very effective." Hugo held Handed a pair of ears to Maureen.

"Excellent." Mo Lin turned those two ears over and over again, "How far is the eavesdropping distance?"

"50 meters?" Hugo grabbed one of the ears, pointed to the earlobe and said, "See the small eyes on this earlobe? This can also be used as a magic eye, and this ear will find a place by itself Hide, go spy on people, and use this mirror to see what the ear sees."

Hugo took out another small mirror the size of half a palm, and tapped the mirror with his magic wand. Hugo's face appeared in the mirror, and he was pointing the small eye of that ear at himself.

"James told me that this is just a test product, and it hasn't been fully sold. Anyway, I got two pairs of ears, so I'll give this to you, and you can improve it." Hugo said with a smile, "Think about it, we You can make this ear crawl to Lily's dormitory..."

Lily knocked Hugo's head angrily: "Then you are dead."

"Are you kidding!" Hugo stuck out his tongue.

An Ran ran over from a distance and greeted them.

"Next week is the first Quidditch match of this semester, Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw, Anran, who do you plan to support?" Hugo said to Anran with a smirk.

"Shut up, Hugo, it's embarrassing for you to talk like this." Lily glared at Hugo from the side.

"I'm just telling the truth, An Ran often comes to see Mo Lin, doesn't she?" Hugo yawned.

An Ran thought for a while and said, "I don't know much about Quidditch, but it's fine whoever wins."

Maureen didn't care about this. He didn't pay much attention to Quidditch recently, and was more concerned with learning how to defeat Walker with magic leap.

But there was another magnifying glass on Maureen's head behind him: "Don't worry about it, anyway, Maureen won't be able to participate in Quidditch next week."

(End of this chapter)

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