Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 30 The Disappearance Incident

Chapter 30 The Disappearance Incident
Maureen's broomstick was shaking from side to side. He tried hard to straighten the broomstick again, but the broomstick was out of his control and flew higher and higher. At this time, Carlo and Kom were approaching, and the Quaffle It also hit him.

Maureen barely lowered his head and dodged the Quaffle. Carlo had already turned around, and the end of the broom pushed against Maureen's body.At this time, Maureen made a very risky move. He jumped up from his flying broom and avoided Carlo. The moment Carlo fell into the air, he grabbed the tail of Carlo's flying broom and hung it. In mid-air.

Carlo's flying broomstick weighed one more person, especially when it was caught by the tail, it began to lean over. Carlo exclaimed and wanted to shake off Maureen, but his flying skills were not up to this level. Everyone was in a stalemate in the air, and Mo Lin had turned over and rode on the flying broomstick, sitting behind Carlo.

Carlo swung his elbow vigorously, trying to knock Maureen down, but Maureen had already pulled out his wand, and shouted that everything was petrified, and Carlo froze all over.

"This method can't help me." Mo Lin controlled the flying broom and landed on the ground.

"Dirty tricks! Carlo and Colm, ten points for Slytherin!" Mrs. Hooch shouted at Carlo angrily. She happened to see how Carlo and Colm dealt with Merlin just now, and then See how Maureen saves herself.

Madam Hooch looked at Molin in surprise, jumped up on the out-of-control flying broomstick, and then accurately grabbed Carlo's flying broomstick, such agility: "Molin, yes, you performed very well! This kind of Skills that even Al can't do, very good! But remember, wands are not allowed on the court."

Mrs. Hooch lifted the petrification curse on Carlo, and criticized Carlo severely.

When get out of class was over, Hugo kept holding his nose and arguing with Lily non-stop. He was hit by Lily's Quaffle several times.

"You did really well just now!" Lily exclaimed to Maureen, "Seriously, you should join the school Quidditch team."

"First-year freshmen cannot participate in the Quidditch competition, let's talk about it next year!" Mo Lin looked at Hugo and couldn't help laughing: "Actually, Lily, you should also participate in the Quidditch selection. You'd better be a Batter, hit the Bludger hard on the nose!"

"Yeah, whoever becomes Lily's opponent will suffer!" Hugo said angrily.

Hogwarts, a mysterious magical castle, is said to hide many secrets, one of which is the Room of Requirement.But when Mo Lin and the others went to the eighth floor to look for the Room of Requirement, they couldn't find the Room of Requirement, as if the room had really disappeared.

Time passed quickly, and Molin had been in school for a month in a blink of an eye, and the course of learning magic was still very easy for Molin, except for the confused Muggle studies and the disaster astronomy that made Molin feel unbelievable , other courses are not difficult for Maureen.

"I really envy that Lily doesn't have to study Muggle studies. Professor Charles has assigned a lot of homework. Maureen, how do Muggles communicate with each other? Are they also using owls?" Hugo asked while holding the parchment.It's the weekend, and the two of them are catching up on homework in the common room.

Maureen said uncertainly: "Maybe they use dogs? I remember that many Muggle families have dogs. They should use dogs to convey messages, just like we keep owls."

"Oh, so it is!" Hugo quickly wrote the answer on the parchment.

Mo Lin looked at the constellation map in front of him with a sad face. Professor Sinista asked them to record the constellation map of Saturday night. He took a telescope and searched the sky for a long time, but the star positions recorded were different from Hugo's. .

"It's really terrible. Why do I see different planets from you?" Maureen has been criticized by Professor Sinista in every astronomy class for a month, and he is now Professor Sinista's least favorite. student.

"It's okay, you can just copy it from me in the future." Hugo said righteously, except for astronomy, which he could complete by himself, he basically copied Molin's homework such as Charms and Transfiguration.

The two helped each other, and it was not difficult to complete the homework. With Maureen around, they could basically get high marks.Of course, apart from the Muggle Studies class, two people who knew nothing about Muggles did the Muggle Studies homework together, and they basically relied on guessing about the Muggle lifestyle, and the probability of guessing correctly was disastrous.

Lily pushed open the door of the common room and walked in. After finding Maureen and Hugo, she ran over and said, "Another person is missing from the school! A girl from Ravenclaw."

"When did it happen?" Hugo stopped writing and asked.

Mo Lin's heart moved, and he asked tentatively, "Did he disappear the morning before yesterday?"

Lily said in surprise: "How do you know?"

Maureen shook his head: "I guess."

Lily looked at Molin suspiciously: "You guessed right! That's right, Ravenclaw and the Hufflepuffs took Potions together the morning before yesterday, and the freshman named Delia didn't go to class. I haven't seen you for two days."

Mo Lin was getting more and more surprised. Of course he didn't guess it, because just the morning before yesterday, after he finished a history of magic class, he was going to take Defense Against the Dark Arts, but inexplicably returned to before the history of magic class, and then Once I experienced a class like a lullaby taught by Professor Binns.

Maureen had been thinking about this question throughout the history of magic class. He didn't understand why he would re-experience time again, and there was no sign when he went back to the past. He was sure that he hadn't touched anything.

The last time he went back to the past, Mosby happened to disappear at that time, and when he went back to the past this time, Delia of Ravenclaw also happened to disappear.

"Is it a coincidence or..." Mo Lin put down his pen and was puzzled by what happened to him. If one time was a coincidence, what about two times?
"Maureen, what are you thinking?" Lily asked strangely.

Mo Lin hesitated for a long time, but still didn't say anything about it.Going back to the past is too unbelievable. If there is no conclusive evidence, it is useless to say it.

"No, I was just wondering why that person disappeared." Mo Lin said.

"Don't think too much, it's probably a freshman who got lost again. Hogwarts is such a big school. When I came back last night, I got lost near the library on the fifth floor. Fortunately, I met Nick, who was almost headless." Rain Guo said indifferently.

"Have you been doing your homework all day? Let me see." Lily grabbed Hugo's Muggle Studies homework, glanced at the answers on it, and then laughed: "Who told you that the Muggle police are A milkman? Cops and Aurors are the same thing!"

Both Hugo and Maureen sighed, their answers were both wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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