Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 220 Muggle Office Building

Chapter 220 Muggle Office Building

"Janet, where is he?" Alton asked.

"According to the information left over from the traces of magic, Lucas is in an office building three streets away from here, and he doesn't seem to plan to leave." Janet pointed to Alton with a black map in her hand.

"We'll go over right away. Janet, you and Anderson are here to restore the building. There are quite a few Muggles around, so explain the leak of toxic chemicals and let them leave quickly."

Alton has a good reputation in the Ministry of Magic, knows a lot of people, and is a retired senior official, so his words are more important, and everyone defaults to him as the leader.

Janet pulled out her wand and transformed her wizard robes into a suit.

"Janet, this suit is for men, and it's not suitable for you." Anderson reminded.

"Really? Sorry, I don't know much about Muggles, so let's just settle for a bit!"

Alton and Edmund had disapparated and disappeared into the air, and Maureen had disappeared with them.

Maureen appeared behind a hidden trash can. When he poked his head out, he happened to see Alton and Edmund standing outside the building, casting a confinement spell on the building to prevent apparition.

At this time, there were still many people running out of the building in a panic. These people were all Muggles, and they usually worked in this office building. Now suddenly there was a commotion in the work place, and everyone seemed to be in a panic.

"Fire." A woman in high-heeled shoes yelled anxiously, and she lost one of her high-heeled shoes: "The ninth floor is full of fire."

"There was a flood on our eighth floor!" Another chubby fat man rushed out, staggered, and almost rolled on the ground. He still had his employee ID card hanging around his neck, and said to the colleague next to him with a terrified expression: " I also saw my boss fall into the toilet and be flushed away! Yes, flushed away by the toilet!"

"Great! He was washed away... Oh no, I mean, it's too bad!" Another man with dark circles and bad hair wearing black glasses frame suppressed his happy expression and looked regretful. Said: "Although he is stingy, mean, and likes to make things difficult for others, I love him."

With the help of the guards, the Muggles quickly evacuated the office building. Alton and Edmund squeezed through the crowd and rushed towards the building.

"He's still in there, isn't he? Nakola," Alton yelled.

There were two other wizards at the scene, two people from the Auror department, who were there to maintain order and monitor the people who ran out.

"Yes, Anderson contacted us, he can't escape."

Nakola is a green-haired young woman with an excellent figure, her hair is cut short, and she looks very energetic. Although her voice is very sweet, she is definitely not a witch to be messed with.

"Be careful, Nakola. He could escape, but he stays here. There may be some purpose. Don't let your guard down." A black-haired wizard with rough and dark yellow skin said dully.

"Understood, Turman. He created a panic for Muggles, don't let him get out." Nakola had already set up a ripple invisible to Muggles at the door, and once a wizard passed through, he would be trapped. Stay for a while, so they will know immediately.

After the last Muggle came out, Nakola and Turman had already opened a gap in the magic ripple, and rushed into the building first, followed by Alton and Edmund.

This office building is ten floors high, and the dark green glass windows on the outside still reflect sunlight, so it doesn't look unusual.

The Muggles were still talking loudly about what happened upstairs, how it was a flood and a fire. When Molin pushed through the crowd, he heard a woman with heavy makeup say that their third floor had turned into a swamp.

This area has been imprisoned by Alton's magic. It is impossible to apparate directly, only by walking.

He also passed through the magic ripple. The magic ripple is ineffective for people coming from outside. When he ran into the hall, there was no one there, only documents and various messy footprints all over the floor, and some Muggle dropped high heels and more.

Alton and the others disappeared at the stairs, and everyone took out the flying broomsticks from their pockets. Obviously, if apparition was not possible here, the flying broomsticks became the first choice.

Mo Lin sighed, he would have known that he would have brought the flying broom here too.

"Forget it, I won't go up."

Maureen had nothing to do to join in the fun. If Lucas was trapped in this building, with Alton and his abilities, it shouldn't be difficult to catch Lucas.

But at this moment, a strange feeling emerged in his heart again. This feeling came so abruptly that it almost made him tense up immediately.

"What's going on? Is it coming again?"

This is the third time Maureen has felt this way. The first time was at the Muggle Opera House, and the second time was in the woods. Both times he saw very strange people, so this time...

Maureen picked up a piece of paper, turned it into a baseball cap, put it on his head, put a mask on himself, and changed the color of his clothes to avoid being recognized by others.

He looked around for a while, trying to find out where that strange feeling came from, but just like the previous two times, this feeling was everywhere, but he couldn't find out the source.

Duoyi tightly grasped the clothes on Mo Lin's shoulders, yelled twice, pointed at the fire hydrant, and danced.

"That fire...is there a problem with the fire hydrant?" Mo Lin asked after reading the text on it. He didn't quite know what the fire hydrant was for.

Doi nodded.

Molin cautiously moved to the side of the fire hydrant. Inside, there was a large pile of flat white wide bands neatly entangled. There was also a fire extinguisher placed on the side. A silver round valve switch was connected to a thick red pipe. There is nothing wrong.

"Disappeared without a trace."

Maureen tapped the glass of the fire hydrant with his magic wand, and the glass disappeared immediately. He checked the fire extinguisher and cast a spell to detect magic. Unfortunately, the ripples in the whole building seemed chaotic, and it was obvious that the building was flooded with with magic.

"Hurry up, don't let him run away, he's on the fourth floor!" Alton's voice came from the stairs, and there was the sound of magic spells blasting the wall and breaking tiles.

When Mo Lin was about to turn his head to look at the stairs, the hose of the fire hydrant in front of him suddenly twisted quickly and entangled towards Mo Lin.

"What the hell!"

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Mo Lin immediately cast an Iron Armor Curse to separate the fire hose, but when he took a closer look, where was the shadow of the fire hose?
The surroundings became dark again, and the office building also changed a different tone. The walls that were originally brand new and bright turned dark gray unknowingly, and the floor was originally white tiles, but now it turned into red wooden boards.

The surrounding area was empty, and it seemed very silent, even Alton's voice disappeared.

"Is it the same situation again?"

Mo Lin remembered the last time when he was in the woods, Hugo said he was drifting away, so is it also possible here?

He stepped on the wall with one foot, and then he turned his body and shifted his center of gravity to the wall. In a blink of an eye, he was standing firmly on the wall.

"Sure enough, what is this place?"

Mo Lin ran along the wall to the front corridor, this time he wanted to figure it out!

(End of this chapter)

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