Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 206 The Man With the Ax

Chapter 206 The Man With the Ax

The forest was eerily silent, only the footsteps of Mo Lin and the others creaked.

"Mo Lin." An Ran said softly.

"What's wrong? Are you scared?" Mo Lin asked.

An Ran shook her head: "No, I feel like I'm walking back again."

Maureen stopped and said, "Are you sure?"

With the help of the white light that appeared above them, An Ran pointed to a crooked neck tree in front, and said, "I remember you marked this crooked neck tree just now."

"Impossible! There is no kerosene lamp conjured by Maureen here, is there?" Hugo glanced back, and there was a row of kerosene lamps behind them all the way, leading to the distance: "Molin, your magic How long can it last?"

"One hour, the magic I cast is rough." Mo Lin said.The more concentrated the magic, the longer it will last. In order to hurry, Mo Lin just cast a simple transformation in a hurry.

"That's okay, we only walked for less than 10 minutes." Hugo said.

But Mo Lin was slightly taken aback suddenly. He stepped on the branch, stretched out his hand and stroked the branch spouted by the crooked-neck tree in front of him, his face became serious.

"What An Ran said is right, my magic still remains here." Mo Lin illuminated the branch with a light, and he could clearly perceive the traces of magic he left on it, there is no doubt that he had cast magic here just now.

Hugo was taken aback: "So we've been spinning in circles?"

Maureen nodded: "I'm afraid so."

He shone the light source he created into the depths of the woods ahead. The light source had low visibility, and the surroundings seemed to be engulfed by thick darkness. The light source could not penetrate too far. Line of sight is more obstructed.

He jumped forward and found the footprints of the three of them on a muddy moss ahead.

"We are really turning around in place. This forest should be cast with some kind of magic." Mo Lin said in a deep voice.

Hugo broke off a branch and said, "Then we can only try plan B, right?"

"Do we have a plan B?" An Ran asked curiously.

Hugo smiled and gestured to his wand: "This plan is relatively simple. As long as I cast a magic casually, people from the Ministry of Magic will come to trouble me."

"They'll just send you a letter, right?" Molin knew the rules of the Ministry of Magic. No one would come here to look for him. At most, he would send an owl to warn him.

"But my mother will know! She works in the Ministry of Magic, and she will come over and reprimand me immediately." Hugo looked at the sky, and suddenly became distressed: "Oh no! I forgot, it is night now, she should be off work , I guess I won’t know until I go to work tomorrow.”

"So we're going to spend the night here?" An Ran asked with some concern.

"No, we'll find a way to get out."

Mo Lin casually glanced at the forest in front of him. At this moment, he saw a figure walking slowly in the thin fog in front of him. Suddenly appeared from the air, Mo Lin hadn't seen this person just now.

"That person is——have you seen that person?" Mo Lin asked, pointing to the figure that suddenly appeared.

"Who do you see?" Hugo and An Ran looked in the direction Mo Lin pointed in puzzlement, but Mo Lin saw that the person had walked into the darkness and disappeared from his sight.

"I didn't see it, is it Margery? Hey! Mr. Margery, are you there?" Hugo shouted loudly.

No one answered, and the woods remained silent.

"Let's follow up, he was just ahead, we should be able to catch up with him." Mo Lin waved to Hugo and An Ran, then climbed up the steep mountain road, and walked quickly towards the figure he saw just now.

He didn't dare to be too reckless this time, and he didn't run too fast, so that Hugo and An Ran could keep up. Soon he saw the figure again. The figure in front of him turned a corner in the woods and disappeared into a long road. The end of the weedy cul-de-sac.

"It's right there, follow me closely, don't fall behind." Mo Lin walked towards the path ahead.

"But I didn't see anything!"

Hugo stretched his neck and looked towards the end of the path in front of him. The road was very difficult to walk, with potholes and moss on the ground. Hugo accidentally fell again.

"Oh! I'm so unlucky."

"Are you okay?" Mo Lin stopped and pulled Hugo up.

"Fortunately, I should wear a pair of non-slip shoes next time..." Hugo complained.

With a flick of his wand, Maureen transformed Hugo's shoes into hiking boots, and changed his and Enron's shoes as well.

"I forgot, I should have done this long ago." Hugo jumped on the spot twice.

"Hurry up, follow up first, if there is someone in the woods, maybe we can ask the way."

Mo Lin thought that this is a tourist attraction, maybe the person in front of him is the forest ranger of the scenic spot, or some mountaineer, no matter who it is, it is better to find an adult than their three teenagers. .

They had already reached the end of the path where the original figure disappeared, but Mo Lin found that there was no road ahead at all, only a piece of blunt-leaved grass grew horizontally.

"I just saw a person disappear in this place. It's strange. Why did he disappear?" Mo Lin stared at the dark forest in front of him, and fell into deep thought.

"Could it be... is it a ghost?" An Ran asked in a low voice, "I heard that some ghosts can eat people."

Mo Lin and Hugo looked at each other, and Hugo laughed loudly: "Ghosts don't know how to eat people. There are ghosts in our school, such as a ghost whose head almost broke off."

"Ah? Then, aren't you afraid?" An Ran's eyes widened. She was born as a Muggle, and ghosts are a kind of legend to her.

"Don't be afraid, An Ran." Mo Lin pointed at the light source in the air with his wand, let it float to the front to explore the way, and then explained: "Ghosts are nothing to be afraid of, they are harmless to us, of course there may be some ghosts Like to play tricks on people, but we are wizards, don't be afraid of them."

Mo Lin stepped on the blunt-leaved grass in front carefully, and found that the road was not easy to walk, so he retracted his foot again, and the light source in front also slowly flew back, illuminating the dark woods along the way, and there was no Didn't see anything strange.

He raised his head to look up the slope again, and then he was slightly taken aback!
That figure was actually on the slope!
This person was wearing long jeans with suspenders, a pair of rain boots under his feet, and a straw hat with a hole missing, and he was holding an ax in his hand. With the help of the faint light, Mo Lin saw that there was still bright red on the ax of blood.

Mo Lin gasped, not only because this person was holding a blood-stained axe, but also because the way this person walked was very strange. The slope was very steep, almost at a ninety-degree angle to the ground, but He stepped on it step by step, as if he was walking on the ground, as if he was standing on a steep slope. Ordinary people could not do this at all.

"Did you see it? This is the man." Mo Lin turned around and said in a low voice.

But when he turned his head to look, where were the shadows of Hugo and An Ran?

Not only that, but the person in front with the bloody ax seemed to have heard what Mo Lin said, and turned around slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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