Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 196 The Invisible Man

Chapter 196 The Invisible Man

When this hand rested on Mo Lin, Mo Lin felt as if he was pulled back from the darkness, and his eyes became bright again. The lighting magic cast by Alton was still floating in mid-air, and the chairs that were originally full of spectators It has also become tattered again, as if nothing happened.

"Molin, are you okay?" Alton looked at Molin suspiciously.

Mo Lin found himself standing at the entrance of the opera hall, with a broken glass door in front of him, and the man who was hanging upside down in front of him just now disappeared.He tentatively stretched out his wand and touched the man with green eyes just now, but he couldn't touch anything.

Alton looked at Molin's weird movements, and asked worriedly: "Are you uncomfortable? Molin, why did you walk this way suddenly?"

Mo Lin came back to his senses and asked puzzledly: "Grandpa, didn't you see some people just now? This is here—"

Maureen pointed to the ceiling, walls and auditorium: "It's filled with some strange people?"

"It's full of strange people? Who are they?" Alton looked left and right, then looked at Mo Lin, "There is no one! But you, when I went to the stage to check the situation, what did you come behind? Yes Are you scared and want to go home?"

"I'm not afraid, Grandpa, you really didn't see anyone?" Mo Lin moved his eyes to the stage of the performance, and said in surprise: "What about the piano?"

"I also want to know that the piano suddenly disappeared before I jumped on it," Alton said.

"Missing?" Mo Lin frowned.

The people who appeared just now were all listening to the piano performance, why did they disappear all of a sudden?

Alton looked around, and said: "The magic here is a bit weird, it appears and disappears from time to time, I don't know who has cast a curse, and played us a bit."

"Did you really cast a curse?" Mo Lin looked up at the ceiling again, where the man was standing there looking upside down just now.

But is all this just an illusion created by magic?Why do hallucinations seem so real?Especially when the man talked to him just now, it was very strange.

"Look, your torch is shaking. Did you touch anything when you walked here just now?" Alton asked.

Mo Lin looked down, only to find that the feather duster in his hand was blazing, and the feathers of the fire squirrel were burning very vigorously.

"I don't know, I've been holding it in my hand, maybe I accidentally cast magic?" Mo Lin was uncertain.

When the strange thing happened just now, he was only looking at the people who suddenly appeared in the auditorium, the ceiling and the wall, and he forgot that he was still holding the torch used to detect the traces of magic.

"No, the person holding it will not be detected when casting magic. You must have accidentally touched something when you walked over just now. Let's take a look."

Alton took the torch in Molin's hand, waved it to let the flame go out, and then searched the aisle that Maureen walked all the way, sweeping even the corners of the floor, but this time the torch didn't appear again. burn up.

"Looking for traces!"

Alton cast the tracing spell again, and the magic ripples spread out, but they didn't collide randomly like before for a long time, and all the ripples disappeared at the end of the wall regularly.

"There is no magic in this place anymore?" Alton scratched his bald head in a little surprise. The lack of confusion in the tracing spell meant that the magic in the performance hall had dissipated.

Mo Lin was very puzzled, why did all the magic here suddenly fail?What is wrong?

Edmund and Brent walked down the stairs.

"Alton, I've checked above, and there's nothing there," Edmund said.

"It's the same here. This guy's methods are really powerful. Why did the Muggles close this opera house? Is it poor management?" Alton asked.

"I don't know, I'll check it out tomorrow." Edmund waved the air and covered his nose, "The smell here is too bad, I'm allergic to it."

Alton swept the broken glass door twice with the torch, and then said: "Okay, it's getting late, let's go back first, and take a look tomorrow."

They walked out of the Opera House together. Alton and Edmund cast the Muggle Repelling Curse on the Opera House together, and also cast a series of protective magics such as the Imprisonment Curse to prevent wizards from breaking in, and then brought Molin go home.

"What's the matter? Seeing your absent-minded appearance, is there any discomfort?"

Alton took Maureen's suits out of his handbag, enlarged them again, waved his wand, the luggage opened by itself, and the clothes inside flew to the closet in Maureen's room, one by one honestly. Hang up solidly.

"No, I'm just—" Maureen shrugged, "I'm a little sleepy, I'll go to sleep first."

Mo Lin walked back to his bedroom and lay on the bed, but he was thinking about what he saw just now. The people who suddenly appeared in the opera house were too weird to justify.

"Doi, this is not a hallucination, is it?" Mo Lin tilted his head to face Doi who was rolling on the pillow.

"Doi! Doi!" Doi shook his head, screamed twice, danced and danced, as if he wanted to express something, but Mo Lin didn't understand.

"I know you saw it too." Mo Lin touched Doi's head.


The next day, Alton went to the opera house again, and Maureen followed him anyway.But they searched the opera house again, and this time there was no singing at the traffic lights outside, as if everything had returned to calm.

Not only that, but even the 500-meter walk that took several hours returned to normal.

"Maybe it was better if we scared the guy who cast the jinx away yesterday and saved a lot of trouble."

Alton is quite satisfied with this result. Their job is to prevent magic from affecting the lives of Muggles, and he can't take care of other things so much.

Mo Lin didn't want to understand this matter, and the opera house returned to normal, so he quickly put it behind him.

The summer vacation has just begun, and Mo Lin has no plans for the summer vacation, the only plan is to practice advanced magic.

Alton usually stays at home. He has retired and doesn't need to go to work. Only when Edmund and the others have something they can't solve, will they come to trouble Alton.

Maureen didn't tell his grandfather that he couldn't be predicted, so he kept it from his grandfather that he could perform magic outside of school without being noticed by the Ministry of Magic.

But when Alton was at home, Maureen was greatly restricted from practicing magic. He often used going out to play as an excuse to find a place where there were no people to practice magic.

On the fifth day of the holiday, Hugo sent a distress letter.

Hugo's mother actually enrolled Hugo in a Muggle summer camp, and drove him to live with Muggle children to experience the Muggle lifestyle.

"Molin, come and save me, let me stay with Muggles for ten days, I will collapse!"

The lines in Hugo's letter were full of deep despair, and Mo Lin couldn't help laughing because he wanted to get out of the sea of ​​suffering but couldn't achieve it.

But he also thought that maybe he could go and be with Hugo as a company. Anyway, there is no fun at home. He heard that the summer camp was in the mountains, so he could practice magic in an open place by the way.

He shared this idea with Alton.

"You're going to a Muggle summer camp?" Alton asked in surprise, "I always thought you didn't like Muggles."

"Grandpa, I just don't know about Muggles. It's not that I don't like them. I have no problem with Muggles." Molin assured, "This will help me learn my Muggle knowledge."

"That's okay, there are only ten days. I'll go get some Muggle money and see how to sign up by the way. Muggle knowledge really needs to be learned, they are very smart." Alton agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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