Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 194 Opera Performance Hall

Chapter 194 Opera Performance Hall

"What? Someone?"

Alton's expression changed, he turned around and looked towards the end of the corridor, but saw nothing.At the end of the corridor is the entrance to the performance hall. It is a yellow glass door, one of which has been cracked.

"Someone is hanging upside down and staring at us?" Alton waved his wand and whispered: "The figure appears."

An invisible ripple quickly spread out, headed for the door, passed through the shattered glass, and disappeared into the darkness, but nothing came back after 2 minutes.

"No one. My spell only touched Edmund and Brent. Did you read it wrong? Norm didn't smell people just now. Norm's nose can't go wrong."

Alton listened carefully for a while. The house was cast with a confinement spell, and it was not that easy to disapparate out, but there was no sound of someone triggering the confinement spell.

"It's impossible to read it wrong. Just now, there was a person hanging upside down behind the glass door, with disheveled hair, a cold face, and green eyes."

Mo Lin frowned, he could see clearly, it couldn't be a hallucination, but the man just disappeared in a flash and disappeared suddenly.

"Could it be some kind of ghost?" Alton walked quickly to the glass door, opened the glass door, approached the performance hall, and waved another spell: "The ghost appears."

The spell remained silent.

"Grandpa, I can still recognize the ghost. There are too many ghosts in the school. The one just now was a human!"

Mo Lin looked at the performance hall of the opera house. This performance hall is divided into three floors, distributed in a circle, and can accommodate about 2000 people. The seats on the first floor are arranged in a trapezoidal shape step by step.The seats were covered with red soft cloth, some chairs were covered with cobwebs, and some seats had fallen to the ground, in bad condition.

The floor of the performance stage in front was cracked, as if it had been eaten by moths, and was full of dust. On the stage, there were only a few iron poles horizontally in the center, and a few broken lighting lamps hung unevenly.

"What's the matter? Alton, you used the revealing spell just now, didn't you?" Edmund poked his head out from the railing of the auditorium on the second floor.

"Yes, Maureen said he saw a person, did you see it?" Alton shouted.

"No, we didn't see anything, Alton," Edmund said.

Brent also poked his head out from the third floor and said, "I just saw a bunch of rats."

"Then you continue to look for the magic things, be careful." After Alton finished speaking, he turned his head and said to Mo Lin, "I shouldn't bring you to this kind of place, you are too young to be afraid of such a gloomy place , hallucinations are normal, do you want me to take you home first?"

"No, no, I still want to see what black magic is like." Mo Lin said quickly.

"Then you follow me closely, oh yes, call God to protect you."

Alton's wand shot out a silver light, and the silver light jumped twice in the air, turning into a tall bear. This bear stood taller than Molin standing upright. Standing in the midair behind Molin, a mighty The fierce bear's paw rested on Mo Lin's shoulder.

"This way you won't be afraid." Alton said lovingly.

Patronuses can bring people a sense of security and dispel darkness and dampness. Their role is not just as simple as dealing with dementors.

Duoyi stared curiously at the big bear on Mo Lin's shoulder, and kept scratching the bear's nose, as if he liked the cheerful breath emanating from the big bear.

"I like this big bear, maybe I can summon it too."

Mo Lin looked up at the bear that was two heads taller than him, and raised his hand to touch the big white bear's chin. The big white bear lowered his head and rubbed his nose against Mo Lin's head, showing a naive smile.With such a big beast standing behind Mo Lin, he felt full of security.

"This magic is not easy. Many adult wizards may not be able to summon it. Let's talk about it in the future."

Alton waved a bunch of balls of light again, floating on the ceiling, illuminating the entire performance hall as bright as day, and dispelling the darkness all at once.

"How can I help? Grandpa." Morin asked.

"You just have to wait."

"Give me a chance, Grandpa, maybe I can work in the Ministry of Magic in the future, you know, to gain some experience in advance." Molin took out his wand enthusiastically.

Alton glanced at Maureen and said suspiciously: "I didn't know you had the idea of ​​working for the Ministry of Magic."

"It's just a way out, so be prepared."

Maureen was not actually interested in the work of the Ministry of Magic, because Alton used to write a lot of action reports, which seemed very boring, and Maureen didn't like to report to anyone what he did.

"If you're going to work for the Ministry of Magic, I can introduce you. I know quite a few people." Alton seemed very happy with Maureen's decision. He is also a retired official of the Ministry of Magic, so he still has connections.

Alton took out a feather duster from his pocket and handed it to Molin: "You can't use magic outside of school, so use this, the feather of a fire squirrel, we all call it a torch, this will catch fire once magic is detected. Oh, You don’t need to put away the wand, if you encounter any danger and use magic boldly, don’t worry, don’t stay too far away from me, I will let the patron saint follow you.”

Maureen took the torch, which not only reminded him of Mrs. Pince who walked around the school library all day, cleaning the books with a feather duster.

Mo Lin swept the torch over the dusty broken chairs, and soon he regretted it, because the torch was not specially designed to clean up the dust. When he swept it, the dust flew all over the sky instead, making him ashamed.

They checked every row of auditorium, even a soda can that was crushed on the ground. In this bright opera hall, there was another patron saint following behind him, even if they saw a picture just now. The upside-down face, Mo Lin felt that it was no big deal.

Maureen walked to the edge of the stage, looked at the empty stage, and then saw a small room next to the stage, he opened the door and walked into that room, there were some broken clothes hangers, and some plastic dummies Arms, some plastic bags piled up in the corner, should be a dressing room.

He checked the room and found nothing unusual. He walked out again and found that Grandpa Alton had just walked into the toilet in the corridor opposite the exit passage, and was going to check there.

Mo Lin glanced at the stage inadvertently, and was suddenly taken aback!
"Grandpa!" said Maureen.

"What's the matter? Did something happen?" Alton hurriedly ran out from the aisle of the toilet and asked.

Maureen pointed to the stage and said, "Grandpa, did you see that thing when we came in just now?"

At some point, a brand new black lacquered piano appeared on the stage. The piano was bright and tidy, in stark contrast to the dilapidated stage!

"When did this piano appear here?" Alton was also taken aback, looking at the piano on the stage in surprise.

"I don't know, I didn't see this piano before I went to that dressing room, but I saw it as soon as I came out." Mo Lin said.

Alton frowned. A brand-new piano appeared in this dilapidated place, which was incompatible with the surrounding decay, which was really weird.

"You wait here, I'll go take a look."

Alton summoned a step in the air with his wand, and then stepped on the step carefully. When he walked onto the stage floor, he even tapped with his wand to make sure there was nothing strange before walking up.

Alton's feet creaked on the dilapidated floorboards, which was crystal clear in the empty opera house.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

The black and white keys of the piano on the stage began to jump up quickly, and he played the piano sound in a hurry!
All the lighting magic that Alton had just cast disappeared, and the surroundings were plunged into darkness, leaving only a beam of light on the stage, illuminating the piano.

Not only that, but Mo Lin felt a cold air hit, and Alton went to nowhere in the blink of an eye, and the patron saint of the great white bear behind him suddenly disappeared!

(End of this chapter)

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