Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 191 Holidays

Chapter 191 Holidays
During the exam week, everyone was busy preparing for the exam, only Maureen was relatively relaxed, and he was basically liberated after astronomy and Muggle studies.Although he often talked with Hugo in class, talking about some things, but Mo Lin has not fallen behind in his studies, and he basically knows it without much review.

But he has to help Hugo, Hugo usually doesn't study very seriously, and Mo Lin doesn't want Hugo to fail.With Maureen's help, Hugo catches up on a lot of lessons and doesn't look too bad.

At the end of June, they finally finished the last History of Magic exam, ending the final exam.

"It's great. You have passed all the important points you gave me. I'm sure I won't fail the history of magic." Hugo happily lay on the grass outside the castle with Maureen, and said, "By the way, during the summer vacation you What do you plan to do?"

"I don't know, I haven't figured it out yet. Maybe I will go to the Muggle world with my grandfather. Practice is more important than theory. I live in the Muggle community anyway."

Molin really wanted to catch up on his poor Muggle knowledge during the summer vacation. The generation gap between Muggles and wizards was too big. If he didn't get in touch with them in person, Molin wouldn't be interested at all.Although he lived with Muggles, when he was not in school, Muggle children thought he was a freak and didn't like to play with him because of his heterochromatic pupils.

Originally, Molin planned to go to Anok to learn magic during the summer vacation, but Anok said that he had some things to deal with during the summer vacation and asked Molin to learn magic by himself.Morin will not be caught by the Ministry of Magic for using magic outside of school, which makes it easier for him to learn magic.

"I should go to Romania for a while to see the fire dragon. Uncle Charlie said that I might have the opportunity to ride on the back of a dragon and become a dragon knight. What a majestic thing!" Hugo looked very happy.

"You can't go anywhere, Hugo." Lily sat down and said with a satisfied face: "Your mother enrolled you in a summer camp class, because you are so bad at Muggle studies, she plans to let you go to summer camp Wait a while."

"What's a summer camp?" Hugo asked puzzled.

"Oh, it's a way for Muggle students to experience life outdoors in the summer, such as how to cook in the wild, how to pick wild vegetables so that they don't starve to death, and how to set up tents for camping. I have been there with James before." Lily explained.

"It sounds boring." Hugo frowned, "But how do you know? I haven't even received a letter from my mother."

"Rose said it." Lily thought for a while, then smiled again, "It was also Rose who told your mother about the fact that you did poorly in Muggle studies, and she probably suggested it."

"That nasty guy." Hugo said through gritted teeth, "No one can stop me from going to Romania to be a dragon knight! That stupid summer camp, the ghosts want to go!"

"Lily, what are your plans for the summer vacation?" Mo Lin asked.

"Me? I should go on a trip with my family. My mother may take us to New York. I heard that there is also a school of magic in New York." Lily stretched her waist.

"Forget it! Hogwarts is the best school of magic, and I have no interest in other schools." Hugo said.


The grades were announced at the end of June. Seven of Morin's eight courses were excellent, and only astronomy barely got a pass, which is a fly in the ointment.

With the help of Molin, Hugo's grades are good and not bad except for History of Magic, which is a pass.They packed up their luggage and boarded the return train.

"The train should be safe now." Hugo dragged his big suitcase with difficulty. "I heard that each carriage is now equipped with a staff member of the Ministry of Magic."

Maureen took out his wand and cast a lightening spell on Hugo's big box, so that he didn't seem to be struggling so much.When they found their compartment, they saw a wizard with freckles on his face and a long nose, standing at the door and inspecting.

"I thought you were going to Hogsmeade, coming home with your father."

Alton originally planned to come to Hogsmeade to pick up Maureen, but Maureen still planned to take the train back.He stood at the door. The wizard wore the nameplate of the Ministry of Magic staff on his chest and held a magic detection stick in his hand. He scanned Molin before motioning him to get in the car.

"My dad doesn't like me going there very much." Hugo looked at the first box through the glass, which was full of people, and he walked back with his light luggage.

"That's because you're always stealing from the store," Lily said.

"Shall I just take it? How do you call it stolen?" Hugo retorted.

Mo Lin couldn't help laughing. Hugo's father is the store manager, and it doesn't seem too much for the store manager's son to take things from the store.

They managed to find an empty carriage, and the train headed for London.


"How's your semester going?" Alton smiled and lifted Maureen's light luggage.

"Great, I'm a good boy, you know." Maureen was very optimistic.

"Yes, yes, good boy." Alton rumpled Maureen's hair lovingly, and glanced at the fireplace at the train station, where wizards and students waiting to use the fireplace to go home huddled together.

"The fireplace at the train station has always been unreliable." Alton took out his pocket watch to check the time, "I'm in a hurry, so I'll take you home with Apparation first."

Sometimes too many people use the wizard's fireplace, which will cause congestion, especially the fireplace in a place like the station. If too many people want to come out at the same time, they have to wait for a while in the flames.While waiting, the flames will keep spinning, making people dizzy.

"Grandpa, where are you going?" Mo Lin asked.

"Oh, Edmund just sent me a letter. He said that there seems to be a curse on a Muggle town. There is a problem with one of the roads. They haven't been able to find the source of the curse for a week. I'll go and see Look." Alton said.

"I'll go too." Mo Lin said with interest.

"No, I don't know what's causing the trouble there, I can't take you on an adventure." Alton said seriously.

"Grandpa, aren't you here? I'm just going to learn more, so I won't cause trouble. And I'm bored at home alone, what if I blow up the house?"

"You are already in the first grade, how can magic get out of control?"

"It gets out of hand when you're bored."

Alton couldn't hold back Molin. He loved Molin too much. Thinking about Molin's age, nothing would happen.

"Okay, okay, then be obedient and don't run around."

"You're on point, Grandpa." Mo Lin snapped his fingers and said casually, "The word obedient fits me best."

"Really? Why am I so suspicious?"

Alton looked disbelieving. He stuffed Molin's large suitcase into his briefcase, then shrunk the briefcase and put it in his pocket. He held Molin, and Apparated and disappeared at the train station.

 Three chapters are updated today, and 3000 recommendation tickets are added, is it [-] recommendation tickets?I seem to have misremembered.


(End of this chapter)

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