Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 188 Extremely arrogant

Chapter 188 Extremely arrogant
Carlo ignored these unfriendly looks, and he was not afraid of what other students would do to him at all.

"Next, Jamie Leonard."

Professor Kane swiped the paper with a quill pen to record the grades. Pulan wanted to poke his head to see his grades, but Professor Kane waved his hand to let him go down, and then recovered the five stones.

Everyone thinks that the final exam of Transfiguration is too difficult. Many people's Transfiguration and Puran are almost the same. Only three of the twenty students in the previous test can successfully conjure the first four things, and it is not very standard. As for turning stones into living things, no one succeeded.

This gave Carlo more opportunities to laugh at him. After every student came forward for the assessment, he would sneer at Hogwarts and belittle Hogwarts. Besides, the Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry he was going to would not accept these underlings. Three evil wizards.

"Carol, Hogwarts is no worse than Durmstrang, you don't have to speak so harshly." A Slytherin student couldn't stand it anymore and said out loud.

"Sylvie, I suggest you go to Durmstrang School next semester, it's much better than Hogwarts, don't waste your pure wizarding blood." Carlo looked at the Slytherin students who spoke out.

"I don't think Hogwarts is bad, thank you." Sylvie of Slytherin said, frowning.

"That's because you haven't seen the good Durmstrang School. Seriously, all of us Slytherin students should go to Durmstrang School, where we will be better trained." Carlo To all my fellow Slytherins.

"You alone can't represent all the Slytherins, Carol, don't take yourself too seriously, if I were you, I would keep a low profile." Sylvie said in a deep voice.

"I've always thought that you, Sylvie, have a good brain! Now it seems that I was wrong." Carlo sneered.

"I hope you are not arguing, are you?" Professor Kane had already walked over, and the sound of arguments here affected Professor Kane's assessment on the podium.

"Carlo thinks Durmstrang is better than our Hogwarts, Professor, and he's belittling us all." Hugo said disgustedly.

Professor Kane stared at Carlo: "Carlo, I know you plan to transfer schools, but as long as you are still in school for a day, I have the right to confine you. If you don't want to be locked up in a dark room until you have a holiday, just shut up."

Professor Kane is the dean of Gryffindor. The last time Carlo framed a Gryffindor player, he had a problem with Carlo. Now he said these words during his assessment. Such people are not so patient.

Carlo saw that Professor Kane shrank obviously, and his face was a little cloudy. He dared to say something to these students, but the professor was still a professor after all, and his majesty was still there.But when Carlo thought that he was about to leave Hogwarts, the professors at Hogwarts had nothing to fear.

He smiled strangely and said, "Professor, I just told some truths. Hogwarts can't punish students for telling the truth, right?"

"Then what do you want to tell the truth? Carlo." Although Professor Kane usually has a good temper, he looked at Carlo with unkind eyes at this time.

"Oh, that's right, professor, no one here can turn stones into insects. I think the first-year Hogwarts students' magic skills are a little too poor." Carlo shook his head.

"From your tone, are you able to do it?" Professor Kane said.

"Professor, maybe." A contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of Carlo's mouth.

"Then you have a try." Professor Kane said while holding the report card.

Carlo strode to the podium, glanced at everyone triumphantly, pulled out his wand, and said defiantly, "You better keep your eyes open."

"Can he succeed? He can't even cast the Smoke Curse." Hugo whispered.Carlo's usual magical ability is not outstanding, and he lost a big face in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class last time, and now he dares to volunteer to show off his Transfiguration first?

Carlo pointed at the wand and whispered a spell that no one heard. The wand emitted a gray light, covering the first stone. The stone turned slightly and turned into a crystal clear glass ball in an instant. .

This glass ball was glowing with gray light, and it looked very extraordinary, better than the glass balls that everyone conjured just now.

"How could he?" Hugo said in surprise.

Many students were also amazed that the glass ball that Carlo conjured up was impeccable, which was far beyond their imagination.

"This is just the beginning!" Carlo sneered, and he conjured a real ring, a real walnut and a magic eraser!

These few things are the best done by all the students so far, even Professor Kane was a little surprised.

"Become an insect?"

Carlo tapped the last stone with his magic wand, and the stone rolled up and quickly and slowly transformed into a beetle. legs, and get up on the table!
Everyone was shocked by Carlo's transfiguration. He could turn a stone into an insect?
But Maureen, who was sitting in the crowd, suddenly let out a light sigh. He saw something wrong with Carlo, and frowned slightly.

Professor Kane was very surprised. He picked up the beetle, observed it, and said involuntarily: "Except for the traces of stones at the end of the wings, the other parts are already a real beetle. It's strange, why there is an unusual smell? It tastes like a normal transfiguration..."

Turning stones into insects is easy for Professor Kane, but it is basically impossible for first-year students, let alone Carlo who is usually not serious about his studies.But Carlo turned the stones into insects in full view, and everyone saw it clearly.

"Professor, it's very simple."

Carlo glanced at the astonished gazes of all the students, his expression even more proud, and he said: "I didn't learn it from you, of course magic is different from what you teach, Professor Kane, this transfiguration was taught by Professor Durmstrang. For me, two weeks ago, when my dad took me to see him, he specifically pointed out my Transfiguration, and only under his guidance did I know what the real Transfiguration is."

Carlo deliberately said the words "true transfiguration" very loudly, which made Professor Kane's face darken.What Carlo said was undoubtedly slapping Professor Kane in the face, mocking that the Transfiguration that Professor Kane usually taught was useless, not as good as that of Durmstrang's professor.

"Really? Carlo, do you have a problem with my teaching?"

Professor Kane's face was about to get watery. Carlo's words annoyed him, but none of the other students did better than Carlo, which made Carlo's arrogance even stronger.But even he didn't understand how Carlo, who usually learned very ordinary magic, managed to do this.

"Of course not, Professor Kane, but you should understand what I said right now, right? It is a very wise choice for me to go to school in Durmstrang." Carlo has already found a way out, and he doesn't need to worry about anything.

"Ten points for Slytherin! Carlo, you shouldn't be so rude to me." Professor Kane said angrily.

"Professor, I'm telling the truth, otherwise why can't any of us Hogwarts first-year students be able to do what I do? Look, no one can successfully turn stones into insects except me You can't get angry at me for telling the truth, can you?" Carlo didn't care about the point deduction.

All the students were very angry at Carlo's words, but none of them could match Carlo's transfiguration, which made Carlo's arrogance even stronger.

"Do you think so? No one can do this?" Maureen stood up slowly and said calmly, "Don't be a frog in a well, Carlo."

(End of this chapter)

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