Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 186 Excellent Salted Fish

Chapter 186 Excellent Salted Fish

Maureen took a bite of a chocolate macaroon and fed Doe another, which Doy enjoyed.

Arnock looked at Doi with great interest: "I like your pet, a very rare little guy, and very cute."

"But no one else in the school can see it, except for me, it's just you two." Molin stroked Doy's head, both Anoke and Mrs. Rhea could see Doy, which made Molin quite for accident.

"We're not the same."

Arnock handed a piece of bread crumbs in his hand to Doi. Doi seemed to have gradually become familiar with Arnock and Mrs. Rhea these days, and quickly stretched out his little paw to take it, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Why is it different?" Mo Lin asked curiously.

Arnock and Mrs. Rhea looked at each other, and their eyes alternated.

"You will understand in the future." Arnock stretched out his hand to touch Doi's head with a smile, and Doi let out two yells in satisfaction.

If Arnock didn't say anything, Maureen stopped asking, and instead asked another question.

"Then what kind of animal is it?" Molin still doesn't understand what Doi is.

"I'm not very clear, I think it came to you on its own initiative, isn't it?" Anok asked.

"That's right." Mo Lin remembered that when he went to look for Sweet last time, he didn't meet Sweet in the Forbidden Forest, but met Doi instead, and Doi still relied on him and did not leave.

Maureen asked again: "But how do you know?"

"Because there was a little guy who came to look for Evan last time. After Evan's accident, it disappeared. Unfortunately, I have never been able to know what it is and what it is capable of. I scolded that little guy who only knows how to eat and drink Sleep." Anok said with a little regret.

"Is Evan's one like this too?" Maureen asked.

"They look different. His one is chubby like a furball, and yours is like a squirrel and a kitten. The only thing they have in common is that their eyes are the same as yours, and no one else can see them." Rui Madam Ya said.

Mo Lin looked at Doi, and after being told by Anoke and Mrs. Rhea, he always felt that Doi had become mysterious.

"What kind of kid are you?" Mo Lin looked into Doi's eyes and said to himself.

"Doi! Doi!" Duoyi took a bite of the biscuit contentedly and shouted cheerfully.


Back in the school's Room of Requirement, Maureen just walked out of the corridor when he met Professor Charles.

"Good afternoon, Professor Charles." Mo Lin didn't expect to meet Professor Charles here. He hadn't seen Professor Charles since the Muggle exam.

"Happy weekend, Maureen." Professor Charles was looking at a painting opposite, and said, "I think you're restless again?"

"Professor, I've always been very quiet." Mo Lin didn't even blush when he said this.

Professor Charles said politely: "It's okay, I will leave the school tomorrow, and I will no longer be a professor in the future. I will not interfere in whatever you do."

Maureen was a little disappointed hearing this. Professor Charles is a good teacher and never made things difficult for students.

"We'll see you later, after all, Payngade's target is you."

Professor Charles looked at the painting on the opposite wall. A portrait of Sir Cadogan had been hung there to replace Payingade's painting, but Sir Cadogan was not in the frame, perhaps he was visiting somewhere.

Mo Lin also felt quite helpless when he thought that there was a guy living in the painting waiting to find him outside.However, he is not afraid. Before Payngade is reborn, there is a limit to leaving the painting. As for in the painting, Mo Lin has Dragon Flame Repellent anytime, anywhere, and he knows how to deal with Payngade.

"When he is not sure, I don't think he will come to me. Professor, I am not as easy to bully as before. At least now I have a little confidence in dealing with Hoyle." Molin didn't even apparate last time Learn, but this time if you face Hoyle again, you won't look so passive.

"I hope so, you are a child with great potential." Professor Charles smiled.

"By the way, professor, how many paintings of Payngade have been destroyed now?" Mo Lin asked.

"Six paintings, I'm not very lucky, last time I was almost discovered by the owner of the painting." Professor Charles said helplessly.

"How many paintings does he estimate have been handed down?" Mo Lin asked again.

"It shouldn't be much, there used to be quite a few, but after all, hundreds of years have passed, and the lives in many of his paintings have been exhausted and cannot be used. Now he knows that I am looking for his paintings, and he has already tried to save himself. If the painting is hidden, I am afraid it will become more and more troublesome."

Professor Charles shook his head, and then said: "But I'm going to spend a year looking for his paintings, and I can destroy as much as I can. Principal McGonagall has discussed with me, and this matter can only be done by me."

Morin didn't know what to say. In fact, he really wanted to go with Professor Charles, but he still had courses. Arnock thought it was more important for him to concentrate on learning magic now, so he gave up.

"Then goodbye, Maureen." Professor Charles turned to leave, then remembered something, turned his head again and said: "About the exam, Maureen, do you really think rockets are Muggle vehicles?"

Maureen touched his head in embarrassment: "I just wrote casually, Professor, I'm sorry."

"I'm not saying you're wrong, Maureen, I have some confidence in Muggles. With their current development speed, maybe in the next few decades or hundreds of years, rockets and spaceships may really become some kind of special and common means of transportation. , I have always been optimistic about Muggles, they are amazingly creative."

Professor Charles said with a smile: "They have the determination to dare to explore unknown planets, which is why the Muggle Studies course has become a compulsory course. We wizards can't rest on our laurels, we need to develop together with Muggles. To be honest, when Payingade was not discovered Before True Face, I had a lot of respect for this man, and his theme of Muggle-wizard harmony was something I could agree with."

"So I wrote it right?" Mo Lin felt his shriveled chest suddenly bulge.

"I decided to judge this answer to be correct." Professor Charles nodded with a smile, "It's a reward for your brave performance last time. I gave you an excellent in this course. Although it's a bit selfish, it doesn't matter anymore. I'm leaving anyway. , don’t worry about it too much. Keep it a secret, I shouldn’t have told you the result so early.”

"Excellent? My God!"

Maureen suddenly felt that the spring was bright and a hundred flowers were blooming. After being dull for so long, he suddenly heard that the Muggle grade he was most worried about got an excellent. He was very excited.

"Great! Thank you, Professor." Maureen said happily.

"You're welcome, I also want to thank you for beating Payngade away that day," Professor Charles said.

"What about Hugo? Professor." Mo Lin asked again.

"I won't make things difficult for any students, although Hugo's answer is worse than yours, but I have already said last time, you help me detect the paintings in the castle, I will give you three extra points, I gave He's good, and if he gets five more questions right, being good isn't a problem."

Professor Charles had already walked down the stairs, and followed the moving stairs to the third floor.


"Professor Charles is such a good man!" Hugo was overjoyed after hearing the news. He always thought that he might fail the exam.

"Keep your voice down, we shouldn't have known the results so early in advance."

Molin held Hugo, and they were reviewing astronomy for the next week in the common room, but Molin had given up treatment, and he was preparing for the exam of the Transfiguration class.

"Maybe you can steal my astronomy, think about it, we have survived Muggle studies, are we still afraid of astronomy?" Hugo said optimistically.

"Copying is impossible. The proctors are too strict during the exam."

Maureen looked at the astrology map Mrs. Rhea gave him. He was destined to only get a passing grade in astronomy, but the passing grade was already very good.

On Thursday night, during the astronomy exam, Mo Lin was stared at by Professor Sinista, because Mo Lin was notoriously bad at astronomy, and Professor Sinista would always come to see him intentionally or not.

Maureen pretended to hold a telescope and looked at the starry sky. The various planets in his eyes were messy, but with the help of Mrs. Rhea, he insisted on filling up the star map.

There are also a few astronomical prediction questions. He filled in a few words randomly. Among them is an additional question, which is taken every year in astronomy:

——According to the brightness of Venus and Celestial Stars you see, predict your grades in this exam that are not included in the extra questions: fail, pass, good, excellent.An extra ten points will be added to the total score for correct answers.

"Then be excellent!"

Maureen wrote down very confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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