Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 181 Stone Arch

Chapter 181 Stone Arch

"Can you assemble it correctly?"

Maureen looked at Arnock's smile, and felt a little nervous. He remembered the last time in Hogsmeade Village, when Arnock helped the splintered wizard recover. The body is loaded upside down.

"Oh, don't worry about that, I'm the best at assembling bodies." Anok rubbed his hands.

"Why can't I feel relieved?"

Maureen knew that Anok was definitely waiting to play tricks on him. Many people would split up when learning Apparation, either with less hair or ears. This kind of thing was very common.Arnock has always liked to joke with him, and it would be unreasonable not to take this opportunity to play tricks on Maureen.

But the apparition split body is at least half the battle. Some people stand stupidly for a whole day without moving their bodies. This has a lot to do with talent.

"I hope it's not too miserable."

Maureen had never tried Apparation before, and he was ready to be teased by Anok, but if he could master this ability, being teased would not be a big deal.

"The point of apparating is to let your body occupy that space, imagine that you squeeze out the other air in that space, let yourself in, and concentrate." Arnock said, "When I first learned about apparition When transferring shape, I tried for two hours and succeeded, but no one will succeed the first time, maybe you will stop at the same place without any response, maybe you will separate, let’s start! Find a way to enter this circle. "

Arnock giggled, and drew a golden circle on the slate: "I know you will be separated, with me here, don't worry, I will put back any missing parts for you."

Maureen looked helpless, Arnock was waiting for him to separate, and then pretended to him like a toy, the end would probably be the same as the apparition test man he met in Hogsmeade that day. Allow yourself to split as few times as possible.

Maureen stared at the circle closely. He already knew the key points of apparition, because he was interested in this magic since he was a child, but he never had enough magic ability to master it, but if Arnock thought he would If it can already be done, then he can't let Anok down.

"Occupy that space, occupy that space."

Mo Lin felt as if something was flowing in his body, he vaguely touched that feeling, yes, it should be this feeling, and let his body fill that place——

There was a soft sound in the air!
"A first attempt so soon? Great, let's see if you're missing an arm or a leg."

Arnock stood up happily like an old child, ready to start his assembly project.

But when he saw Mo Lin, he was suddenly taken aback!
"It's really amazing, I like this magic."

Maureen looked at his body in amazement, he appeared intact in the golden circle that Arnock had drawn for him!

"how come?"

Arnock pulled his beard and almost pulled it off. He never expected that Molin would succeed the first time!
"No one can succeed for the first time, at least you have to lose a little hair. How could you..." Arnock carefully checked where Molin stood before apparating, but he didn't find any hair. Lin's Apparation is just perfect.

"I thought you should be very happy!" Mo Lin grinned and said, "Anyway, I'm very happy. It turns out that apparation is so simple."

"Oh, of course I'm happy. I'm extremely happy. I've never been so happy." Anok curled his lips, his expression extremely disappointed, which had nothing to do with the word "happy" at all, and even made a grimace.

"Mr. Arnock, is there a distance limit for Apparition?" Mo Lin tried again, and Apparation returned to the original place.

"Yes, it has something to do with your magical ability. At least you can't think about apparating to the moon, right? The farther you apparate, the less safe it is. It's best to apparate to a place you have been or can see. Don't try to show up where you've been." Anok sat down and said.


"You don't want the latrine to be right under your feet when you come out, do you?" Anok glanced at Mo Lin.

"Oh! Forget it."

"When most people apparate, they choose places they have been to before, or places they can see. If you want to apparate to a place you have not seen, you must be careful. It is not recommended to try it. It is an apparition. There is a special emphasis on shifting. I brought you to this place because the view here is wide, and you can try whatever you see." Anok explained.

Mo Lin walked to the edge of the cliff on the top of the mountain, looked around, and saw a 30-meter-high tree in the distance. He stepped out, turned around and disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already standing on the top of the tree, the branches trembling slightly After a while, it quickly stabilized.

"This feeling is really good, I will try more."

Mo Lin ran around in the woods, disappearing and reappearing, he saw a huge red-eyed black falcon in the sky, its wings were two meters long, and he had a thought, he actually stood beside the red-eyed black falcon back!


Maureen couldn't help shouting loudly on the back of the eagle, riding a red-eyed black hawk, this kind of experience is not common.But the red-eyed black falcon found a person standing behind him, and immediately began to writhe in annoyance. Molin fell from the air. He fell freely in the air for dozens of meters, then disappeared in mid-air, and stood on the top of the mountain again.

"Not bad! You have mastered magic so skillfully," Anok said.

"I like the feeling."

Maureen kept moving around Arnock. In the past, he often asked Alton to take him to Apparate, but Alton was always reluctant. Now that he has finally mastered it, he can't justify it without trying.

"Okay, don't shake it anymore, it makes me dizzy, now that you have mastered this magic, let's continue learning other magics." Anok waved his hand, "I need to teach you how to use that magic power , now that magic is like a thin thread in your body, you have to make the thread thicker, so that you will have the ability to protect yourself when you meet Payngade in the future."

"Speaking of Payngade, by the way, Mr. Arnock, Payingaid tried to use Legilimency on me that day, but it didn't work. Instead, I saw his memory. He seemed to be going to the Ministry of Magic to find a stone arch." Maureen remembered this.

"Stone arches? What stone arches?" Arnock asked.

"I'll show you the drawing. Do you have any paper and pen? I didn't bring it." Mo Lin touched his pocket and raised his head to ask.

"You asked me for a pen and paper? Are you serious?"

"Oh yes, I forgot, everything changes in a blink of an eye." Molin took out his wand and pointed at the two stones on the ground, turning them into a piece of paper and pen, and then drew a door made of stones on the paper. Also painted a piece of cloth.

He found that since he drank too much Longyan repellent, his magic ability had a qualitative leap.

"Why are you drawing so ugly?"

"This is the most serious painting I have ever done!"

"Is this tongue moving?"

"It's a rag hanging over the stone arch. Don't you see it floating around?"

"I thought it was tongue sticking out."

Anok stuck out his tongue in disgust to demonstrate, and Mo Lin couldn't help laughing.

Mo Lin's paintings are very rough. He has not learned painting skills systematically, but at least he has the magical talent for painting, and the curtain is floating according to his wishes.

Arnock stared at the stone arch painted by Molin, frowning tightly. After a while, he asked again: "He used Legilimency to ask for trouble for you. What else did you see at that time?"

"I seem to hear someone whispering behind that curtain, I mean, Payingade heard it, and he said at the time that this stone arch should not be kept in this dark place. Seeing the light again or something, I think he will most likely go looking for this, but what does this door represent? Mr. Arnock, do you know?" Molin said.

(End of this chapter)

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