Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 163 Poking Blind!

Chapter 163 Poking Blind!

Those huge black eyes were like an abyss, and Mo Lin didn't know where he would sink. At this time, the Dragon Flame Repellent that could help him was also destroyed by Payngade, and what was the magic in his body? I don't know, let alone how to use it.

The black eyes had already swallowed most of his knees. Payngade took out the delicate hourglass. The golden sand was continuously flowing from the bottom to the top of the hourglass. He raised his wand again and pointed at Maureen.

"Walker, your life will flow to me, say goodbye to this world!"

Payngade's wand flicked across the air, and Mo Lin felt that everything around him seemed to stop, and then he suddenly found that he had been trapped in a painting without knowing it, just like Hugo and the six of them , appearing on a huge canvas, the top, bottom, left, and right are covered by white fog.

Payngade stood in front of this canvas, staring at Mo Lin with poisonous eyes, as if admiring a great masterpiece, the time converter in his hand suddenly cracked, and golden sand splashed out, surrounding the painting. Yin Gaide kept spinning and dancing, like a layer of golden dust blowing up. The golden dust sank into Mo Lin's painting and revolved around Mo Lin in the painting.

The space in the painting is infinitely elongated, and Molin can no longer feel the influence of the Time Converter. Some of his own things are involved, flowing from the painting to Payngade, and his mind begins to become dizzy, and Payngade's whole body gradually changed from lifeless to full of vitality. His gray hair turned black, the furrow-like wrinkles on his face began to flatten out, and even his skin glowed...

Life was being transferred from Maureen to Payngade at a rapid pace!

"Phantom flow!"

However, at this moment, a white light suddenly broke through the air from the still surroundings, blowing up everything in the air, forming a white streamer, which hit hard on the golden dust floating out of the time converter, disturbing The rotation of the dust.

The golden dust was immediately blocked, cut off in the air, and cut off the connection between Mo Lin and Paying Gade. Paying Gade didn't expect this, he roared, and something on his body immediately flowed back towards Mo Lin , his hair turned gray again, his wrinkles reappeared, and his skin aged rapidly.

The two figures turned into white awns and landed beside Mo Lin.


Payngade glanced coldly at the two people who suddenly appeared beside Mo Lin.

Maureen exclaimed in surprise: "Arnock! And...God! Is this true? Dumbledore?"

Maureen looked at the hale and hearty Arnock in disbelief, and next to Arnock was an old man with fluttering beard and half-moon eyes. He was the greatest headmaster of Hogwarts, Dumbledore!

"Dumbledore, Agrippa, it's you two!"

Faced with the sudden appearance of Dumbledore and Arnock, Payngade felt a little surprised, but he didn't have any timidity. He looked at the two old men in front of him coldly, and with a wave of his wand, he gathered the golden sand of the time-turner into his palm. middle.

"Aguliba?" Mo Lin looked at Anok suspiciously, "I thought you were Anok?"

"Oh, do you call me Arnock? Did that old guy outside tell you so?" Arnock blinked slyly at Maureen, those blue eyes were very playful.

"What do you mean? Isn't your real name Anok?" Mo Lin asked subconsciously.

"Of course I'm Arnock." Arnock spread his hands, "If he said so, then I'm Arnock. It doesn't matter anyway, it's this little black witch, isn't it? What's his name, Dumbledore?"

"Paintegade, didn't you tell me just now?" Dumbledore also winked at Maureen kindly, smiling, looking approachable.

"I don't understand, you two..."

"We're from here, not from outside," Anok explained.

"Oh! The people in the picture!"

Mo Lin nodded with a sudden realization. Dumbledore and Arnock in front of him are both people in the painting, and Arnold is not the real Arnock, and Dumbledore is just a character in a certain portrait.But although he didn't know why these two people appeared here, he was still relieved.

Arnock is a very powerful wizard, not to mention Dumbledore. The two of them should have no problem dealing with Payngade.

But he was wrong, Payngade didn't panic at all when facing Dumbledore and Arnock.

"I blocked this tower, how did you two get in?" Payingade asked coldly.

"It's useless to block the tower, Payingade, you are not the only one who knows how to use the space magic in the painting, we stayed behind and ran from a big ding-dong canyon, oh yes, I saw it just now Your dog leg is throwing a tantrum in my Grand Canyon!" Arnock said lightly and joyfully.

Mo Lin was extremely surprised: "Mr. Arnock, did you put the Sotolan Grand Canyon there?"

"That's right, I painted that painting. It's not easy to divide it into two paintings. I used a very clever magic... You silly boy, why are you still standing on the canvas?"

Arnock kicked Molin who was trapped on the canvas. Molin felt as if the canvas around him was shattered, the magic was undone, and he had broken free from the canvas, but he was still trapped on the canvas. In the weird eyes, the knees sunk deep into the pupils.

"Do you know how to deal with this big dull eye? Anok, or Agrippa, or Ah Da Fool, whatever you call it." Dumbledore looked at Molin's feet with interest. big eyes.

"Isn't this obvious! He drew it so clearly, of course he just poked it with a pen!"

Arnock waved his wand, and a huge paintbrush as tall as Maureen appeared in front of him. The tip of the brush shone with a sharp light, and it stabbed at the big eyes at his feet!
"You dare!"

Paying Gade roared and waved his magic wand. The fragments of houses and street lights in the air immediately formed a blizzard and rushed towards Anok, trying to stop him.

Dumbledore had quick eyes and quick hands, and a burst of flames spewed out from the tip of his wand surrounded them, blocking all the wind and snow outside. The flames and the violent wind and snow rubbed violently, making a hissing sound.

At the same time, Anok's huge paintbrush had already pierced the eye that trapped Molin. As if Molin heard an unwilling roar, a stream of blood spurted out from that eye, and then the big cold eyes It closed involuntarily, and with a "bang", it turned into smoke and disappeared.

Mo Lin let go of his feet, jumped up quickly, and stepped on the solid floor.

"Look, it's really stupid to have big eyes and draw all the weaknesses when you have nothing to do." Arnock giggled.

Payngade was furious, but quickly calmed down.

"Only by the two of you? Eh? Dumbledore, I admit that if you were alive, maybe I would fear you, but just by the two of you in the painting?"

Payngade sneered and shifted his gaze from Dumbledore to Arnock, and continued: "And Agrippa, are you here to join in the fun? Don't be honest and want to stop me?"

"You have to try, don't you? Payngade." Dumbledore said with a smile.

"Yeah, I haven't fought for a long time. The last time I had nothing to do, I ran to a painting and beat Voldemort, but I didn't feel any sense of accomplishment. He was too weak."

Arnock shook the wand in his hand, sparks burst out from the wand.

"Perhaps you have forgotten my identity."

A flick of Payngade's wand sideways created a streak of heat in the air, as if igniting the air.

"I'm a real person, not a person in a painting!" Payingade said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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