Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 160 Legilimency!

Chapter 160 Legilimency!

Paying Gade used Legilimency on Molin, but when Paying Gade rushed into Mo Lin's memory, a strange light suddenly appeared in Mo Lin's eyes, and he felt as if he could see through Paying Gade in front of him, but With an easy thought, he directly grabbed the invading Payingade in his mind.

"How is it possible... how could you?" Payngade seemed to have remembered something, and shouted in surprise and anger.

But Mo Lin himself didn't know what happened, as if he was out of control, and then he was pushed into Payngade's eyes by an inexplicable force, this time he invaded Payngade's memory in his mind!
Countless strange memory fragments flashed before Mo Lin's eyes, and Mo Lin found himself in a spacious and bright place.


"Not here, here is the crystal ball used to predict and record the birth information of wizards, and the shelf over there is used to predict magical events." Payingade said to a walking wizard in front.

Maureen recognized the man, Puri, the man who had caused the riot at Weasley's Whiz in Diagon Alley and had kidnapped him.

Puri was walking past rows of tall shelves, and on each shelf were crystal balls, and the labels below the crystal balls recorded a person's name.There are thousands of crystal balls here, and a figure emerges from time to time in the crystal ball, or a smiling adult, or a crying baby in a swaddle, as well as a gray-haired old man and a young and energetic child , there are all kinds of people.

Payngade's painting hovers behind Puri, guiding Puri.Seemingly puzzled, Puri reached for the nearby crystal ball, but it wouldn't budge.

"Can't take it off, Hoyle, can't take off the crystal ball here," Puri said.

"Of course it can't be taken down, Puri, only the person predicted by the crystal ball can get it."

Payngade's voice was very patient. In order to gain Puri's trust, he spoke in a tone that was not offensive, and he also used Hoyle's identity.

Puri touched the crystal balls with his hand, and suddenly a crystal ball shook and fell off the shelf. He quickly cast a levitation spell to catch the crystal ball: "Oh, then how can this crystal ball Take it down? Could it be that this crystal ball prophesied me?"

Puri turned the crystal ball, but there was only a puff of smoke in the crystal ball, and he couldn't see anything clearly. He looked at the base where the crystal ball was placed again: "This belongs to a person named Maureen Walker, huh? This crystal ball The ball is not mine, why can I get it?"

"Huh?" Payngade floated over, his eyes fell on "Maureen Walker": "Can you take it off? That's really weird."

Payngade stared at a puff of smoke in the crystal ball. Unlike other crystal balls, this crystal ball was filled with smoke, but it did not form the appearance of a certain person, it was more like an ornament.

"This crystal ball is brand new, and no prophecy has been made yet. Didn't the Ministry of Magic record his birth for this Maureen Walker?"

Paying Gade didn't go on, but Morin knew what Paying Gade was thinking, and his name was known to Paying Gade for the first time.


The memory flowed again, and Maureen saw Puri and the others broke into a strange room. The room was sunken, with circles of stone steps descending step by step. A dilapidated stone door, the door is not supported by a wall, and a black curtain is hung on it, gently flapping.

"I heard someone talking inside, is there anyone behind?" Puri walked towards the stone door in surprise.

"Nobody's here, Puri, don't go by."

Payngade floated in front of Puri in time to wake him up, and then turned his head to look at the stone arch. Molin could see Payngade's memory, and he could even clearly feel Payingaid's excitement.

"Yes, it is this door, beyond the veil, that's right, I will need it in the future. It is said that this door really exists, and it is still in this place... I have been looking for it for so long... I didn't expect..."

This sentence was said by Payngade in his heart. He didn't tell Puri what he was thinking, but when he saw this stone door, his heart was already surging.

"We should go to other places, Puri, Aurors may find us at any time." Payngade looked at the stone door again reluctantly, as if saying goodbye to an old friend.

"Next time I will come to you again, wait for me, you should not be hidden in this dark place, they are afraid of your existence, it is because their vision is too narrow, your real brilliance should shine on the world, not buried."

Payngade said silently in his heart, then followed Puri to open another door and left here.


They entered a circular room with many doors on the walls of this circular room. Payngade asked Puri to open one of them. Then they entered a room full of debris and saw a Closet, there is an hourglass flowing slowly in the closet.

The hourglass is very delicate, about ten centimeters in size, and the sand inside is golden. It is strange that the sand in the hourglass actually leaks from the bottom to the top.

"That's it! Puri!" Payngade's eyes lit up. "That's the Time-Turner!"

"This hourglass is a time-turner? But I thought the time-turner was a pocket watch." Puri looked at the palm-sized hourglass in surprise.

"Last time I heard people in other paintings say that the pocket watches were all broken, and only this hourglass survived!"

Payngade's breathing became short of breath. With the Time Converter, he can use his resurrection plan and get rid of the shackles of the painting!Payngade was very excited, but he restrained himself and said, "Puri, take him, let's get out of here! He will bring you endless wealth."

To bring endless life to myself!

Payngade cried out inwardly.


The memory turned back again, this time Payingaid had come to Hogwarts, Maureen was surprised to see himself in Payingaid's memory, he was just finishing class with Hugo, and met the sneaky James and Albus, discussing going to play tricks on Peeves.

Payngade peeped at them in the painting, saw the Marauder's Map in James' hand, and then immediately went to the studio where Peeves was, and told Peeves in advance that James and Albus were coming.

"Peeves, if you don't want me to tell Bloodman Barrow's painting what you did, you can help me snatch the map from their hands." Paying Gade and Hoyle in the painting said face.

"You threaten me?" Peeves looked annoyed. "Do you believe I tore up your painting, Hoyle?"

"Don't you dare, if you just destroy any painting in the castle, you will be kicked out of school." Payingade said.

Peeves cursed and threw the end of chalk into the classroom: "You are a figure in a painting, what do you want a map for? You can't use it."

"I can walk on it, Peeves."

Payngade fiddled with the hourglass in his pocket, and sneered in his heart: "Stupid ghost, how do you know I can't use it? Do you know where the parchment used to make the map came from? You think any parchment is Can you make a Marauder's Map? That's no ordinary parchment, you narrow-minded fools, this parchment has a lot of background..."

(End of this chapter)

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