Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 155 The Battle of Hogwarts!

Chapter 155 The Battle of Hogwarts!

Hearing the sound of this battle, Maureen thought he hadn't left the ancient Roman Quidditch pitch, but when he walked through the white fog, he found that the sky was already full of stars, and it was dark night, and the air became very dark. Depressed, countless spells ignited the night sky, intertwining in the dark night.

Molin had already seen Hogwarts standing in the dark trembling slightly from a distance, and for a moment he thought he had left the painting and returned to his own school.At this time, on the hillside opposite Hogwarts, countless wizards turned into clouds of black smoke, galloping through the air, constantly rushing into Hogwarts.

And countless students and adult wizards in Hogwarts kept firing spells at the black smoke in the air behind the city walls or corridors. Once they hit a puff of black smoke, one of them immediately fell down screaming.

Mo Lin suddenly understood what was here.

The defense of Hogwarts more than 20 years ago!
He came to the commemorative painting of the Battle of Hogwarts, that earth-shattering battle Molin has seen many masterpieces created by painters, the one here is the most representative one of the school castle, just now he was in the north tower I've seen it too.


A giant more than ten meters tall rushed to the front with a terrifying mace. The ground was already covered with corpses, and there were many giant spiders several meters wide. They rushed towards the students with their teeth and claws. Many people galloped past the Forbidden Forest, shooting arrows at the Death Eaters.

The centaur's archery skills were fast and accurate. Maureen lowered his head to avoid an arrow that passed by his ear. The arrow actually went directly into a cloud of black smoke transformed by Death Eaters, and then fell into the black smoke. There was a howl of pain, blood spattered, and a Death Eater screamed. His eye socket was pierced by an arrow, and he fell into the pile of giants below, and was accidentally crushed by a giant.

The centaur is surrounded by screaming house-elves holding pans, knives and forks, and cleavers. These house-elves are so flexible that they apparate directly onto the necks of Death Eaters, riding Death Eaters. The gangsters stabbed randomly with a knife and fork.

"Fight! Fight! Fight for my master, defender of the house-elves! In the name of brave Regulus, against the Dark Lord! Fight!"

An elderly house-elf with a locket hanging from his chest, his bullfrog-like voice was extra clear amidst the noise, jumped onto a Death Eater's neck, and bit the Death Eater's ear.

Another Death Eater roared and raised his wand and pointed it at the house-elf, as if he wanted to kill the loudest house-elf, but Maureen had quick eyesight, waved his wand, and shouted: "All petrified!" !"

The white light hit the Death Eater who was about to attack the house-elf, and he lay stiff all over. Maureen swept across on a flying broomstick, kicking the Death Eater's wand off with one kick.

However, other Death Eaters had already seen Molin, and they regarded Molin as a member of the Hogwarts defense battle, and the green spell "swish" shot at Maureen,
Mo Lin was taken aback, this was the Avada Kedavra, although he knew that the people in the painting would not be killed by the people in the painting, and maybe they would come back to life after the battle, but Mo Lin was not a painting after all. The aborigines here, if he was hit by a spell here, he would probably fall into Hoyle's hands.

"It's too much drama, it shouldn't be involved in their battle."

He was infected by the solemn atmosphere of the painting, and almost forgot that it was just a painting, not a real battlefield.

But it suddenly occurred to him that he had come anyway, and he hadn't been born for more than 20 years, so it would be nice to have the opportunity to watch how everyone fought against Voldemort in the painting!And in this chaotic battlefield, it is not easy for Hoyle to find himself.

"Yes, yes, let me see, the castle!"

Molin turned the broom and rushed into the castle, while continuously sending out raging flame spells to pull the Death Eaters away.The castle is the place Maureen is most familiar with, and it can provide him with some help.

But the target of riding a flying broomstick in the sky was too big, and many Death Eaters paid attention to Maureen. He was like a moving target, and spells kept attacking him.Maureen quickly flew down, circling between the giant's thighs, letting the thick-skinned giant block the Death Eater's spell for him.

The worst thing was that there was a sudden chill in front of me, as if the hot summer had subsided into the cold winter, and the expression of despair and helplessness spread from the bottom of my heart, making me feel that I would never be happy again for the rest of my life .

As soon as Mo Lin looked up, he saw a dementor covered in tattered robes rushing towards him. The dementor's arm was like a rotten scab, which made Mo Lin's internal organs freeze together.

He entered the world in the painting, everything in the painting was real to him, and the dementor was real to him.

Maureen raised his wand tremblingly. He knew how to deal with the dementors, but he had never used the Patronus Charm. At this moment, a warm white light burst out from the castle hall, like an abyss A ray of dawn dispelled the darkness and coldness.

The ray of light turned into a running goat, and the dementor flew away from its sharp horns, making Molin feel as if he jumped from the ice and snow into the hot water, and the despair disappeared.

Maureen saw Dumbledore's younger brother Aberforth standing on the stairs in the hall with a serious face. Under his feet was a stone pier guard with only half of his body left. These stone pier guards were from the sculptures of Hogwarts Castle , also guarding Hogwarts in this battle.

He had seen Aberforth in the book "The Life of Dumbledore", but he did not expect to see Aberforth in this painting.

"Where did you come from? What are you doing here? Quick! Return to the castle!"

Aberforth shouted loudly at Maureen, and with a wave of his wand, the Patronus Goat charged at the dementor who wanted to sneak into the castle again, and at the same time, it had Apparated and disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, it was already a hideous skeleton Behind the masked Death Eater, he kicked him down, and the red stun spell hit the Death Eater's chest.

"It's really old and strong."

Molin murmured, and passed over the head of the giant who had just been knocked down like a mountain collapsed. There were many students participating in the battle in the castle. Although Molin was an outsider, he was mixed here because of his student appearance. Confused, some of the wizards in this painting couldn't care less about whether Mo Lin was an aborigine in this painting.

He crossed the gate of Hogwarts that had been blown up. The tall Hagrid grabbed a Death Eater and threw it over, and it landed on the stone pillar in front of Mo Lin. Mo Lin vaguely heard the bones on the Death Eater "click" "It broke off with a sound.

"It must be uncomfortable."

Mo Lin also saw the dead bodies of many Death Eaters and students lying on the ground in the rubble, pressed by the sand door, the bright red blood on the ground had not yet solidified, the scene was very tragic.

Although Mo Lin had read many books about this battle and many paintings about this battle created by wizard painters, it was the first time that he went into the painting and experienced all this in person.

Looking at the battle scene restored by the wizard painter in front of him, so many mutilated corpses of students were lying in front of him, buried in the rubble, blood and mud mixed together, life and castle were broken together, mixed into one, tragic and tragic.

The price paid for the victory of this battle was extremely high. The students lying on the ground were from the three colleges of Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. Many students from these three colleges chose to stay and fight. But losing his life in this battle, the history of blood is hard to forget, and some things are really hard to forgive.

But Molin didn't have time to sigh, because he caught a glimpse of Hoyle outside with the fire dragon and fire phoenix joining the battlefield!

(A tribute to the original novel and film.)
(End of this chapter)

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