Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 144 The door in the painting!

Chapter 144 The door in the painting!

Every student is used to the armor placed in the corridors of the castle, which has to move from time to time to prove their existence. However, it is a bolt from the blue for Molin to move casually at this time.

Maureen had already reduced his body as much as possible, and fortunately he was only 11 years old, and his stature was not big, so it was more than enough to hide behind the armor.

Fortunately, Professor Charles also seemed to know that a piece of armor here would often move around, so he didn't think much about it, and quickly looked away, which greatly relieved Maureen.

Professor Charles waved his magic wand, and the brand-new canvas was quickly pasted on the door frame. Then Maureen saw a miraculous scene. When the blank canvas was pasted on the door, a little bit of ink suddenly appeared from the center of the canvas. As if it had its own consciousness, it automatically outlined some lines, intertwined with each other, changing colors, but a door appeared on the canvas in the blink of an eye.

The weirdest thing is that the door shown in the canvas is exactly the same as the original classroom door on the seventh floor, even the wall ash that fell off next to the door frame is exactly the same.

If Mo Lin hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have noticed that there was actually a canvas pasted here, and the door on this canvas could almost be regarded as a real door.

Mo Lin felt that this kind of canvas was a bit familiar, and then suddenly realized that he had seen this kind of strange canvas before!

"By the way, Peeves!"

Maureen still remembers that when he first entered school last semester, James and Albus said they were going to declare war on Peeves, and they went to a classroom where Peeves hung a large piece of magic magic in the middle of the classroom. Canvas, as a way to deal with James and Albus.

That was also the first time Maureen went back to the past. If he hadn't predicted all this and made James and Albus change their prank plan in time, maybe they would have been tricked miserably by Peeves.

And the canvas used by Professor Charles is obviously able to conjure up the scene behind and achieve a magic canvas that looks like the real one!

"What are you going to do with this canvas, Professor Charles? Just make a fake door?"

Maureen stared closely at Professor Charles' movements, not daring to blink his eyes, for fear of missing any key points.

Professor Charles stretched out his wand again, knocked on the doorknob of the canvas, and said in a low voice: "Dolph Yin Mo cast!"

The doorknob of the canvas trembled slightly, and then a strange ripple spread from the canvas, and Professor Charles had already held the doorknob and opened the door on the canvas!

"How come? Isn't the thing presented on the magic canvas fake?"

Maureen was surprised to see Professor Charles open the door on the canvas, and then looked around to make sure no one had noticed him, then walked in and closed the door gently.

Maureen got up immediately and tiptoed towards the classroom.

He carefully touched the door on the magic canvas. The door on the canvas didn't feel like a fake door at all. Whether it was the cold temperature of the door frame or the uneven pattern, it all showed that it was a real door. undoubtedly.

His fingers touched the edge of the canvas, and he had to touch very carefully to barely touch the slightly invisible border line of the canvas. This also made Molin confirm that there was only a door touched by the magic of the canvas in front of him, not a door. real door.

Maureen slowly turned the doorknob, and opened a tiny crack in the door. His eyes leaned over to check the situation inside. He really wanted to know what the original classroom would look like with the door formed by the magic canvas.

A familiar stale smell came over.

"How could it be..."

Maureen's eyes widened in surprise!

Why is it still the original classroom?
Mo Lin was very puzzled. Just now, Professor Charles clearly entered through the door above the magic canvas. Why did Professor Charles disappear into this classroom before Mo Lin's eyes?

This is not the first time someone disappeared in front of Molin. The last time he came with Jamie and Sweet, the two of them also disappeared directly in this classroom. Although Molin went back to the past at that time, the same What happened didn't happen again, but it still made him feel strange.

Maureen didn't believe in evil, he walked into the classroom and checked carefully, the surrounding scene still remained unchanged, the chairs were covered with dust, the blackboard was covered with Peeves-like swear words, there were some parchments lying in the wastebasket on the floor, and the walls were covered with dust. Painted by Payngade still hangs on it.

Mo Lin fell into deep thought, and at this moment, he turned his attention to the painting of Payngade, and he saw an even more surprising scene.

The Professor Charles just now appeared in Payngade's painting!
Mo Lin almost couldn't believe his eyes, what's going on?Did Professor Charles still paint his own portrait?Why does he appear in Payngade's paintings?Is this Professor Charles himself or a painted one?
Professor Charles in the painting is wearing a brown suit, which is exactly the same as the Professor Charles that Mo Lin saw just now. He walked on the street where wizards and Muggles coexisted, looked around, and then walked around a man sitting on a chair on the side of the street watching The old Muggle man with the newspaper who was motionless walked past a witch who was selling big cherries on the side of the road on a flying broomstick, then ran towards a red house in the community, and disappeared into this house.

This house was a villa, and Mo Lin remembered it very clearly, because last time he saw a person spying on him in the attic of this house.

This feeling is really weird, Professor Charles seems to be a member of the painting, and he is also a wizard who can walk around in the painting.

If it was Professor Charles himself, how on earth did he do it?

"How did Professor Charles disappear? How did the original Jamie and Sweet disappear?"

Maureen suddenly remembered that when he went from the basement kitchen to Hogsmeade village, he encountered the door that had to be opened and closed twice in a row.Many doors in the wizarding world are cast with their own magic and have their own way of opening. For example, the entrance to the basement kitchen needs to be scratched at the pear, and the room of Requirement needs to think about what you need to open the door. Then the way to open the door in front of you is probably that is--

He immediately exited the classroom, then took a deep breath, looked at the fake door in front of him, took out his wand, knocked on the doorknob lightly, and said the incantation that Professor Charles had just said: "More Elf Yin Mo voted!"

A ripple rippled from the doorknob, and a different breath came from the crack of the door. This time, Mo Lin felt that he had used the right method to open the door.

Mo Lin gently turned the doorknob, opened the door, and what greeted his eyes was no longer the classroom exuding a stale atmosphere, but a white mist!
(End of this chapter)

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