Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 13 Gryffindor

Chapter 13 Gryffindor
Maureen wasn't sure whether he should believe what the nagging Sorting Hat said, because he never knew what ancient magic was hidden in the different-colored pupils, and Grandpa Alton never mentioned it.

Ollivander from the wand shop also mentioned that heterochromatic pupils are very extraordinary, but Ollivander did not specifically say what is extraordinary.

"This hat is crazy, isn't it?" Hugo said, coming closer.

Maureen was noncommittal. The Sorting Hat did look worn out, like a pile of unburned rags in a garbage dump, but Hogwarts still used it to sort houses, which showed that it still believed that it could tell right from wrong.

"At least it's right in many things. For example, my grandfather also participated in the school's battle." Mo Lin said casually.

When Flitwick called out Lily Potter's name, it caused a little commotion. As Harry's daughter, Lily was always the focus of attention wherever she went.But before Lily entered school, there were James and Albus, who were also Harry's sons, so everyone just looked at Lily a few more times.

"Gryffindor, brave lady." It was rare for the Sorting Hat not to tease Lily.

"I like that hat." Lily sat next to Hugo, she looked very happy, "It just said that I can do a great job in the future, and anyone with eyes as bright as emeralds has a limitless future."

"That's because your surname is Potter, wake up! If your surname is Gollum, Jim, Reddy Gaga, it will definitely say that your eyes are like a toad pickled in potions class. Maybe this toad defeated A Death Eater." Hugo said affirmatively.

Maureen laughed. Hugo's words were straightforward, but not impossible.Lily glared at Hugo: "Hugo, why do you have such a big prejudice against the Sorting Hat?"

Rose squeezed over from the side and said seriously: "Very well, Hugo, you are in Gryffindor, Dad will be happy for you."

Hugo pouted, glanced at the textbook in Rose's hand, and said, "Thank you, I care more about my poster of the Wimbourne Hornets."

Rose ignored him, turned to Lily and Molin and said, "I'm glad that Lily and Maureen have entered Gryffindor. Gryffindor deducted points, and James has prevented Gryffindor from winning the House Cup for two years."

"We will." Maureen said immediately, he always felt that Rose was a strict self-disciplined person who attached great importance to the college's sense of honor, and it would be inappropriate not to say something nice at this time.

Rose sat back with her classmates, and Hugo said annoyedly, "She'll be a prefect next year, and I'm sure she'd write to Mommy if I sneezed in the corridor."

Maureen and Lily couldn't help laughing.

"Hey, Lily, Hugo, are you okay? Did Hagrid cry again at Reverse Falls?" A tall, thin boy sat next to Lily, two or three years older than them, with a smile on his face. With a hint of playfulness and piercing eyes.

"James, that's not something to joke about," Lily said seriously.

James spread his hands: "We all know that Hagrid is sentimental! When you are in class, don't mention the names of Fred and Lupine. Fred just said that he met Hagrid at the door of the hall. Hagrid Thinking of our legendary twin uncle Fred in the past brings tears to my eyes."

At this time, another boy with glasses came over and said, "Of course, unless you think it's boring to take care of those squirrels in Hagrid's class, it's still useful to mention Fred's name once in a while."

"Albus, this is too much! I'll tell Mom." Lily said dissatisfied.

Albus looked at Lily with a grin, not taking Lily's words seriously.He saw Molin and said in surprise, "I recognize you, Molin, the genius boy who defeated the black wizard alone, the man of the Prophet Daily, Lily has been talking about you for the past few days! Wow, your eyes are so cool !"

"Thank you." Albus didn't laugh at Molin's strange-colored pupils, which reassured Molin, "But then again, the words of the Daily Prophet cannot be trusted."

"I asked Uncle George, and he said that you did perform the Petrification Curse to hold Puri, which is very rare! I haven't learned the Petrification Charm yet, and James refuses to teach me." Albus said.

"The petrification spell is the basis of the attack spell. You don't even know it. Don't go out and say it's my brother." James finished speaking with some complacency, and greeted Maureen.

"Come on! By the way, James, when are we going to act?" Albus and James whispered something, and then they returned to their classmates knowing what they knew.

Lily looked at their backs and said, "What are they going to do again?"

"Last time, they said that they should play tricks on Peeves this semester. Peeves used to play tricks on the students. Uncle George gave them some ideas to prepare to fight back against Peeves this semester. I have never seen Peeves before." Ghost!" Hugo said.

"Peeves?" Maureen asked puzzled.

"A ghost who specializes in playing tricks on students. I heard from James that he was pestered by Peeves for two weeks last semester. He would get out of the toilet and pour water on him every time he went to the bathroom." Lily couldn't help laughing.

"Want to play tricks on Peeves? I'm afraid it will be difficult." A ghost came out from under the table in front of them, with its head tilted to one side, and only a layer of skin was connected together, which shocked Maureen and the others.

"Almost headless Nick! It's amazing!" Hugo looked at Nick's neck in amazement. There were bloodstains there, and some dark broken bones and flesh and blood could be seen.

"I prefer to be called Sir Nicholas." Nearly Headless Nick said solemnly, putting his head back on.

"Welcome, freshmen of Gryffindor." Nearly headless Nick floated past everyone and greeted everyone, and the freshmen's eyes widened when they saw his terrifying appearance.

Hugo told Mo Lin about Nearly Headless Nick and Peeves, and Mo Lin felt that he still didn't know enough about Hogwarts, so he said enviously: "It's great to have a brother, you can know before entering school Lots of things at Hogwarts."

"That's not necessarily the case. If you had a sister named Rose, you wouldn't think so." Hugo said lying on the table.

"Don't be discouraged, I think Rose is very hardworking." Lily said.

The three were chatting, and soon Flitwick's list was drawn to the end. The sorting hat teased every freshman in a godlike manner, and after the colleges were sorted, Principal McGonagall stood up and said to everyone: "Welcome everyone! Freshmen of Gewarts, Hogwarts is the cradle of knowledge, here you will learn how to become a qualified wizard, I hope you can help each other and make progress together, your performance will determine the scores of your respective houses, and it is important to win honor for the houses The responsibilities of each student, the prefects and the presidents of the student union will tell you the specific rules of Hogwarts, I hope you will abide by them."

Maureen and the others were starving, but Principal McGonagall looked very serious, not a person to be messed with, and no one dared to interrupt her.After she finished her opening speech, a lot of food appeared on the table, including baked potatoes and chicken legs.

"I can eat a cow." Mo Lin said while biting a chicken leg.

Hugo stuffed his mouth with ham: "I would like to know if the Sorting Hat is hungry. Didn't it say that it has ears and a mouth?"

Molin glanced at the Sorting Hat over there. Professor Flitwick was about to take it away, but the words the Sorting Hat said appeared in Molin's mind again. What is the ancient magic about different-color pupils?

"I have time to go to the library and look it up." Maureen took a sip of pumpkin juice.


(Many people say that Albus belongs to the Slytherin house. Let me briefly say that I [continued] based on the [seven novels], as long as the [seven novels] do not mention which school Albus belongs to , what occupation Audio-Technica is engaged in, everything is set by me. I originally made a note in the later chapters, and now I also make a note in this chapter, otherwise new book readers may have questions.)
(End of this chapter)

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