Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 124 Three Substitutes Come On!

Chapter 124 Three Substitutes Come On!

"Lucky?" James punched the wall hard. "One less person is fine, but three less?"

"James, don't be angry, there are two of us." Bruno looked at Sweet and Lily.

Sweet gritted his teeth, seemed to have some scruples, and said, "I can't participate in the competition—"

"You're not going?" James' voice was tinged with anger.

"You must participate!" Maureen stared at Sweet, and said unquestionably: "I don't care what strange reasons you have every time, if you don't participate in the competition now, it means that we have to abstain! Polk's parents are still in the stands Wait, are you going to let Polk down?"

Sweet lowered his head, was silent for a moment, and finally did not refute.

"Pick up your broom for me!" James was very angry, Polk disappeared, Filia and Diana had accidents again, and the only person in Gryffindor who could be the captain now was him.

"Slytherin, right? Conspiracy, fine, I'll make them look good." James spat heavily.

Sweet took out a Muggle sunglasses from his pocket and put them on. Maureen frowned slightly, but Sweet just said: "I have some problems with my eyes. When the sun is particularly strong, my vision will be very poor. This is my Reason for not wanting to play."

This is the first time Maureen has heard of Sweet's strange disease. No wonder he refused when Polk wanted to let Sweet play on the field last time. During normal flight lessons, he hardly sees Sweet. figure.

"No matter what, keep your spirits up." Albus also lost his usual carefree look, and became more dignified.

"Can you Gryffindors still play?" Mrs. Hooch asked as she came in from the outside.

"Yes, Mrs. Hooch." Morin replied.

"That's good. I've heard about it, but a game is a game, and it can't be interrupted for this reason. Come out!" Mrs. Huo Qi rode on the flying broom and left the locker room.

"Everyone knows what this game means, hit me hard!" James' eyes flickered with madness.

As if infected by James' energy, every team member's eyes were ignited with high fighting spirit. When the seven of them rushed out of the locker room, the audience cheered again, and the Gryffindor lion kept dancing in the air. growled loudly.

"I just got the news that the two Chasers of Gryffindor were unable to play due to some physical reasons. This incident is really weird, and it is an unprecedented blow to Gryffindor! This is the first time that Gryffindor has sent all three first-year substitutes on the field. How will they perform in the face of the experienced Slytherin? Anyway, let Let's cheer for them loudly!"

Hugo's voice rekindled the enthusiasm of the audience, and the players from both sides had already stood on the half-court of the Quidditch pitch.

"The captains of both sides shook hands," Mrs. Hooch said.

James and the captain of Slytherin, Geoffrey, held hands together. Geoffrey is a seventh-year student, tall and tall, and plays the position of the Chaser. He is a head taller than James, but James Without any fear.

"Without Polk and Filia, you can't win against us." Jeffrey's face showed a look of victory.

"So you're going to get our Chaser in the hospital by dirty means, aren't you?" James responded grimly.

"We don't need to do this, because from the moment Polk is absent, you will lose." Jeffrey said proudly.

Geoffrey was surrounded by Scorpius, who was different from the arrogance on the faces of other Slytherin players. He said to Albus with an apologetic face: "I'm sorry, I originally applied for Mrs. Hooch to delay this game, But Mrs Hooch disagrees, we don't want to take advantage of people."

"is it?"

Albus swung his bat, turned his neck, and said in a strong tone: "I'm afraid you are the only one in your entire team who thinks this way, but it's unnecessary. Don't sympathize with your opponent, Scorpius, I won't Show mercy."

"Some of your little bastards in Slytherin dare to play shady tricks, and we will definitely make them remember."

James held the bat, a fierce light burst out from his eyes.

"What does that mean? I don't understand."

Scorpius has been trying to improve the impression of Slytherin in other colleges. He will not do such a framed thing to Maureen, and he does not understand why the two Gryffindor players are suddenly hospitalized.

Just because he can't do it doesn't mean other Slytherins can't do it.

"You'll understand." James said coldly, "Because we're not just playing for ourselves in this game."

He set his eyes on the William and his wife next to Professor Kane, and didn't continue talking.

But everyone in Gryffindor understood what James was going to say, and everyone's eyes burst out with awe-inspiring fighting spirit.

"I hope it's a fair and just game."

Mrs. Hooch sets the Snitch free with her wand.

Even though she said so, the Gryffindor players all knew that this match had been unfair from the very beginning.

"The game begins!" Mrs. Hooch blew the whistle!

Countless voices galloped through the air. Sweet turned around and had already grabbed the Quaffle and threw it to Lily. Lily and Owen walked side by side and rushed towards the opponent's goal.But Scorpius and Geoffrey combined to block their progress, while the Bludger flew towards Lily from the left.

Lily rolled over, the ball had been thrown from her hands, Scorpius straightened the broomstick in the air, and rushed towards the Quaffle, but there was a red shadow faster than him, Maureen had jumped over, grabbed Caught the Quaffle, passed over Scorpius' head, and opened the distance.

Jeffrey seemed to have expected it a long time ago. He knew that with Maureen on the scene, Maureen would definitely not be as simple as simply looking for the Snitch, and would definitely act as the fourth chaser to attack. Also jumped over.

The broom under Jeffrey was the Firebolt 15 model, which was not much different from the Gale Skyhawk. In addition, there was a height difference, and the falling speed was faster, and it had already hit Molin from the upper left.

But Mo Lin didn't dodge at all, he looked at Jeffrey coldly, his eyes flickered with a strange light, and the flight trajectories of all the team members appeared in his mind, and he knew what would happen next——

A bludger rushed down and hit Jeffrey on the shoulder. Jeffrey had no idea how the bludger came. He leaned to the side, and Maureen's Quaffle had already thrown go out!
"Ten points from Gryffindor!"

There were crazy cheers from the Gryffindor students in the audience. This good start is really important to Gryffindor who lacks three main players!

"Gryffindor scored a goal in less than 20 seconds under the galloping attack of the seeker Maureen! It seems that Gryffindor's cooperation is surprisingly good, especially James' assist. At the moment, he smashed Jeffrey and successfully created a chance for Maureen!"

Jeffrey looked at James angrily. It was James who hit the Bludger just now.

"Don't be surprised, the game has just begun!"

James flicked the bat, his face didn't have the usual playful smile, on the contrary, there was an invisible ferocity on his face, and there were faint invisible flames burning in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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