City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 94 Head Down

Chapter 94 Head Down

In the Tiandu Lake Peninsula Villa.

Xu Shiqiang rubbed his hands, and smiled awkwardly again, but the smile was uglier than crying, which made Master Gao stare fiercely across from him.

As usual, at this time, you should go on the "show" first, then eat, drink, and have enough fun, and then it's time to get down to business.

However, Xu Shiqiang has long been tormented by nightmares. Seeing Master Gao's methods like a fairy, he wished to beg him to heal him immediately. He didn't care about routines, let alone playing shows.

Now he is only thinking about how to ask Master Gao to treat him, but he is afraid of being rejected, so he is coy and embarrassed.

Master Gao knew Xu Shiqiang's little thoughts as soon as he saw his performance, but he knew that this kind of behavior was still very unpleasant.

After glaring at him fiercely, Master Gao slowly said, "Tell me, what is it?"

"Ah! The thing is like this..." Xu Shiqiang regained his energy immediately, and told all about the nightmares he had every day.

After a long time, the room was silent for a while.

Master Gao frowned, and after thinking for a long time, he said, "Your situation looks like you have fallen into a magic spell from the south."

As soon as Xu Shiqiang heard the word "magic", he immediately became nervous, swallowed with a bitter face, and waited for the next sentence.

"In the south, there is a sorcery called head drop technique. I wonder if you have heard of it?"

After this sentence came out, Xu Shiqiang's face changed suddenly.

The three words "head lowering technique" are well-known names in Southern Xinjiang Province, and it has reached the point where the listeners turn pale and those who hear it are afraid.

This is a kind of sorcery spread in Southeast Asia, because Southern Xinjiang Province is very close to Southeast Asia, so there are naturally some spreads.

It can use human bones, blood, hair, nails and other materials to cast a curse on people, which can cause people to be injured or even die without knowing it.

The characteristics of middle head drop are generally: poor luck, poor physical condition, abnormal temper or personality, and auditory hallucinations;
Or there are inexplicable bruises on the body, teeth marks on both sides of the tongue, unusual muscle twitching, insect crawling sensation on the skin, inexplicable abdominal pain, general fatigue, black lines on the whites of the eyes, etc.

After being reminded by Master Gao, Xu Shiqiang immediately remembered the symptoms of the "head lowering technique", and compared it with his own situation, his face turned pale and he collapsed completely.

"Master, please save me!" In a blink of an eye, he immediately fell to his knees in front of Master Gao, crying bitterly.

Master Gao was extremely calm. After a slight smile, he said, "It's just a small path, so don't be so excited."

In his opinion, the so-called head-down technique is nothing more than biochemical weapons plus spiritual hints, nothing more.It doesn't even count as spells, let alone any shocking tricks.

Half of the injuries or deaths among those who suffered from the magic were due to being poisoned by biological and chemical weapons, and the other half was caused by scaring themselves.

He is the authentic descendant of Changshengtang, even in the sect where evildoers gather, he is a genius, and it is not easy to undo a small "head lowering technique".

However, he was afraid he took it for granted.

The head-lowering technique is naturally just a trivial technique, but what Xu Shiqiang hit was the witch talisman with the character "cong", and it was the witch talisman made by Wei Xiaohannu himself!
How could it be as simple as he thought?
Xu Shiqiang was comforted by Master Gao, he immediately showed joy, crawled over quickly, hugged his thigh with both hands, and begged again:

"Master, please save me! As long as I can, I will do my best to support you."

Xu Shiqiang had nothing else but a lot of money, so he promised to support him with all his strength.

These words scratched Master Gao's itch. He loved all kinds of pleasures in this world of mortals the most, but he couldn't bear to get money, so his life has not been very good. This time he got such a promise, but he was very happy.

Although Master Gao was happy in his heart, he still had the faint look of a master on his face. He stretched out his hand to help Xu Shiqiang who was kneeling in front of him, and then looked him up and down.

"Just stand still and wait for me to perform a spell to investigate."

As he spoke, Master Gao raised his right hand, put his five fingers together into a palm, and slapped him on the forehead.

Wei Xiao suddenly felt a strange feeling, as if he was being watched by something.

He didn't know that at this moment, Master Gao was looking for clues along the spiritual force on the talisman.

At the beginning, Master Gao still had a relaxed expression on his face, but slowly he frowned, and the doubts on his face became more and more serious.

The breath of this head drop technique actually has a feeling of deja vu!

Why is it so familiar?Master Gao couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, and suddenly he seemed to have thought of something.

"You said, you started having nightmares after you visited the store at the east gate of Guida University?" He felt that he had found the point, so he immediately asked.

"Yes... yes! Master, that's it!" Xu Shiqiang suddenly remembered it, and even remembered more details.

"I remember, someone said a word to me: Since you think this herbal tea is rubbish, then you just wait for the day when you are defeated by it!" He imitated Wei Xiao's tone that day, and read out the words.

"Gui University, student, herbal tea?" Master Gao suddenly sneered:

It turned out to be you!

According to the information I saw yesterday, the person who has been investigating the "Zombie Revenge" incident turned out to be the person who lowered his head, no wonder he still has some skills.

It's just some small skills, but he dares to meddle in other people's business, haha.Master Gao thought with some disdain.

At this moment, a mutation arose.

His palm, which was originally on Xu Shiqiang's forehead, bounced off suddenly as if he had been electrocuted.

Afterwards, a powerful mental force surged like a tide, and slapped Master Gao on the head.

There was a roar in his head, and a loud voice kept repeating: Since you think this herbal tea is rubbish, then wait for the day when you are defeated by it!

Master Gao's face suddenly changed.

He didn't expect that this person's head-down technique was so powerful, just to check it out, it was regarded as an attack, and then counterattacked, directly intruding into his spiritual world.

However, he was quite calm.

Although he was still shocked, after a loud shout, he stretched out two fingers with both hands, one left and one right pressed on his temples fiercely.

Xu Shiqiang had long been stunned by Master Gao's actions. He had no idea what Master Gao was doing, but subconsciously felt that he had been affected by him.

Thinking that even Master Gao had been tricked, he shrank his neck subconsciously, not daring to make a sound.

After an unknown amount of time, Master Gao let out a long breath.

"How could you mess with such a person?" He glared at Xu Shiqiang, and then asked.

Before the other party could answer, he murmured fiercely to himself again: "However, you have offended me!"

He said this to those who practiced the "Head-Lowering Technique"!
(End of this chapter)

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