City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 92 There is a situation

Chapter 92 There is a situation

After 10 minutes, Cheng Jinliang told all the news he knew like a bamboo tube pouring beans, and he was afraid that it would not be detailed enough, even some secrets about Xu Shiqiang were all sold out by him.

When it was mentioned that Xu Shiqiang had been having nightmares recently and mentioned "Wuji Herbal Tea" from time to time, Wei Xiao snorted lightly.

When Xu Shiqiang was about to bid 5000 million for the formula, Wei Xiao couldn't help being surprised for a while, and thought: Finally, someone understands the value of herbal tea.

However, although he was surprised, he didn't intend to just sell the formula. The valuation of five thousand and five was still too low.

After talking about the valuation of the formula, we naturally came to the matter about Cheng Jinliang. He didn't try to cover up the idea of ​​getting greedy in his heart and intending to make a profit from it, but said it bluntly.

"5000 million, even if I only earn one percent from it, it's worth most of my life's wages." Cheng Jinliang smiled at himself and continued, "So this greed is completely human. common sense."

Wei Xiao also smiled, but he despised it in his heart.

Greed is greed, and those who say that the temptation is too great are just excuses for themselves.

"So, it was your idea to come to the herbal tea shop to make trouble twice?" Huang Liang asked angrily after listening to the whole story from the side.

" can't say that..." Cheng Jinliang originally wanted to pretend to be pitiful and to show sympathy, but he was exposed all of a sudden, so he could only stammer and explain.

Wei Xiao saw through him at a glance, and couldn't help but sneer in his heart: It really is "Yan Wang is easy to mess with, and little ghosts are hard to deal with." In the matter of buying the formula, Xu Shiqiang, who is the boss, hasn't even stepped forward yet, and the little ghosts under his hands can't wait to take the risk. Out.

"Okay, let's go!"

After finishing speaking, Wei Xiao waved his hand and dismissed the bald Cheng Jinliang.

The whole story is already known, Xu Shiqiang wants to buy the formula at a high price, although he doesn't know how to sell it, but he is still sure about this attitude.

In fact, there is not much grievance between him and Xu Shiqiang. The matter of slandering the name of the witch has ceased since he used the character "from".Even the "a little sweet" beverage store was implicated because of this. After the reputation was greatly damaged, the business also plummeted. These are the prices the other party should pay.

Now if the other party is willing to bow his head to admit his mistake and then apologize, Wei Xiao doesn't mind giving him a chance.

Xu Shiqiang's future fate, and even the future success or failure of the Xu Group, all depend on Xu Shiqiang's subsequent performance.

When Cheng Jinliang heard the words to let him go, he was stunned for a while, and then he laughed apologetically.

"Oh, that's right! There's one more thing." Cheng Jinliang seemed to remember something, and in order to repay the two of them, he let him go, regardless of whether the matter was important or not, he immediately told what he knew.

"Mr. Xu has sought the help of many experts for the nightmare, but it seems to have no effect. He made an appointment with another person named Master Gao this morning. It is probably for this matter."

"And he also speculated that it seemed like you were the one responsible..."

Cheng Jinliang's voice became softer as he spoke. At the end of his speech, he subconsciously glanced at Wei Xiao, seeming to agree with Xu Dong's guess, but after he finished speaking, he didn't care about the reaction of the two of them, and immediately ran away without looking back. Out of the alley.

Hearing this news, Wei Xiao was not surprised at all. After all, Xu Shiqiang has been harassed by nightmares for such a long time. It is right to ask someone to help relieve him, but...

In this world, besides him, who else can remove the effect of the "cong" character witch?
This is not his bragging, but the real emotion in his heart.

As the saying goes: The closer you are to God, the more you will feel its greatness!
Wei Xiao also felt the same way on the road of learning Wufu. Wufu is too great. Wufu is not only a kind of magic, but also the foundation of Wuzu civilization, and even the philosophy of Wuzu. , For those who don't understand, it is tantamount to a heavenly book.That's why he was confident that no one could understand the effect of the character "cong" except himself.

I just hope that Xu Shiqiang can understand this path sooner.He sighed.

After Cheng Jinliang ran away, he probably didn't dare to make trouble again. The herbal tea shop can be clean for a while and open for business.

Wei smiled and greeted Huang Liang with a smile, indicating that it was time for him to leave.

Huang Liang didn't look at him, but pouted at the gangster lying on the ground, as if asking him what to do.

"It's okay, I just fainted from the shock, now, the other people are still outside, let them clean up by themselves." Wei Xiao pointed to the entrance of the alley, and outside were the other seven people who had run away a long time ago.

After Huang Liang saw the seven people, he was relieved and relieved.

But after relaxing, the place where he was hit before, the pain surged up, and the pain made him grin his teeth. It wasn't until Wei Xiao assured that he would be completely fine with another body wash, that he followed back with a displeased face. Herbal tea shop.

After returning to the store, Huang Liang immediately went to take a bath to heal his wounds, and Wei Xiao had to take care of the store.

After Huang Liang came back from the shower, as he said, he was alive and kicking again, and his physical fitness was even better.

The boss was back, and it was natural for Wei Xiao to run away. When he walked into the school gate, the phone on his body suddenly rang.

He took out his phone and saw the caller ID: Luo Mengqing.

After answering the phone, he only said three words on the phone, which made him nervous.

"There is a situation."

Half an hour later, Wei Xiao and Luo Mengqing met again in the rented room. As soon as they met, Luo Mengqing handed over the cockroach, also known as the "Shadow Gu".

After receiving the Shadow Gu handed over, Wei Xiao immediately immersed himself in it.

The images recorded in Shadow Gu can be adjusted at will, and you can also choose to watch them. Wei Xiao jumped directly to the part Luo Mengqing said.

In the picture, Director Long is meeting a person dressed as a Taoist priest. The Taoist priest is wearing a Taoist robe, has long hair, and is dressed strangely. It is the person who asked Luo Mengqing before.After they chatted for a while, Chief Long gave him some printed papers. There were densely written words on the paper, but he couldn't see clearly what it was exactly.

After getting a few pieces of paper, the Taoist priest was about to leave. At the end of the picture, he seemed to feel something, and kept looking towards the shadow.

"Is this the Taoist priest who asked you about your white blood?" Wei Xiao slowly withdrew from the shadow's perspective, and asked immediately after he came out.

"Yes, that's him! He hasn't changed his attire, so it makes people feel a little flustered." Luo Mengqing nodded and expressed his feelings.

"This is an expert. He must have overheard our conversation last time." Wei Xiao said affirmatively after recalling it for a while.Originally, he was just guessing, but he didn't dare to be completely sure until he met this person.

"Ah? Could it be that day? No wonder!" When Luo Mengqing said this, he understood.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiao asked the most relevant question: "Go and investigate, what are these pieces of paper that Long Lingtian gave him?"

"Okay!" Luo Mengqing nodded and agreed.That piece of paper looked like it had been printed, and it was sent in by her colleague to the director. You only need to ask that colleague to find out.

After arranging things, Luo Mengqing left with the task.

But Wei Xiao was not idle, he also wanted to inquire about the origin of this Taoist priest.

(End of this chapter)

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