Chapter 90
The best way to deal with punks, especially the one in front of you, is to be tougher than him, um, tough!

Huang Liang had just used the body wash, and now it was the time when Bangbang was hard, and he was worried that he had nowhere to use it.

When I think about how I will show my power in front of these little bastards later, I will be a little excited when I think about it.

Huang Liang went into the backstage silently, took out the steel rod used to prevent theft, imitated the way in Hong Kong movies, slapped his left hand with the steel rod joltingly, and walked out calmly.

"Tsk tsk, are you here to make trouble?" He hit the steel rod with one hand and looked at the punks.

"Hey, boss, don't talk nonsense, we are just watching the fun, how can we make trouble." A leader emerged from the group of punks, and replied in a strange way.

They came here to make troubles because they were instructed, and they adhere to the principle of using only their mouths and not hands, and use peaceful force to carry out the troubles to the end. In the words of an expert, this is called: non-violence and non-cooperation!
So they would never admit to Huang Liang's accusation.

They didn't admit it, Huang Liang naturally had a solution. He continued to shake the steel rod, "Look at the fun? How about I show you how to break a steel rod with bare hands?"

After all, without waiting for the leader to answer, he directly grabbed both ends of the steel rod, and Huang Liang let out a soft "hey" before breaking it hard.

The steel rod does not respond...

"Ha!" Huang Liang increased his voice and exerted more strength at the same time.

The steel rod is still safe and sound...

Huang Liang couldn't help but black lines appearing on his head, with embarrassment on his face.

"Puff..." I don't know who took the lead in laughing, and there was a burst of laughter outside the herbal tea shop, especially those gangsters, who laughed into colorful flowers.

With laughter, the scene that was still a bit tense suddenly became much more relaxed. Huang Liang, who was holding a steel rod in one hand, looked a little funny.

"Could it be that the boy Xiaoge gave me a fake product?" Huang Liang thought with a helpless face, it was very embarrassing to be laughed at on the spot after failing to pretend to be coercive.

He was wronged. Wei smiled.

When Wei Xiao broke the steel rod yesterday, not only had he already reached the fifth stage of young witches, but he also had decent witch power, so he could break it easily, and he obviously only used the body wash once, in terms of strength alone. It's not far off.

The onlookers in front of the herbal tea shop were laughing, and Cheng Jinliang, who was hiding at the entrance of the food street, was also laughing, and he was laughing happily, but he didn't dare to laugh too loudly for fear of attracting others' attention, so he could only cover his mouth Mouth secretly laughing, issued a "hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo" pig sound.

"Hohohoho... This guy is so funny!" Cheng Jinliang smiled and was secretly proud. The scene in front of the herbal tea shop was exactly planned by him.

Since the last time he came to find fault and was taught a lesson, he has learned to be a good boy. Since it is clear that it will not work, he will first make trouble secretly, wait until the other party can't stand it, and then come forward, then scare him again and give him some money , Guaranteed to win this herbal tea recipe.

Seeing the store owner being played around by his tricks, and even doing such a funny thing, Cheng Jinliang was so happy in his heart, he just felt refreshed and so happy that he flew up!

Uh, wait a minute!Flying up... Cheng Jinliang suddenly had a bad feeling.

After staring at his feet for several times, he finally discovered a fact that almost made him collapse. He really flew up.

To be exact, it was brought up by Wei Xiao!
Wei Xiao grabbed the clothes on the nape of his neck with one hand, and directly lifted Cheng Jinliang in the air, no matter how hard he kicked, he didn't move at all, and he couldn't be stable.

"If you move around again, I'll throw you into the trash can!" Wei Xiao threatened angrily as he looked at the creaking clothes in his hand.

As soon as he entered the food street, he found Cheng Jinliang. After all, he had a shiny bald head, so he couldn't help but see it.He also saw the gangsters surrounding the herbal tea shop, but the situation wasn't too bad at the time. He just wanted to see how Huang Liang would deal with this situation, so he stayed at the street corner and watched from a distance.

Unexpectedly, the big bald head also stopped at the intersection, and hid secretly, observing the situation of the herbal tea shop secretly.

It wasn't until Huang Liang got embarrassed and the big bald head laughed out loud behind his back that Wei Xiao couldn't help but ran out and picked him up in his hands.

"You! What do you want, let me go quickly, or I will call someone!" The big bald head was lifted in the air, and he panicked for a while.

"You still want to call someone? It seems that I didn't teach you a lesson last time. It's my fault!" Wei Xiao sneered.

"You think I'm afraid that you won't succeed, so let me go if you have the ability, and let's fight again." The bald man shouted sternly.Now that he is still in someone else's hands, he naturally has no confidence, but as long as he can get away, the "Eight Great King Kong" he brought will definitely look good on him!

"Oh, let's fight again?" Wei Xiao immediately had a plan, and then he let go of his hand suddenly.

Cheng Jinliang's feet were still kicking in the air, and he suddenly let go, and suddenly landed unsteadily, fell down, and grinned in pain.

The bald man who was free didn't care about the pain in his butt. He ran and crawled to the door of the herbal tea shop and hid in the gangster group.

After the Eight Great King Kong surrounded him and protected him inside, Cheng Jinliang gained a bit of confidence.Seeing Wei Xiao calmly followed to the front of the store, a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help but say:

"Do you dare to go out with us?"

"Just go, I'm afraid you won't make it!" Wei Xiao also lost his temper. This guy is just a piece of brown sugar. If he can't solve him once, he might come to make trouble next time.

"Very good, follow if you have the guts." Cheng Jinliang shouted, and then walked out of the street first under the protection of the Eight King Kong.

"Brother Liang, let's go together."

Wei Xiao called Huang Liang, and handed over the things in the store to another clerk to watch, and the two followed the gangsters away together.

The reason why he was called Brother Shangliang was that Wei Xiao intended to teach him a simple truth: To deal with bullies who bully the weak and fear the hard, one must show tougher strength!
The two of them followed Cheng Jinliang and a group of people, all the way out of the East Gate of Guida, they turned around and went to nowhere.

The other party seemed to have premeditated and walked on a remote road, meeting fewer and fewer passers-by along the way, and finally came to an alley.

After entering the depths of the alley, the group of people walking in front finally stopped.

"You guys are so courageous!" Cheng Jinliang turned around and said to Wei Xiao and Wei Xiao with a sneer on his face, "I thought you wouldn't dare to follow."

"You didn't mean to fight, we will come naturally." Wei Xiao responded indifferently.

"Hey, you're pretty tough!" Cheng Jinliang praised in surprise, and his expression changed immediately.

"Eight Great King Kong, go!"

(End of this chapter)

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