City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 9 Stuck to death?

Chapter 9 Stuck to death?
Chapter 11 Stuck?
The dense aura linking the big stupid bear and the big worm suddenly rose sharply in just a moment, from being faintly visible at the beginning, it instantly turned into a billowing smoke, rushing towards the big worm without stopping.

Boss Dong was taken aback for a moment, and before he could think about it, the mutation regenerated.


The big worm carved out of wood began to become clearer, and the lines on its body became more and more vivid, as if it was about to come alive, and the sound of insects could be heard faintly.

Boss Dong immediately clapped his hands, his heart was ecstatic, and he unconsciously shouted: "Oh! It's done!"

Thirty years ago, he stole the Holy Gu in a moment of greed, and since then embarked on the path of no return as a traitor. In the past 30 years, he has hidden XZ in the east, seized vitality from ordinary people, and raised holy Gu.

For 30 years, I have been trembling, wishing to get a little more every time, and afraid that something will happen and my identity will be exposed, so I only dare to "click as much" every time.

Those who have never experienced this kind of feeling may not understand it at all.It's like a criminal fleeing everywhere, knowing that he is very hungry, and there are delicacies in front of him, but he dare not take them, so he can only secretly take a few grains of white rice to ensure that he will not starve to death.

It's no wonder that Boss Dong is so out of sorts.

However, he is a mature and prudent person after all, after a momentary gaffe, he quickly calmed down and silently observed the big bug that was about to come back to life.


The voice of the big bug became more and more clear, and it kept echoing in the hut.The original dark yellow body began to become shiny, no longer the woody feeling before, but a metallic luster.


At the moment that no one noticed, the big bug moved once, and then again.

Boss Dong saw everything in front of him clearly, and after a moment, he also moved.I saw him with both hands, his right hand was drawing in the air, his left hand was biting through his teeth, and then his left hand, stained with the blood of his fingertips, tapped on the drawing made in the air, and in an instant a ray of light shot straight at the big bug.

His movements are very fast, completed in only a few seconds, but some changes are even faster!
The big worm only moved a bit, and the next moment, the sound of the worm seemed to turn into some kind of scream, which was extremely shrill.

Just as Boss Dong was waving his hands, Big Chongzi's body trembled violently, and the delicate tentacles, hands and feet on his body began to fall off one by one, and he became bald in an instant.

The muffled sound of an explosion echoed in the dark room, and when the light rushed in front of the big bug, the big bug exploded violently.

"how can that be!"

Boss Dong wanted to stare his eyes out.The holy Gu that was about to come back to life just now exploded in front of his eyes!
Like a firecracker, it exploded!

Outside the square, Wei Xiao stood up unsteadily and rubbed himself again, feeling much better.

"As expected, it took me an hour to practice and a whole day of vigorous exercise. In just a few minutes, the feeling of weakness just now is completely gone."

He complained in his heart, and then waved his short hand again, attracting the eyes of passers-by.

A moment later, a distraught figure rushed out from the background.

"What were you doing just now?" A loud roar sounded behind him.

Wei Xiao was taken aback immediately, turned his head inexplicably, and found that it was the person in charge of the event—Boss Dong.

Boss Dong's question was very aggressive, and he didn't understand the situation, so he could only answer simply: "I just sat down for a while, do you have any questions?"

I can't tell you that I'm charging, uh, practicing, right?

"This..." Boss Dong was also taken aback when he heard his answer, and then shouted excitedly again.

"Why sit? Who told you to sit down!"

In the scene just now, Boss Dong thought for a long time before confirming that it was a problem in taking the vitality of the person in front of him.In the past so many years, no matter what method he used, no matter how he took anyone's vitality, there had never been such a situation.

Only just now, the smoky vitality impressed him deeply!

"Oh, who asked me to sit down?"

As soon as Wei Xiao heard Boss Dong's question, he was immediately happy, and laughed angrily: "You told me yourself, take a rest when you feel tired!"

"Now ask me again, who asked me to sit down, what do you want?"

As he spoke, he took off his big stupid bear costume, carried it with one hand, and asked with one hand on his hip.

What he just said has already annoyed him, and if he doesn't give an explanation, he doesn't mind causing something to happen.

When Boss Dong heard what he said, he immediately held back and couldn't speak anymore. This feeling was like eating what he just pulled.

feeling bad!
After the atmosphere was silent for a while, he seemed to have discovered something again.

"You...why are you so energetic?" As he spoke, he pointed at Wei Xiao's body.

All the previous part-timers were exhausted after being taken away by him, especially Xiao Chen who was smoked for three days in a row, and even fainted immediately, but the young man in front of him was alive and kicking , and even reasoned with himself in a calm manner.

Shouldn't you be half dead tired, shouldn't you be extremely weak, shouldn't you be sitting on the ground and unable to get up?
Why are you so energetic?
Who made you so energetic!
Of course he didn't know that Wei Xiao had the means to practice, which was equivalent to carrying a power bank with him.

But of course Wei Xiao would not tell him about this kind of thing.

"Why can't I be energetic? I'm too strong!" Wei Xiao sneered, as if thinking of something, he continued to ask: "You don't mean to renege on your debts, do you?"

When he thought that some unscrupulous merchants would find excuses to deduct part-time wages, he immediately became angry.

Boss Dong didn't know what to say for a while.After thinking about it, all the explanations seemed to come down to what he said just now: He grows strong!
That's why he won't get tired, that's why it's so easy to extract his vitality, and that's why his vitality has the appearance of billowing thick smoke.

So, the Holy Gu was overwhelmed by excessive vitality? !

Thinking all the way down, and finally getting this answer, Boss Dong was immediately dumbfounded.

The sacred object of the mountain gate, the Holy Gu that has been offered for 30 years like a day, was strangled to death by the vitality of an ordinary person in one day!
The big joke of slipping the world!

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Boss Dong shook his head while thinking.

Even if he was killed, he would not believe such a thing.

But what if you don’t believe it?The Holy Gu is dead, but this is the fact that he has seen with his own eyes.

The death of Holy Gu means that 30 years of hard work will be in vain!It means that being a traitor for 30 years is meaningless!It means that everything that has been done for 30 years is a joke!
"It's just a joke!"

Thinking of this, Boss Dong couldn't help laughing out loud.At this time, his thoughts had already got into the horns, the more he thought about it, the more he couldn't let it go, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

Wei Xiao was startled when he heard his laughter, feeling a chill down his spine.

(End of this chapter)

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