City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 824 Another Invitation

Chapter 824 Another Invitation

After more than half a month of discussions and exchanges, Chief Tian's evaluation of Wei Xiao has become higher and higher, and he has almost been placed on the same level as other elders. If his cultivation level was not too low, it would even be higher. .

Of course, cultivation base is not a standard that must be met in the eyes of Chief Tianyi. As long as Wei Xiao is willing to join Xuantian Temple at this time, I am afraid he will immediately give him the position of elder.

However, after Tian Yidao had contacted Wei Xiao several times in private, he also gradually understood Wei Xiao's thoughts. The other party didn't want to join any sect at all, and only wanted to be a free casual cultivator.

In this regard, Chief Tianyi had no choice but to lament silently.

In this era, being a casual cultivator is not as easy as imagined. Although the cultivation world is peaceful and not full of killings and scrambles like it was 100 years ago, the scramble behind the scenes has become more intense.

Loose cultivators have no sect or sect, and they don’t even have many brothers. Many of them can only rely on their own understanding to practice.

Such people are destined not to achieve much, because they lack resources, communication, and help.

A casual cultivator, without the blessed land of aura provided by the sect, will lack aura during cultivation; without communication between fellow practitioners, and even without a mentor to guide, it can only be done behind closed doors, and no matter where you practice; Help, once you encounter something, you will suffer everywhere, and you need to endure the oppression of others.

This kind of path of self-cultivation, not to mention being free and easy, but being able to persevere all the time is considered remarkable.

Master Tianyi can say unceremoniously: Ever since the spiritual energy was exhausted, there has been no way for casual cultivators to survive in the entire cultivation world!
Today's Xiumeng, although on the surface, the big and small sects and loose cultivators live in harmony and help each other, but as the head of one of the three major sects, he knows better than anyone else that this cultivation world will be destroyed sooner or later. The three major sects were wiped out, and in the end only the three major sects and some obedient small sects remained.

When chatting with Wei Xiao, Tian Yidao, with a heart of love for talent, raised these interests in a relatively obscure way, hoping that he can understand, and also hope that he can wake up and join Xuan Xuan quickly. Tianguan, stop wasting your talents.

However, after Wei Xiao heard these remarks, he just smiled and said: "Thank you, Taoist Master, for your kindness. I believe that as long as the world of cultivation exists, the casual cultivators will not reach the end."

"Hey!" Tian Yidao sighed again, and said earnestly, "You child, why are you so stubborn? Loose cultivators, casual cultivators, a group of stragglers, are destined to be eliminated."

"No, no, no!" Faced with Tian Yidao's increasingly blunt words, Wei Xiao smiled and shook his head again and again.

"The world of comprehension has existed for thousands of years, and casual cultivators have also existed for thousands of years. Since it has not disappeared for thousands of years, it will naturally not disappear now...the Taoist priest does not need to persuade any more!" He retorted a few words, seeing the sky The chief seemed to have something to say, so he hurriedly persuaded him in advance.

Perhaps Wei Xiao's words made Chief Tian think of something, or maybe Chief Tian ran out of words. His mouth wriggled a few times, and finally he closed his mouth without saying anything more.

The persuasion was ineffective, Master Tianyi reluctantly left the library hall, but before he left, he said one more sentence: "If brother Xiao wants to join the sect someday, everyone in Xuantianguan will definitely welcome him!"

Wei Xiao had listened to such words several times, and nodded immediately, agreeing wholeheartedly.

"Okay, if I change my mind, I will definitely consider your sect."

Hearing these words, Chief Tianyi finally left with satisfaction.

This sentence, whether others believe it or not, Wei Xiao will definitely not take it to heart. After all, he has said similar things to Yimeng Zhenren, Mr. Hong, and Shanshuixingzhe. It is nothing more than a step to make everyone look better. .

In fact, both the speaker and the listener know in their hearts that this is impossible!
After this invitation, Wei Xiao's life returned to normal. As usual, he went to the library hall to read books every day, and then went to the meeting hall to discuss with the elders of Xuantian Temple at night.

However, for some unknown reason, the frequency of Tian Daochang's visits is slowly decreasing. He seems to be busy with something, and he often doesn't see anyone for two or three days.

Wei Xiao didn't think there was any problem, after all, he was the master of one view, and it was normal to have his own affairs to attend to.

He would feel strange if Chief Tianyi could go to the meeting hall on time every day.

As time passed day by day, Wei Xiao hid in the Xuantian Temple and lived a novel and interesting life, but the outside world had already turned the world upside down.

The first is Yunmeng Pavilion. After studying the experience he left behind, the experience of pregnant sword obtained by improving the technique of talisman sword was repeated by the elder who granted the sword.

According to the explanation on Wei Xiao's experience, the sword-granting elder Xu Jian used the method of pregnant sword to forge a brand new sword.

It is completely different from the previous way of refining weapons. The art of pregnant swords does not need to learn the art of refining weapons at all. You only need to learn the art of talisman swords. You can hide the sword in your heart and perfectly describe it in your heart. Just use a heart sword.

This condition is almost equal to the entry condition of the Talisman Sword Art, and it is equivalent to none for the high-ranking disciples of Yunmeng Pavilion.

The technique of talisman sword is a compulsory secret technique for every inner disciple of Yunmeng Pavilion!

After drawing a perfect Heart Sword, the Heart Sword is then blended into the sword-making materials through special meditation methods, and then the sword is impregnated, allowing the sword's intention to gestate in the materials, and finally generate a powerful sword. of sword.

After doing this repeated process, the sword granting elder was immediately excited, and stood by the pregnant sword material every day, waiting for the birth of the sword, just like a father waiting for a child to be born.

I don't know if it's because Elder Xu's cultivation base is too high, or his method of conceiving the sword is not proficient enough, this time the time for conceiving the sword is very short, and the birth took less than three days.

Compared with Wei Xiao's first pregnancy sword time, it was at least two-thirds shorter.

Of course, this does not mean that this sword is not good. After all, Elder Xu conceived the sword himself, and his understanding of the sword talisman technique far exceeds that of Wei Xiao. The sword intent in the heart sword is also extremely abundant. No one in the court can compare with him.

As soon as the first sword was born, Elder Xu immediately sent someone to invite the head of the sword, Meng Zhenren, and then, under the witness of several elders, the two of them participated in the trial process of the sword.

The elders who came to witness looked confused and didn't know why, but Master Yimeng knew the reason, so he was extra curious and careful when he tried the sword for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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