City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 821 The Controversy

Chapter 821 The Controversy
The discussion continued. For the next ten days, Wei Xiao lived a life like this. He went to the Library Hall to read books during the day, and came back at night to discuss the contents with Elder Tianyi and Elder Xuancang.

As for rest, it's not that important to him. In many cases, as long as he finds time to practice for a while between reading books, he can immediately be resurrected with full blood.

During this period of time, Wei Xiao's life not only passed quickly, but also very happily, because he already clearly felt that his mastery of knowledge was getting deeper and deeper.

The Lesser Witch Realm requires every wizard to go out for a study tour, and now Wei Xiao is on the way to study. Judging from the current progress, maybe after reading the books in the library hall, half of it can be completed.

Of course, this is not to say that the requirements for the study tour in Shaowu Realm are too low, but that the books in the library hall are really rich, and many of them are common.

In other words, many books owned by other sects are also available in Xuantian Temple's library hall.

Therefore, as long as you read the books in the library hall, you are almost equivalent to reading the secret books of most of the cultivation world, and the rest are only the unique secret arts of various schools and schools.

Wei Xiao had a very happy life in Xuantian Temple, but Lu Yuqing's life in Shujie Island was not so easy.

On the same day, after Wei Xiao left his thoughts, Lu Yuqing immediately read them, and handed them to the two elders on the island in shock.

Mu Ling was as terrified by this experience as Elder Wang. After reading it, they also didn't dare to neglect, and immediately copied a copy and sent it to Yunmeng Mountain.

Especially the experience about the magic of Talisman Sword was rushed to the hands of the sword-teaching elder.

Elder Xu, as the sword-granting elder of Yunmeng Pavilion, has been in charge of refining swords, giving swords, and offering swords for hundreds of years. Be great.

After he received this experience, he opened it to read it on the spot, and quickly read the contents.

However, after he finished reading, his gaze seemed a little wandering, as if he was wandering into the sky. It was not until almost two hours later that he finally came back to his senses, and then let out a long sigh.

"The future is terrifying!"

Elder Xu's sigh reached Yimeng Daoist's ears. At this time, Yimeng Daoist also just received a report from Shujie Island, and because of the busy affairs on the mountain, he hadn't had time to see it yet.

So, he immediately put down all the work in his hands and began to read this report and the experience attached to it.

What Yimeng Zhenren read was the modification experience of "Flying Sword and Flying Sword". After reading it, he felt like he wanted to give it a try immediately.

Therefore, regardless of his identity as the leader, he forgot about the dignity and majesty that he needed to maintain at all times. After running out of Yunmeng Hall, he immediately rose up with the sword and made a new attempt at sword control as mentioned in the article.

Although Wei Xiao has tried his best to write his experience in an easy-to-understand manner, but for Yimeng Zhenren, this experience is still a bit difficult to understand.

It's not that his head is not smart enough, but that he is too familiar with "Flying Sword Art" and too familiar with the hand-held art. As soon as he stepped on the flying sword, his body immediately made instinctive movements.

It was for this reason that Yimengren's first attempt failed very quickly, and he fell straight down from a height of hundreds of meters.

Fortunately, Daoist Yimeng already has the strength to transform into a dragon, and his physical fitness is extremely strong, even if he falls, he will not be harmed.

However, such an accident would ultimately damage his reputation as the head of Yunmeng Pavilion, especially when he fell straight down like an iron weight under the eyes of many disciples.

Yimeng Zhenren's accidental fall, although he didn't get hurt, made all the elders on the mountain sweat a lot and gathered in Yunmeng Hall to persuade Yimeng Zhenren not to try again easily.

At this time, Elder Xu was naturally among them.

Yimeng Daoist can listen to the elders' persuasion and stop trying on his own, but he has called a group of disciples to let them try to learn this experience, and then see if they can do what the experience says.

At this time, this slightly absurd experience finally entered the eyes of all the elders in Yunmeng Pavilion.

Taking advantage of the presence of all the elders, Yimeng Daoist simply asked all the elders to participate in the discussion of this experience, wanting to analyze whether this experience is feasible.

In the report of Shujie Island, although it was said that this experience is completely feasible, but the first attempt of Yimeng Daoist ended in failure, so most people don't believe it.

Of course, no matter what the discussion is, there will always be a small group of people who hold the opposite opinion, so it quickly becomes a row.

Taking advantage of other elders' quarrel, Yimeng Daoist called Elder Xu to a study room behind the Yunmeng Hall, where the two mainstays of Yunmeng Pavilion sat opposite each other and began to discuss another piece of experience.

"Elder Xu, I believe you have also read the article about the pregnant sword, what do you think?" Yimeng Daoist cut to the point and directly asked his own question.

As the head of the sect, his talisman sword skills are not as good as Elder Xu, so it is inevitable to ask the other party for advice on this aspect.

"Very novel idea!" Elder Xu thought for a while, and finally gave an ambiguous answer.

This answer naturally did not satisfy Yimeng Daoist, so he asked again: "Novel? It is indeed novel! But is this method feasible? Is it possible to become a secret technique in the sect?"

The Talisman Sword Technique is originally the secret technique of Yunmeng Pavilion, so any modification based on it can be counted as the secret technique of Yunmeng Pavilion, even if the person who changed it, Wei Xiao, is not from Yunmeng Pavilion.

This point is the consensus of the entire cultivation world.

This question of Yimeng Daoist is to ask Elder Xu: Can this method work? If so, it will be listed as the secret technique of Yunmeng Pavilion, and it will be passed down like the technique of talisman sword.

Yimeng Daoist's idea is certainly good, but he didn't consider the opinion of the changer Wei Xiao at all, and he didn't even need to ask, he defaulted that the other party had already handed over this secret technique to them.

Elder Xu closed his eyes and pondered for a while, deduced it silently in his heart, then opened his eyes, and said: "From the theory of this experience, it is indeed feasible. However, the time is too hasty, and the subordinates are also worried about it. Haven't tried it, so it's hard to say..."

Elder Xu knew about Yimengrenren's previous attempts, and Wei Xiao wrote the article about "The Sword of Flying Heaven", but it made Yimengrenren fail in embarrassment.

Therefore, he didn't dare to talk too much, he just said that it was theoretically possible, but it was also possible to fail.

(End of this chapter)

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