City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 79 The Art of Tortoise Divination

Chapter 79 The Art of Tortoise Divination
Luo Mengqing was a little dazed, and his mind was full of the words "Emperor Tianhoutu".

Wei Xiao, on the other hand, went to deal with the medicinal materials he bought earlier.I just bought so many medicinal materials at the Chinese medicine market, only tortoise shells and yarrow are used for divination, and the rest are raw materials for body wash.When beating up children before, Wei Xiao thought about this problem: Luo Mengqing is just an ordinary person after all, maybe because she is an armed policeman, she is a little stronger than ordinary people, but compared to him or the expert behind Jiang Yongyi, she Still too weak.

She has been pulled in by Wei Xiao to investigate Jiang Yongji's matter this time, so she has to be protected comprehensively.

Witchcraft cannot be taught, and the best way is to strengthen her physical fitness, so that she can obtain a physical fitness far beyond ordinary people, so that she can better resist danger, so body wash is the best choice.

Although there are many raw materials for the body wash, the refining process is not complicated. At the beginning, Wei Xiao could successfully refine it with a broken pot and a small firewood stove. Now that he has a battery stove, it is even simpler.

Put a large pot of water in the hot pot, then turn on the battery stove, turn on the maximum power, wait until the water boils, and then follow the instructions in the recipe, throw in the ingredients one by one, but after throwing in each ingredient, Wei Xiao It is also necessary to play a special spell, which is the key to refining.

As long as this method is correct, the other steps will be a little flawed, at most it's just that the effect of the refined body wash is not good enough.

After half an hour, turn off the fire and call it a day.

A small bottle of transparent body wash was gently handed over to Luo Mengqing's hand. She was slightly taken aback, took it for no apparent reason, and glanced at Wei Xiao again.

Wei Xiao understood what she meant, and said in a low voice: "It's specially made for you. It can be mixed with water for bathing, or it can be mixed with water for drinking, but pay attention to the proportion."

Luo Mengqing was stunned again. She had seen the whole process of refining medicine for half an hour from the beginning to the end. Although the whole process was not complicated or difficult, the liquid obtained in the end was all contained in the small bottle in her hand.

That is to say: Wei Xiao specially bought a lot of medicinal materials, and spent another half an hour concocting such a bottle of medicine just for her.Thinking of this, Luo Mengqing was suddenly moved, nodded heavily, and accepted his thoughts.

Wei Xiao also explained the methods for bathing and taking it orally, especially emphasizing the ratio of water to water. In order to prevent her from understanding, he also wrote down various examples of water with a pen, and said in a long-winded manner. for more than ten minutes.

Luo Mengqing was not impatient, but nodded from time to time to show that he understood, and finally accepted the draft paper full of examples with a smile.

Wei Xiao watched her accept the body wash with satisfaction, and a big stone in her heart finally fell to the ground. After she tried it, her physical fitness was strengthened to a certain level, so she didn't need to worry about her safety.

After finishing the matter of the body wash, it was almost noon, and the two of them returned to the rental house after having lunch.

Wei Xiao began to prepare for the work of divination. It is now 11:25 BJ time, and in another 6 minutes, it will be the most important moment in ancient times - "three quarters of noon".

At three o'clock in the afternoon, when the Yang Qi in the world is at its peak, it is the easiest time to communicate with the world, and it is also the best time for tortoise divination.Of course, this does not mean that the tortoise must choose this time point, it is just that Wei Xiao's cultivation base is not deep, so he just needs to supplement it with other things. Fortunately, he accidentally obtained the thousand-year-old tortoise treasure before. I am more confident.

Wei Xiao sat cross-legged on the ground, put the tortoise treasure in his left hand, and used his right hand as a brush to lightly draw on the tortoise treasure.Although his movements are very light, the tortoise treasure seems to have spirituality. With his characterization, strange scratches appear on the tortoise treasure. blend together.

At this time, there is no trace of the depiction at all, and the strange scratches seem to be born on the turtle treasure, forming symbols that communicate with the world.

Wei Xiao smiled with satisfaction.

The tortoise treasure in front of him is indeed worthy of being the unique inheritance secret treasure of the Wu clan. With its help, the first step of the tortoise divination went smoothly.

The tortoise divination is divided into four steps, the first step is to describe, the second step is to burn, the third step is to occupy the tortoise, and the fourth step is to judge.

It seems a bit advanced, but it can also be said: the first step is to use the mobile phone to edit the text message sent to Tiandi, and the content of the text message is what you want to ask; the second step is to charge the mobile phone and connect to the Internet so that it can send the text message smoothly Go out; the third step is to read the content of Tiandi's reply, and the fourth step is to judge the result.

The four steps of tortoise divination, each step is very difficult, especially for Wei Xiao who only has the fourth realm of young witches, he is already prepared to fail.

Take the first step as an example, an ordinary tortoise shell may not even count as a mobile phone, it can only be regarded as a brick at most!

If you want to write on bricks, you need to have profound cultivation, especially to write characters that can communicate with heaven and earth, then the requirements are even higher.

But the turtle treasure in his hand is at least a high-end smart phone, so he can write so easily.

The first step is easily completed, and the next step is to burn it. This step is to convey the words on the turtle treasure to the world.

Burning must use yarrow, just like you must have a signal for texting, no need to ask why.

Wei Xiao used another stainless steel pot in the kitchen as a brazier for burning yarrow. After igniting the yarrow, he placed the tortoise on top of the flame, that is, the outer flame.

The tawny yarrow was quietly burning in the brazier, and the green flame was roasting the tortoise, making a crisp cracking sound.

Wei Xiao stared at the turtle treasure from the side. He was relieved again after hearing the cracking sound. The burning was successful!
The next step is the next step, occupying the turtle.


Wei Xiao poured a cup of cold water directly on the hot turtle treasure, and when the water and fire met, the water vapor evaporated.

On the turtle treasure, there was a crackling sound, and cracks appeared on it, and the cracks appeared very regularly, as if someone was manipulating it.

There are more and more cracks, densely covering the entire tortoise treasure, criss-crossing one after another, converging into mysterious symbols one by one, this is the response of heaven and earth!

Wei Xiao held the turtle treasure in his hand, took a deep breath, and looked at it heavily.

This is the last step, and also the most crucial step, to read the response from Heaven and Earth!
The first three steps are all for the last step. After getting the response, how to read it is the most critical. If you can’t read it, what’s the use of having a response?
This is also the step that tests the most cultivation and ability. The first few steps can rely on the right time, place and magic weapon, but this step cannot rely on any external force.

How to interpret and how to interpret it all depends on yourself!
Wei Xiao ignored the curious Luo Mengqing next to him. After taking a deep breath, he began to interpret it attentively, and he was completely immersed in it after seeing it.

(End of this chapter)

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