Chapter 756
When Wei Xiao saw this long sword, he felt something was wrong, but now that the words had been spoken, the arrow was on the string, so he had to shoot.

He gently placed Hong Zhong on the ground, and quickly recalled the playing method of "The Sound of Hong Zhong" in his mind, then took a deep breath, and said, "Senior, please advise!"

As soon as the words fell, his hands began to move, and both hands lightly touched Hong Zhong's sides at the same time, making a soft "buzz".

The bell rang, although the volume was very low, but the good water walker could hear it clearly and understood what it meant.

After all, it was Shanyin's strongest sound attack technique, so he had to retain the most basic respect no matter what, so his face gradually became serious, and his expression became more serious.

"Clang!" A crisp sword sound sounded.

Shanshui Xingzhe was flicking his fingers, constantly flicking the blade of the blue long sword, making crisp sword sounds.

For a while, the muffled sound of the Hong bell and the clear sound of the sword complemented each other, forming a wonderful sound.

Wei Xiao naturally also heard the sound of the other party flicking his sword. He was a little shocked at first, but he quickly figured it out. "Yes, the relationship between the two parties is definitely not ordinary.

According to the practice theory of the good water walker, I am afraid that he has learned from Mr. Hong a lot. Perhaps he learned this technique of sound attack from Mr. Hong.

The opponent also knows the technique of sound attack, which Wei Xiao never thought of, but this does not affect his technique, after all, it is also the technique of sound attack, and there will be differences between superior and inferior.

His Hong Zhongzhi's voice comes from the authentic version of Mr. Hong, and it will definitely not be weaker than the other party!
The sound of the bell and the sound of the sword, one singing and one harmony, one high and one low, complement each other.

Soon, the power of Hong Zhongzhi's voice had been fully accumulated, and the rhythm of Wei Xiao's slapping Hong Zhong gradually became faster and faster. It was like a bomb went off.

At this time, the sword sound of Shanshui Walker also became more and more high-pitched, from an unvoiced sound to a long scream, and even broke away from the softness at the beginning, and became stiff and harsh.

At this time, Wei Xiao was almost unable to control the energy of Hong Zhongzhiyin, so he raised his head and said loudly to Shanshui Xingzhe: "Senior, please accept the move!"

After finishing the words, he slapped Hong Zhong up with his palm, and the side of the bell mouth aimed at the good water walker.


With a loud noise, a wave of energy invisible to the naked eye blasted out, attacking the other party brazenly.

Hearing the words, the good water walker was not polite, and flicked his five fingers.

"Clang!" With a sound, five different sword sounds merged into a huge scream, hitting the energy of Hong Zhongzhiyin.

A huge storm suddenly appeared in the open space between the two of them. The vigor caused by the energy impact stirred the surrounding air upside down, and even the ground was forcibly hung off a layer, exposing the white clay layer.

Seeing the appearance of this storm, Wei Xiao finally couldn't help sighing, and gently put down Hong Zhong in his hand.

He knew very well that this trick was still taken over by the opponent.It's not because his skills are inferior to others, but the opponent's cultivation base is too high, and has surpassed the gap in skills. This is the gap in hard power!
However, just as he was sighing, the storm seemed to have changed, suddenly accelerated, and began to slowly move towards the good water walker.

Seeing this situation, Wei Xiao was overjoyed immediately. If the storm was coming towards him, it meant that his Hong Zhongzhi voice was not as good as the opponent's, and he lost.

But now, the direction of the storm is the other side, so the result is obvious.

"Good boy, I didn't expect you to actually get the true biography of that guy Shanyin. This skill of attacking sound is much better than that of me who became a monk halfway through." Shanshui Xingzhe couldn't help puffing up while talking. palm.

However, facing the storm coming towards him, he didn't worry too much, he just glanced at it for a while, and then slashed the sword in his hand towards the storm.

The violent storm split into two in an instant, time and space seemed to stand still, and a blue blank area appeared in the center of the storm.

The power of this sword is so powerful!

However, the storm didn't seem to succumb to the power of the long sword. After a while, it rushed over again, it seemed to become more violent, and it felt like destroying the world.

Shanshui Xingzhe couldn't help frowning, and his face was a little unsightly. In his opinion, if he failed to cut off the storm with a single sword, he had already missed his hand.

Now the storm not only failed to stop, but intensified and turned towards him.

"Huh!" Shanshui Walker snorted coldly, swiping the blue long sword in his hand again and again, cutting out dozens of blue sword lights in an instant.

Those sword glows roared and rushed towards the center of the storm, tearing the storm to pieces in the blink of an eye, and the violent storm that was originally invincible was wiped out in this instant.

Wei Xiao was stunned by this scene, until now, he finally understood the gap between himself and the good water walker.

This is not only a gap in cultivation, but also a gap in experience against enemies, as well as in skills.

The storm disappeared, the surrounding breeze also gradually stopped, all the bells and sword sounds also disappeared without a trace, and everything was as if nothing had happened.

The good water walker stood a hundred meters away, smiled at Wei, and said, "How about it, boy? Is the old man okay with these three moves?"

"Well, you're amazing!" Wei Xiao shook his head helplessly, unable to refute the words of the good water walker.

After all, the opponent is a senior at the Dragon Transformation Realm, and it's normal to be stronger than him. If he can't beat him, wouldn't his cultivation be on a dog?
"Hehe, the old man has already seen your kid's thoughts." Shanshui Xingzhe said with a happy smile: "You let the old man take three moves from you, just to let the old man know your strength, or you also want to test it. Come on old man."

"Now that the three tricks have passed, what do you think?" After finishing speaking, he looked straight at Wei Xiao, waiting for an answer.

"It's okay..." For such a direct question, Wei Xiao couldn't think of a good answer for a while, so he could only say ambiguously.

The good water practitioner was slightly dissatisfied with this evaluation, so he asked: "What do you mean it's okay? Is it possible that you, the kid, don't like me?"

"Hehe...Senior's cultivation is top-notch in the realm of comprehension, but in my eyes, it's nothing..." Wei Xiao said bluntly.

"Not counting? What do you mean, kid?" Shan Shui Xingzhe looked displeased.

"Let me just say it, although your cultivation level is very powerful, but it is far behind our Changsheng Hall's Yuan Hall Master, I don't like it!" Wei Xiao said with a look of disdain.

(End of this chapter)

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