City Primordial Witch King

741 - Leaving Seeds

741 - Leaving Seeds
When greeting Huang Qiang, Wei Xiao found that he had also changed a lot. His figure had become much taller, his whole body felt very strong, and he walked with great strength.

If I guessed right, Huang Qiang, like Xiao Juan, should have inadvertently absorbed a lot of aura and improved his physical fitness.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiao turned his head to look at the other villagers, and found that without exception, they all changed a lot. The most obvious thing was their faces, all of them were flushed red, which was completely different from the situation when they were besieged by the swarm for several months before. If there are two people.

From this point of view, this Spirit Gathering Dance is indeed a good thing, not only can it help Xiaoshu and the others, but also benefit the dancers a lot.

"This model may be promoted." Wei Xiao thought so.

"Brother Xiao, are you here to see the Shewang Tree?" Huang Qiang asked a little cautiously when he saw Wei Xiao was looking at him.

Wei Xiao chuckled, and said, "Well, I did come to see them. But you guys are doing very well. The Shewang Tree is recovering very quickly, and maybe after a while, it will be fully recovered."

"That's great!" Huang Qiang said excitedly.

"However, I want to tell you something in advance!" Wei Xiao suddenly changed his tone and said very seriously: "Although this Shewang tree grows in your village, it is not your village's Shewang tree. It is the spiritual tree in this mountains and rivers. Sooner or later, it will leave your village."

"Ah?" Huang Qiang was stunned for a long time, not understanding what Wei Xiao meant by this.

Why would a big tree that had taken root long ago leave the village?Does it still have legs?

Moreover, the Shewang tree is the Shewang tree. Although it is a bit miraculous, how did it become a spirit tree?
There were too many things he couldn't figure out, and after a long pause, he was about to ask questions, but Xiao Juan who was beside him asked them first.

"Brother Wei, do you mean that Lord She is leaving? Will he leave after he recovers?"

Faced with Xiaojuan's question, Wei Xiao didn't hide anything, nodded directly, and said: "Yes, after it came back to life, it is destined to leave your village, and as long as it recovers from its injuries, it will go to the place where it is needed , to do what it is supposed to do.”

"Then...will I still be able to see Lord She in the future?" Xiaojuan asked again.

Wei Xiao thought for a while. After Xiaoshu became the beast of the mountain, although he would leave Shewang Village and go to the valley of Bitter Bamboo Peak to sit in the town, but it is not far from Shewang Village. If the villagers of Shewang Village want to find It is still possible.

It's just that at that time Xiaoshu was already a town of beasts, and he didn't know if he would like to see these villagers again.

"It should be possible!" Wei Xiao replied somewhat ambiguously.

At this moment, Xiao Shu's voice came from his mind: "Mr. Wu, I also want to know, will I be able to see these villagers in the future?"

"Oh, you really want to see them?" Wei Xiao replied curiously in his mind.

"Of course I want to! They have made so many efforts to help me recover from my injury, and they have always been very kind to me. Of course I want to see them all the time." Xiaoshu answered very straightforwardly.

"Well..." Wei Xiao thought for a while, knowing that Xiaoshu is very affectionate and righteous, but he still couldn't help reminding: "After becoming a town of beasts, you need to do a lot of things, and there are certain things you need to do. Dangerous! Unless you can finish these things, otherwise, I don't recommend you to meet these villagers."

"Besides, they are just ordinary people with a lifespan of only a few decades. Maybe after you finish your job and take a nap, they will no longer be in this world."

"So, you may never see them again in the future."

After saying this, Wei Xiao showed a little smile on his face, and said to Xiaojuan: "After the Shewang tree leaves your village, it will go to a very dangerous valley. If you want to see it in the future, the best The solution is to grow up quickly and be physically stronger, otherwise I’m afraid I won’t be able to go to that place.”

"Okay then." After hearing Wei Xiao's words, Xiaojuan seemed a little depressed. After replying silently, she kept looking at Xiaoshu blankly.

At this time, Xiaoshu's answer also reached Wei Xiao's ears, and he only heard it say: "Okay, I understand, Chief Wu! I will definitely try to finish my own work as soon as possible, and then I will meet them again." .”

"Well, it's up to you, and you need to make your own decisions about everything in the future." Wei Xiao replied very simply, without saying anything more.

After a long time, Huang Qiang seemed to finally understand what was going on from the conversation between Wei Xiao and Xiaojuan, and asked with a wry smile: "Brother Xiao, you also know that the Shewang tree has always protected our village. If it disappears, What do you want us to do?"

Regarding what Huang Qiang said, Wei Xiao was naturally very clear. The name of this village was called Shewang Village, so he naturally attached great importance to the Shewang tree. At the beginning, there was a crazy move of using it to sacrifice the blood of the Shewang. If it was so suddenly If the little tree is taken away, the whole village will go crazy.

Regarding this problem, Wei Xiao had long thought of a solution.

So he cleared his throat and said: "I am very aware of the customs here, and I am willing to respect your wishes, but the little tree is not a small tree in your village. Its duty is to protect this piece of mountains, rivers and land, so It is destined not to stay in the village for too long."

"If you really can't let it go, I will let the little tree leave a seed, let that seed take root and germinate here, and in a few years, a new Shewang tree will grow."

"Of course, the tree may not be the same as before, but for you, there is always a spiritual sustenance."

What he said was so straightforward that Huang Qiang could hardly refute, or even refute.

In fact, from the time when the Shewang tree came back to life and was resurrected, there has been a saying in the village that the Shewang Lord has come back to life.

It is impossible for the Lord She who has survived to live in this small village for the rest of his life. Sooner or later, he will leave and no longer bless the village.

At the time of the plague of the swarm, this saying was very popular, and it was even said that Lord She had abandoned the village and left a long time ago.

Fortunately, at that time, Huang Qiang relied on the piece of bark Wei Xiao left him to block the swarm of insects and this rumor.

But according to Wei Xiao, Lord She did not abandon their village, but went to fulfill his mission. Only when his mission is completed, may he have a chance to come back.

Therefore, Huang Qiang could barely accept the method Wei Xiao mentioned.

(End of this chapter)

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