Chapter 731

Lu Yuqing left in a daze. She didn't know whether it was right for her to do so, or whether her last words would affect Yun Su. Her heart was in chaos at this moment.

This kind of confusion made her think of someone unconsciously, so she thought as she walked, "Perhaps Brother Xiao can give a better answer."

After thinking about it, she couldn't help turning a corner and walking towards the south.

Watching the senior sister leave, Yun Su felt very uncomfortable. Originally, he thought that his defense would be scolded by the senior sister, but he did not expect this to be the result.

"Can the last sentence be regarded as encouragement?" He couldn't help thinking, and then suddenly laughed.

"I don't know if you are really encouraging me. Since you said that, I will take it seriously! I will study silently until I get results or prove that I am wrong!" He said in a low voice language.

After finishing speaking, Yun Su raised his head and chest, walked into Yunmeng Pavilion's residence.

At the same time, another major event happened in the small courtyard on the south bank of the central lake. It was not because Ying Gou, who was sleeping and dreaming, woke up, but because his blood had been sucked dry, and he had long been turned into a mummy. There was a new movement in the body.

Not long ago, Wei Xiao suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart, as if he couldn't control his legs and feet, he walked to the small courtyard where the general's body was stored, and then discovered the movement.

Obviously lost the ability to move a long time ago, the body of the general like a puppet suddenly stood up, facing the north, standing upright.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiao was almost taken aback.

He didn't know what was going on at all, and thought that the general's body was possessed by some kind of demon again, so he could only carefully observe it closely, but found nothing and found no other abnormalities.

This situation lasted for a full 5 minutes, and the general's body was facing north, as if he was looking at something.

After a few minutes, it suddenly lay down on the ground again, returning to its previous appearance.

Regarding this mutation, Wei Xiao was both curious and felt a little strange. This mutation of the general's body was probably related to the general himself. Although he didn't know what it was at the moment, it was definitely a very important thing.

Therefore, Wei Xiao immediately found the most knowledgeable senior Earth Dragon, and asked him about the generals.

After listening to Wei Xiao's description, Dilong was also a little unsure, his big lantern-like eyes blinked, as if he was thinking nervously.

"This kind of situation... I've never seen it, let alone heard of it. I really don't know what's going on!" After thinking for a long time, Di Long still told the truth and gave a helpless answer.

For this answer, Wei Xiao had expected it a long time ago. Although he was a little disappointed, he was still able to accept it.

It's just that he still didn't want to give up, and asked again: "Since the senior doesn't know what's going on, do you know of any way to make the general stand up again in this situation?"

In Wei Xiao's view, even if he didn't know why the general's body suddenly stood up facing north, he had to know how to make him stand up, and maybe he could find some related clues by pushing it backwards.

"Let him stand up again?" Dilong was very interested in this question. After thinking about it carefully, he looked at Wei Xiao and suddenly smiled, "The solution is actually on your body."

"My body? Impossible?" Wei Xiao had a face full of disbelief. He didn't know that there was any way to make the general's body stand up.

"Not only on your body, but also in your precious sword, held in your hands." The cloud under Dilong's body surged, and suddenly a finger appeared, pointing at Wei Xiao's body.

"Ah? You mean the Blood Sand Sword?" Wei Xiao suddenly realized, and immediately understood what Senior Dilong was referring to, so he took it out and observed it carefully for a long time.

"Of course!" Dilong nodded, and continued: "It was your sword that sucked it dry. If you can return the blood to him, the general's body will naturally stand up again."

"That's okay?" Wei Xiao's eyes widened, he couldn't believe it was true, and even wondered if he had heard it wrong.

"Why not?" Dilong laughed suddenly, and then asked back: "These zombies are immortal in themselves. Even if you sucked all his blood, you didn't kill him, you just let him die." It's just fallen into a deep sleep, as long as there is enough blood, it can be easily awakened."

"However, General Chen's situation is quite special. Even if he is awakened, he is just a wooden man. A vampire zombie without a soul is better than a sleeping wooden man, otherwise it will annoy you!"

"Ah? Senior means that I can wake up the general at any time now? What do you mean if it annoys me? Isn't it better to wake him up and have more combat power?" Wei Xiao was full of doubts, asked non-stop.

"Of course you can wake him up at any time, but after waking up, you may not be able to control him!" Dilong patiently explained.

"As for why it's not good, you can guess just by thinking about this guy's identity. Vampire zombies are different from other types of zombies. They need blood to maintain their mobility, or they can be said to live on blood, so they will instinctively To seek and draw blood."

"If there is no way to provide him with enough blood, this guy may not recognize you or help you after he wakes up. Anyway, he has no soul, no consciousness, and will only act according to his instinct."

"If you want him to be your helper, the best way is to find him a soul, whether it's a demon soul like before, or a ghost after the death of the human race, there must be something to control this body. .”

"Otherwise, his blood-sucking instinct will annoy you to death..." Having said this, Dilong laughed unkindly.

Although there were no such things as vampire zombies in that era, there were several creatures that also needed to suck blood. The most famous one was the body of Hongjingsha, the ancestor of the blood-drinking insects.

The ancestor of the blood-drinking worm was himself a big demon, not only had a high level of cultivation, but was also bloodthirsty. He had to drink a tank of blood from living creatures of all races every day. Once he was not satisfied, he would become mad Fat, six relatives do not recognize, killing around, until you can drink enough blood so far.

Because of this, the ancestor of this blood drinker made many big mistakes, especially in a slaughter in the ancestral court of the monster clan, he killed one of his younger brothers with his own hands, and then sucked up his blood. blood.

(End of this chapter)

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