Chapter 70

"The Witch Clan is back!"

These simple five words, uttered from the mouth of Shannan Taoist, have an indescribable bitterness.

After he finished speaking, he smacked his lips again, seeming to taste this rare bitterness.

"It's been thousands of years. I didn't expect that the ancient civilization recorded in the secret message left by Master back then has really come back!"

The Shannan Taoist weighed the old book in his hand. The surface of the book was already dilapidated, and there were these words impressively recorded in the yellowed pages:
Congratulations to the Hundred Ghosts, Legend of the Witch Clan; Hundred Beasts, Return to the Witch Clan!
Shannan Taoists don't know what the Hundred Ghosts He is, but the Hundred Beasts Dynasty, although it didn't happen, but the monster snake kept claiming that it was the Zhenshan Hundred Beasts, so it must be the Hundred Beasts in this prophecy.

The monster snake called Wei Xiao the boy from the Wu clan, so he must have been the prophesied "Returning from the Wu clan".

Back then in the Lich War, the Witch Clan representing the heaven, earth and witchcraft perished, and the Monster Clan representing the Dao of Chaos also disappeared completely. Only then did the Humane Dao prosper, and finally divided into three schools of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, but now the Witch Clan is back again ,what does that mean?
Is there a resurgence of disputes on the avenue?
"That's all, I can't participate in these shitty things!" The Shannan Taoist sighed again, and then he shook his hand, and the old book flew into the air, turning into a fireball with a "boom", and turned into a ball of ashes after a few seconds. Gone with the wind.

After the old books were burned, the Shannan Taoist suddenly swept away the decline just now, clapped his hands and burst out laughing.

"Haha, don't think about it, don't think about it! The hundred-year wish is over, and the world is so free, it's better to go back!"

After laughing, the Shannan Taoist took a step forward, Feng Xu walked away in the air, and disappeared into the vast mountain after a few steps.There was only a handwritten letter left on the spot, and the handwritten letter was full of explanations for the head, and also specially reminded the two disciples of Shan Luan and Shan Yu not to forget their previous promises.

As the person concerned who specially left a letter to remind Shannan Taoist, Wei Xiao was lying on the bus back to school at this time. The matter of Daming Mountain was over. He also specially told the policewoman Luo Mengqing not to reveal his identity.

Fortunately, she still understood the truth, and nodded her head in agreement.As for the three Taoists from Shannan, they patted their chests with reassurance and promised that they would never reveal their secrets. That's why he can lie on the bus and rest with his eyes closed at this time.

But the classmates in the class are a bit of a headache!After slaying the boa constrictor last night, and then risking his own life to save others, in the eyes of his classmates, he has become a brave martial arts master, and he is also a master with a mysterious identity and extraordinary talent.

As a veteran in the dormitory who has been reading novels on a certain website for a long time, Lao Zhang has been YYing about his origins, such as system hosts, retired military kings, and ancient martial arts successors all came, and was finally kicked away by the impatient Wei Xiao .

Are you guessing so accurately?

The difference between the successors of ancient martial arts and the successors of ancient shamanism is only one tone!
After Lao Zhang was kicked away by him, he didn't give up his fantasies, and after guessing a few times, he found that Wei Xiao was just closing his eyes and resting his mind, and ignored him, so he turned his heart and said directly He said something that made the people around him spit.

"Anyway, you are so powerful now, I won't call you Brother Xiao anymore, I will call you Wei Aotian!"

When the people around heard it, they were stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing collectively. Wei Xiao shook his head, the influence of Long Aotian's stalk was too great, it seems that the students in the class were also poisoned!

"Old Zhang is right, I will call you Brother Aotian from now on!"

"Extremely extreme, only Brother Aotian can be worthy of your Diao Zhatian!"

After the students laughed, they collectively joked.

For a while, the tourist nightmare caused by the snake accident and the bleak atmosphere in the car were washed away a lot, at least everyone can joke around.

In this way, Wei Xiao returned to the campus after a day away with his new nickname.

The moment they got off the car, everyone seemed to be relieved. After saying hello, they went back to rest.

Wei Xiao went back to the rental house alone. After opening the door, he saw the skeleton lying quietly in the middle of the living room, and his hanging heart was relieved.

The paper crane, which had been sleeping quietly in the backpack, fluttered its wings and got into the skull with a whoosh sound. The fire of soul in the skull was ignited again, and Hou Qing returned to its body.

"Houqing, you can rest well when you come back, you don't have to protect me!" Wei Xiao said with some distress as he looked at the flickering soul fire.

At that time, in order to defeat the snake demon soul, Hou Qing once again sang the curse of the year, which made his resentment skyrocket, and the millennium was destroyed in one go.

Later, he helped again, possessing Wei Xiao's body and turning into a giant eagle, killing the snake demon with one blow.As a result, the consequences were very serious. In the subsequent snake disaster, Hou Qing was in a deep sleep all the time, unable to even respond to Wei Xiao's call, and did not wake up again until returning to its body just now.

"Obey, my king." Houqing's familiar voice sounded in his mind, after a pause, it continued: "If possible, please ask the king to avenge my child as soon as possible and eliminate its resentment!"

What Houqing's baby was referring to was the white cat in Daming Mountain. What Wei Xiao didn't expect was that it was so badly injured that it would still miss this offspring thousands of years later.

Wei Xiao nodded seriously and agreed to its request.

It didn't take long for the incident of the white woman Wei Hewei to appear. It seemed to be an ordinary story of a quack doctor harming people, but there were still many unknown secrets hidden behind it.

Just the part where the zombie was injured by the master during the revenge, involved a lot.

When he was in Daming Mountain, Wei Xiao also asked Shannan Taoist about the "zombie hurting people", but unfortunately he didn't know what happened.

There is also the little Taoist priest Dongping and his senior brother. They all said that they obeyed their master's orders and did not know the specifics. Unfortunately, their master had already been buried in the belly of a snake, and they could no longer know why he wanted to hunt and kill zombies.

However, although there are many involved and many doubts, if you want to find out the truth of the matter, you have to start with that quack doctor.

It has only been a few days since Bai *** night broke into the community to take revenge on that quack doctor. Although it was not reported in the news, it is certain that someone nearby must have reported the crime. If you want to know about that quack doctor, the best way is to Too pass the police.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiao couldn't help laughing bitterly. He didn't expect to contact her again after only a few hours apart. I hope she won't ignore him because of fear.

He took out his phone and found the name recorded on it: female police officer Luo Mengqing, tapped lightly, and dialed it.


There was a busy tone on the phone, but no one answered.

It's all right, call again.

The second time, it was also a busy signal, but no one answered.

At the same time, in the city police station, in Luo Mengqing's office.

A middle-aged Taoist priest in a Taoist robe, with long hair and strange clothes sat opposite Luo Mengqing and asked with a gloomy face.

"Officer Luo, I heard that you followed a group of Taoist priests into the depths of Daming Mountain?"

"Yes, I'm going to find out the cause of the snake disaster." Luo Mengqing nodded and explained the reason by the way.

Originally, as the person in charge of this police dispatch, she didn't need to report the situation to others, but the person in front of her was appointed by the chief to communicate with her, so although she was very upset, she still cooperated and said some simple things Condition.

"So, have you found anything?" The middle-aged Taoist also nodded, very satisfied with her cooperation, and then continued to ask.

"I found a snake cave, and all the snakes came out of it. It is written in this report." Luo Mengqing said and raised the report in his hand.

"What else?" The middle-aged Taoist frowned, the snake cave was obviously not the answer he wanted.

"Anything else? No more!"

There is also a gigantic thousand-year-old snake demon!Luo Mengqing secretly sighed in her heart, of course she would not tell this to outsiders, after all she promised Wei Xiao that this matter is top secret!
"Is there no other discovery? For example, a white hair?"

(End of this chapter)

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