City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 693 Congratulations

Chapter 693 Congratulations
Before the "Seven Stars Arriving at the Gate" happened, Lu Yuqing would occasionally imagine the grand occasion when those disciples who had taken the magic medicine broke through together. Happy.

In her heart, there is more worry.

From this moment on, she knew very clearly that the future of Yunmeng Pavilion might be controlled by an outsider...

These disciples of the Golden Core Realm who have taken the magic medicine to break through, although they have broken through the Golden Core Realm without any obstacles, but when they face the Dragon Transformation Realm and the Cloud Entering Realm in the future, they may not be able to break through on their own. people.

Although the disciples of the Golden Core Realm can be said to be the future of a sect, they are definitely not the backbone of a sect. Only the elders of the Dragon Transformation Realm are the most direct signs of the strength of a sect.

What Elder Wang and Elder Mu said about "the future can be expected" seemed a bit naive to Lu Yuqing, because they didn't know that these Jindan disciples were all cultivated by seedlings, and it was impossible for them to grow into real towering giants in the future. Tree, of course including her!
The saddest thing is that even though Lu Yuqing knew this in her heart, she couldn't say it at all, and she could only continue to go all the way to the end. No matter whether this road has a future or hope, she can only go all the way.

The current situation of Yunmeng Pavilion has reached the time when it is necessary to use this false power to save lives.

Even if it is a false prestige, at least it is already helping Yunmeng Pavilion to fight against Changshengtang, so even if it is "poison", Lu Yuqing will not say anything more.

It's a pity that Wei Xiao is not here. If he was here and knew Lu Yuqing's thoughts, he would definitely cry out for himself.

From the time he presented the "miraculous medicine" to the series of plans that followed, he never thought about doing anything to Yunmeng Pavilion. In his heart, he always wanted to help Yunmeng Pavilion wholeheartedly, so that it could survive in the future. Stand up in the world of cultivation, and then he can hide under the wings of Yunmeng Pavilion and live his life freely and freely.

Unfortunately, no matter what the reason is, his sincerity has been misunderstood after all...

After Elder Wang and Elder Mu had a lot of emotion, the two met together to meet those disciples who had been promoted to the Golden Core Realm, and wanted to see them pass the test with their own eyes.

So, under the leadership of the two elders, all the Yunmeng Pavilion disciples swarmed to the villa area on the north bank of the Central Lake, and waited excitedly outside the small building dedicated to cultivation.

In that villa area, seven stars of different colors fell from the sky and shone on the seven small buildings one by one.

Lu Yuqing knew each of these seven small buildings, and knew who lived in them.

Starting from the far left, they are Yun Su, Yun Qing, Yun Zheng, Yun Kui, Yu Yue, Yun Piao, Yun Hu, six men and one woman, who happen to be among the disciples of the Soul Refining Realm of Yunmeng Pavilion, except for her and Yun Xi. In addition, the seven highest cultivation bases.

It can also be seen from this order that the "miracle medicine" that Brother Xiao said was presented as a gift, the higher the cultivation level, the better the effect.

Just like she and Ding Yi back then, after taking it, the effect was immediate, and it took effect immediately.

The vision of Seven Stars coming to the door is so dazzling even in broad daylight. Apart from everyone in Yunmeng Pavilion, more and more people from the other two factions also came to watch.

Under the leadership of Elder Liu, the disciples of Xuantian Temple stood next to the disciples of Yunmeng Pavilion, seeming to be approaching deliberately, but the Hall of Eternal Life seemed a little unfamiliar, far away, and the leader was Elder Fei Yu. The two elders who had conflicts with Yunmeng Pavilion were not present.

"Congratulations, brother Wang, congratulations, brother Mu!" Elder Liu walked over with a smile on his face, and congratulated twice as soon as he opened his mouth.

At such a time, Elder Wang and Elder Mu naturally would not give each other face, and returned a salute with a smile, and said at the same time: "Congratulations, congratulations!"

After congratulating, Elder Liu looked at the seven star photos meaningfully, and sighed: "Seven! It seems that your cultivation method in Yunmeng Pavilion is still better."

"Where..." Elder Wang shook his head again and again, and replied with a wry smile: "This is all the result of their own hard work!"

As an elder of Famen, Elder Liu actually has a little understanding of the cultivation methods of each sect. In his impression, although the three major sects' cultivation methods are slightly different in form, the results and efficiency are not too great. difference.

Two disciples with almost the same aptitude, if they practice the exercises of the two at the same time, their final cultivation will be similar, the difference lies only in their personal efforts.

Of course, if only a very few people worked very hard, Elder Liu would still believe it, but now there are seven disciples in Yunmeng Pavilion who work so hard and are promoted to the Golden Core Realm in one fell swoop, so he can't help being surprised.

Under such circumstances, no one would believe that such a vision as Qixing Linmen can be achieved only by hard work!

There must be something tricky in this!
On the way to watch, Elder Liu thought of a topic that had been mentioned before: Does Yunmeng Pavilion have a unique method of absorbing spiritual energy, this method is specifically for the spiritual energy on Shujie Island?
At first this topic was brought up by Elder Liu, and he originally wanted to use this to blackmail Yunmeng Pavilion, but unfortunately in the later competition, Hall Master Yuan took the lead to admit defeat and rejected all the suggestions at once.

This topic was never brought up again, and it was almost forgotten.

It was not until now that there was another vision in Yunmeng Pavilion that Elder Liu remembered it again and explained the current scene very reasonably.

Of course, even though he thought so in his heart, Elder Liu couldn't ask directly, let alone say it clearly, and could only make vague insinuations: "In terms of hard work, the disciples I sent are not bad, but they are not as good as your school! Maybe there is some trick in it?"

As soon as the other party opened his mouth, Elder Wang knew what he was planning, so he immediately closed his mouth, but Elder Mu next to him sneered twice: "Haha!"

After being coldly rejected, Elder Liu was not too angry. After all, he had expected it a long time ago, but he still did not give up, and said again despite his embarrassment: "I am not afraid of your joke, brother Wang. We have no gold in Xuantian Temple so far. Disciple Dan, I, an elder of the Famen, is about to die of worry, if Brother Wang has any tricks, please be sure to ask me!"

"Hehe..." Elder Mu still looked indifferent, but after he finished laughing, he added another sentence: "There are also Jindan disciples in the Changsheng Hall next door, why doesn't Elder Liu ask them for advice?"

(End of this chapter)

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