Chapter 686

Facing the powerful blood-sand sword, the dog demon did not dare to take it head-on, and could only dodge left and right, avoiding the attack while moving.

It's a pity that it still underestimated the strength of the Blood Sand Sword. Every time it dodges, it will always be accidentally scratched. After a few times, the wounds on its body will become more and more.

Numerous wounds appeared on the dog demon's body. Although it didn't hurt very much, it felt itchy, which made the dog demon extremely angry.

At this time, it finally remembered to fight back, and immediately rushed towards Wei Xiao while the blood sand sword was attacking and turning back.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiao also rushed over without hesitation. Halfway, he caught his blood sand sword with one hand, swung the sword with his hand, and stabbed the dog monster with one sword.

"Aww!" A scream sounded.

Originally, the dog demon thought that the blood sand sword would not be too strong without Yujian, so he used his iron claws to pierce Wei Xiao's stab, but the sword pierced through his front paws, stabbing him. Transparent hole.

Moreover, the most important thing is that there was no fresh blood flowing from the dog monster's wound, only the dry flesh due to the lack of blood.

"You...what the hell are you?" The dog demon gasped heavily, asking in an uncertain tone.

Being called a thing by a monster, Wei Xiao naturally felt uncomfortable, so he simply ignored it and continued to stab with his sword.

After suffering a big loss, the dog demon immediately learned how to be good. When he saw the bloody sand sword stabbing him, he didn't even think about resisting it, but kept dodging it. middle.

It seems to be very afraid of the blood sand sword piercing its body!

The dog monster became restrained, but Wei Xiao fought more and more freely, especially facing the dog monster who was passively beaten and dared not fight back. Use it to test your learning ability.

However, it was precisely because Wei Xiao was playing blindly, some of the moves were seen not long ago, and he hadn't practiced them even once, so the damage to the dog monster was limited, and they were often dodged by the opponent.

As time passed, the dog demon thought that Wei Xiao had exhausted all means and could only use random moves, using some weird moves, so he secretly rejoiced in his heart, and unknowingly, he began to quietly accumulate the power to fight back .

As for the two watching the battle, Ying Gou could naturally see what the dog monster wanted to do, but he was not in a hurry to remind Brother Xiao, he believed that Brother Xiao had enough skills to deal with it.

As for Hou Qing, he was a little bored watching Wei Xiao trying various moves. Speaking of which, many of these moves were taught by him, but because Wei Xiao had never practiced the skills of their Houtu tribe, many moves had to be Its shape is not its spirit, and it looks extremely gorgeous, but in fact it has no power at all.

After 5 minutes of muddle-headed fighting, Wei Xiao finally tried all the sword moves that Wei Xiao knew, and gradually became clear about which moves would work or not, and which moves were the most powerful.

So, after eliminating those unsuitable moves in his mind, he planned to do it again.

At this moment, the demon dog suddenly raised his head, fixed his gaze on Wei Xiao, and then from its head, several fist-sized and long strips appeared.

At first, Wei Xiao thought it was a stone, but after careful observation with his eyesight, he discovered that these were actually canine teeth, with two sharp ends and a big center, and they were extremely sharp.

These canine teeth can be seen to be the dog demon's own, and it is very likely that it fell off from its own mouth, and then it was refined into a magic weapon.

A long time ago, Wei Xiao once read a book about the monster clan, which introduced that the monster clan likes to use part of their body as a magic weapon. For example, those with fangs like to use the fallen fangs, and those with long hair I like to use my own hair, even tail and bones.

It is precisely because these things belong to Yaozu himself that they can be commanded like arms and are powerful.

Of course, being humans and witches would never be like this. Humans and witches are both famous for being good at creating and using tools, and they have a strong talent for refining magic weapons, so they don't even bother to be as barbaric as the monsters.

However, being barbaric is barbaric, the magic weapons of the monster race are not inferior to those of the human race and the witch race in terms of power, and are even better in manipulation.

Because of this understanding, the first time Wei Xiao saw these canine teeth, he immediately realized that the other party was going to do his best.

He put away his playfulness in an instant, his face became serious, and he stood holding his sword, ready to defend against the opponent's attack at any time.

After the canine teeth appeared one by one, the dog demon's complexion immediately improved a lot. When facing Wei Xiao, he was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief, and no longer had to be pressed by the blood-sand sword.

After pausing for a while, the dog demon immediately roared, and the canine teeth on its head shot out violently.

"Ding, ding, ding!" Wei Xiao danced with his sword in hand, grabbing every canine tooth abruptly with the blood sand sword, and even cut off one of them by the way.

At this time, the dog demon finally couldn't take it anymore, and his mentality was also greatly shocked. He suddenly wanted to shrink back, and subconsciously stepped back on his hind legs.

"Want to run?" Wei Xiao smiled coldly, not intending to let the other party go.

Since this guy dares to come here alone, let's die together with the previous dog demon...

He pointed forward with his right hand, and the Blood Sand Sword stabbed out again, but this time the speed was faster, and there was a faint sound of thunder.

"Thunder thorn!"

This move comes from the "Yu Jian Flying Art" presented by Yunmeng Pavilion. It is the strongest move recorded on it, and it is also the strongest move that can be learned by today's cultivators.

Seeing that something was wrong, the dog demon immediately turned around and ran away. In a panic, he tried to use his canine tooth magic weapon to resist for a while, but it was just doing futile work. The moment the dog tooth and the blood sand sword met, they immediately shattered into powder. Couldn't stop for a second.

With two "swish" sounds, the blood-sand sword of the bearer pierced into the body of the dog demon with a thunderous sound, passing through the heart, leaving a clean big hole.

There was no blood, only scattered dry flesh, the dog demon was killed by a sword, and he didn't even have a chance to struggle.

Wei Xiao was not surprised by this scene. He had expected the strength of the Blood Sand Sword, and he knew very well that his sword could definitely kill this dog monster.

However, he was still a little puzzled as to why there was no trace of blood on the dog monster's wound, as if it had been absorbed by something.

Thinking of absorbing, Wei Xiao suddenly remembered what happened on the Blood Sand Sword, and couldn't help thinking about it.

"Could it be that this Blood Sand Sword also sucks blood?"

He thought about it, raised the blood sand sword in his hand to his eyes, and looked at it carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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