City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 682 Shangxian spares his life

Chapter 682 Shangxian spares his life
"The size of this dog monster is not too big, and I'm afraid it has only been cultivated for more than 100 years. Compared with you, Brother Xiao, it's not as good as you!" Ying Gou added.

"Am I bad?" Wei Xiao couldn't help replying in his heart, and then rolled his eyes.

But if you really want to compare, his current cultivation is indeed inferior to Ying Gou, so it's nothing to be said so.

"I didn't expect you to know so much about the monster race, or you will be a general who eliminates monsters in the future?" Wei Xiao said jokingly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words were spoken, Ying Gou agreed.

"Okay!" He answered cleanly, as if he had been waiting for this invitation for a long time.

Wei Xiao was taken aback by such a simple and direct answer, but he understood what Ying Gou was thinking in an instant.

When Ying Gou himself was the general under the Yellow Emperor, he was in charge of fighting the Yaozu, so he had a natural hatred for the Yaozu. It was later refined into the ancestor of zombies, but this hatred has been passed down.

Until he regained his sanity again, and thousands of years later, when he talked about the Yaozu, there was still a trace of hatred in his eyes. Although sometimes it was well hidden, it was still discovered by Wei Xiao.

But this is not a bad thing for Wei Xiao. As the new Witch King of the Witch Clan, he will inherit the will of the Witch Clan and fight against the Monster Clan to the end. Being a demon is also his duty as the Witch King!

The two said this in a low voice, and when the dog demon got closer and closer, they also closed their mouths at the same time, and even began to hold their breath, waiting for the prey to enter their attack range.

As the dog monster got closer, Wei Xiao's nose was ravaged again, and a strong stench came out, a hundred times stronger than the smell left on the previous lump of hair.

If he hadn't gotten used to it in advance, the stench might have knocked him out...

Just like that, Wei Xiao still couldn't help but twitch his nose and wanted to sniff hard.

"Well! This smell, I think it has been at least 100 years without a bath? If it is left outside, it may be a walking biochemical weapon!" He couldn't help complaining fiercely in his heart.

As he spoke, his face turned livid due to holding his breath for a long time and the smell was too bad.

However, Hou Qing and Ying Gou were both safe and sound, as if they hadn't smelled the smell at all, they had been watching the dog monster's every move.

One step, two steps, the dog demon finally walked in front of them, only a piece of dense weeds separated them, Wei Xiao could even see all the characteristics of the dog demon clearly.

"It turned out to be a female?" He was slightly surprised.

At this moment, the dog demon suddenly stopped, and its expression became cautious, as if it had discovered something. The sensitive dog's nose twitched, as if it smelled something different.

Seeing this action, Wei Xiao immediately realized - they have been discovered!
"Go!" He gave the order without hesitation, and then rushed out together with Yinggou on the right.

"Aww!" The first time the dog monster found them, it howled violently, as if to warn the same kind, or to call for troops.

Hearing this howl, Ying Gou's ears widened in an instant, and then he yelled at Wei Xiao: "Hurry up, brother Xiao, this dog monster is calling for someone!"

"Okay!" Wei Xiao responded without hesitation, and immediately started to move his hands.

A piece of "broken" characters flew out of his hand, and with a shattered black light, it floated towards the dog demon.

At the same time, a bright red sword appeared in his hand, it was the Blood Sand Sword.

As soon as the Blood Sand Sword came out, the dog monster immediately sensed the danger, its hair stood on end, and a permeating green light came out of its huge eyes, as if it wanted to choose someone to eat.

The next moment, the dog demon did not see any movement, the "broken" character in midair, as if encountered some obstacle, was firmly fixed there, unable to advance an inch.

If you can't rely on the dog demon, the effect of breaking characters will be greatly reduced.

Sure enough, after fixing the broken characters, the dog monster opened its mouth wide, and a cloud of white light spewed out from it, flying towards Wei Xiao.

"Brother Xiao, be careful, this is the demon essence of the demon clan." Ying Gou looked anxious, but he didn't intend to help at all. He just explained to Wei Xiao from the side.

"Yao Yuan? It doesn't look very good!" Wei Xiao thought in his heart, and then saw the broken characters in midair move in response, and suddenly turned into a big net, blocking the way of Yao Yuan's attack.

Yaoyuan entered the net and disappeared.

There was a soft "poof", like the sound of something leaking air, and the mighty Yao Yuan disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiao was completely relieved. It seemed that what Ying Gou said was right, the cultivation level of this dog monster was indeed not as good as his.

"Now, it's my turn, right?" The corner of his mouth raised slightly, showing a smile, and then the bloody sand sword in his hand shot out.

There are various ways to manipulate the magic weapon of the flying sword, the most common one is the method of today's cultivators, using Qi to control the sword and manipulating it out of thin air; the most primitive one is to dance the sword with hands, although primitive, it is more powerful By surprise, Yunxi won the competition with this method last time.

In addition, there is the method Wei Xiao is currently using, which is to use the flying sword as a hidden weapon and just throw it out...

Of course, his method has a major premise, that is, the magic weapon of the flying sword is good enough and powerful enough to completely crush the enemy in terms of strength by virtue of its own strength.

Facing the flying blood-sand sword, the dog demon instantly sensed the evil spirit rising above, as if he had been frightened out of his wits, and stood motionless on the spot.

"I'm going to take the exam, so I'm really scared and stupid, right?" Wei Xiao looked at this scene in disbelief, and thought in his heart: If you don't avoid it, you're going to die!
At this moment, the dog demon suddenly bent down, put his front feet flat in front of his body, crawled down on his stomach, uttered words, and yelled coquettishly.

"Shangxian, spare me!"


"Shangxian, spare your life!" The dog demon thought he hadn't heard clearly, and immediately begged for mercy again loudly.

"Stop!" Wei Xiao immediately yelled to stop the blood-sand sword that was about to stab the dog demon. At the same time, he looked puzzled, looked at the dog demon in puzzlement, and couldn't help asking: "Are you surrendering now?"

"Of course! The little demon is not Shangxian's opponent, I just hope that Shangxian can see that the little demon begged for mercy, and spare my life!" The dog demon continued to reply coquettishly.

Now, Wei Xiao is in a bit of a dilemma. If the dog monster is stubborn to the end and keeps fighting with him, even if he kills the opponent, Wei Xiao will not feel anything.

But the other party actually surrendered on his own initiative, which made it a little difficult for him...

(End of this chapter)

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