City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 679 Hu Lian and Hu Yun

Chapter 679 Hu Lian and Hu Yun
After getting the position of the dog demon, Wei Xiao found Hou Qing non-stop, and told him the answer.

"Then let's go quickly." Hou Qing said impatiently.

"No hurry!" Wei Xiao waved his hand and said, "I learned from that mirror man and demon soul that there are still demon clans lurking in Huaguo. The famous dog demon wiped out the remnants of the demon clan."

"This... With our strength, can we do it?" Hou Qing asked a little unconfidently.

Since yesterday's eruption, the cultivation he gained at a great price is gradually fading, and it may not be long before he returns to the ordinary person with no cultivation.

You must know that once a person has no strength, no matter what he does, he will appear to lack confidence. Houqing is like this now, so he has such doubts.

However, he apparently forgot that the most powerful fighter on the island is Ying Gou!
"Don't be afraid, let's call Yinggou, as long as it is there, there is nothing to worry about." Wei Xiao smiled and waved his hand, saying.

"Okay." After hearing Ying Gou's name, Hou Qing was immediately convinced. After all, it is indeed powerful. At present, I am afraid that it is not possible to find someone more powerful than it in this world.

Just do what you say, and after a while, Wei Xiao found Ying Gou who was playing at the beach on the south bank.

Ever since Wei Xiao gave it advice to let it explore the underwater world when it was bored, Ying Gou has often gone exploring in the sea. Although the progress is not very good, at least he has found his own fun and is enjoying it.

"Yinggou, I need your help with something." Wei Xiao came to it and said straight to the point.

"Okay!" Ying Gou agreed without thinking.

The chat between the two was so fast that even Hou Qing on the side was a little uncomfortable. After all, if Brother Xiao asked him to do something, he would usually speak clearly before asking his opinion.

Who would have thought that Yinggou, a single-minded idiot, would agree without knowing anything...

But that's good too, if you don't talk so much nonsense, you can get down to business sooner.

Thinking this way, Hou Qing followed Wei Xiao's flying sword, and the three of them soared into the sky together, heading towards the location obtained by divination, and the demon hunting plan officially started.

At the same time, after leaving the place where the ancestor practiced, the big dog limped back to the group in the deep mountains.

Although it ran away from home in a fit of anger and went to the outside world of the human race, it was still not expelled from the group in the deep mountains and still had its own home.

However, the current situation of these monster races is not very good. The so-called home of the big dog is nothing more than a not-so-big cave.

Fortunately, all the people of the monster clan have self-cultivation and are not afraid of the general severe cold and heat, so even if there are only a few caves, they still live freely.

"Hu Lian, why are you back?" Just after returning to his cave, the big dog suddenly heard an exclamation, and when he looked back, it turned out to be an old friend in the group.

"Huyun, why can't I come back?" Dagou's tone was a little impatient, as if he didn't want to pay attention to the other party.

The monster called Hu Yun by it is also a pure white dog monster. Although it doesn't look very outstanding, it is not much better than the big dog's scorched black appearance.

The big dog Hu Lian naturally knew what he was like now, so he just dealt with it a little bit, and walked straight towards his home.

"Don't go, pity! When you left the ethnic group, didn't you say you wanted to find a better way out for the ethnic group? Why not only did you not find it now, but you became so embarrassed? Could it be that you were severely beaten by outside cultivators? Did you teach me a lesson?" Hu Yun mocked unceremoniously.

"Hmph!" Dagou Hulian didn't answer, but just snorted coldly, without even turning his head.

In its eyes, this Huyun is the kind of thing that can only be eaten and waited to die for the rest of its life. It can't understand the mood when it said that sentence at the beginning. family.

Seeing that his provocation didn't get a response, Hu Yun's face was full of disdain, he let out a fierce "Pooh", and watched the other party walk away gradually.

"Bullshit, do you think you have so much ability, why don't you just roll back half dead?" Hu Yun cursed fiercely towards the back of the faraway figure.

After scolding, it was still not enough to relieve its anger, and suddenly thought of a bigger problem, and it was full of cleverness.

Since Hu Lian had been to the world of the human race, and came back with such an embarrassing and serious injury, he didn't need to think about it to know that he must have been beaten by a human cultivator.Hu Lian's appearance in the human race world, will it attract the attention of those human race cultivators, follow them all the way, and start to encircle and suppress the saint race again?
Thinking of this, Hu Yun shuddered suddenly, but his face was full of excitement.

Regardless of whether those human races will come after them because of this, as long as there is a possibility, it is enough to put Hu Lian to death!

"You're dead, Hu Lian!" After saying this, Hu Yun ran away, impatient to tell the elders of the clan.

It's a pity that it didn't know that the ancestor with the highest status in the ethnic group knew about it a long time ago, and even acquiesced in Hu Lian's behavior, and even secretly encouraged him, so Hu Yun's idea was doomed to fail.

Wei Xiao walked with his sword along the way, and according to the location obtained from the divination, he soon came to the mountainous area in the north of Shanjiang City.

Southern Xinjiang Province is originally a place with many mountains and few flat lands. Almost half of the entire province is covered with deep mountains and old forests. In addition to the [-] mountains in the south, there is also a big rattan mountain in the middle, which straddles the two cities in the middle. There is also a well-known mountain range in the north, named Dog Mountain.

The name Gou'er Mountain comes from a piece of granite on its peak, which is called Gou'er Mountain by the local people because it looks like a lying dog.

I don't know exactly when this name started, but it has been used to this day and is well known to people in Nanjiang Province.

Gouer Mountain is located at the northernmost tip of Southern Xinjiang Province, and part of it has even crossed the provincial border and stretched to other provinces. However, Wei Xiao got the news from divination that the dog demon was in Southern Xinjiang Province, so he immediately I found Gou'er Mountain here.

However, the scope of Gou'er Mountain is too large, and Wei Xiao dared not go all the way to look for it with a high-profile sword flying into the sky, so after getting closer, he, Hou Qing, and Ying Gou stopped.

"If my test is correct, that dog demon is in this mountain!" Wei Xiao pointed to the Gou'er Mountain from a distance, and said to Hou Qing and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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