City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 665 Strange Requests

Chapter 665 Strange Requests
"Junior Sister Lu, where is that magical medicine?" Yun Su stood up without hesitation and asked.

"That's right, how can Senior Sister Lu have that kind of magic medicine?"

"Such a powerful magic medicine, where is it our turn to take it, the senior sister is not joking with us, is it?"

"Impossible, if you're joking, why would Senior Sister tell us this?"

With Yun Su taking the lead, everyone was discussing and expressing their opinions for a while, and the discussion hall suddenly became a mess, chaotic and disorderly.

Lu Yuqing frowned, pressed her hands together, signaled everyone to be quiet, and then said: "You don't have this kind of magic medicine, and neither do I. Of course, we don't even have it in Yunmeng Pavilion..."

"Cut..." There was a sigh of relief from the crowd.

Yun Su also sat down in great disappointment, feeling a little lost.

That's right, how could they possess the magical medicine that can make people smoothly advance to the Golden Core Realm?If Yunmeng Pavilion had one, there wouldn't be a single Golden Core Realm disciple for 300 years.

Thinking of this, Yun Su sighed heavily.

However, at this moment, Lu Yuqing saw the wailing below, smiled slightly and said again: "But...someone has this magic medicine!"

"Who?" Yun Su jumped up like a rabbit and asked loudly.

"Ah? Does anyone really have it?" The rest of the disciples below were also taken aback, and once again they rang together.

Lu Yuqing smiled slightly, and instead of answering Yun Su's words in a hurry, she continued to say unhurriedly: "Besides, that man still has a lot of these medicines! I didn't ask how many of them, but I can guarantee that it will be enough." All of you present take it!"

"Wow!" As soon as the voice fell, there was an uproar in the meeting hall.

Everyone was not a fool. From Lu Yuqing's words, everyone heard the implication - that person was going to give such a magical medicine to everyone present!

Hearing this news, all the soul-refining disciples present went crazy, even more violently than before. They all looked at Lu Yuqing expectantly, as if she had become that kind of magic medicine, which could be promoted to gold with just a glance. Danjing is the same.

The two elders who were responsible for maintaining order were also stunned. After a long time, Elder Mu slowly came back to his senses and sighed: "Brother Xiao is really generous!"

The effect of the magic medicine is so miraculous, ever since Elder Mu learned that Lu Yuqing was promoted to the Jindan realm with a bottle of magic medicine, he had already admired Wei Xiao in his heart, and later Wei Xiao took out another bottle and gave it to Yunxi, Elder Mu was so grateful that he almost wanted to take Wei Xiao as his apprentice and give him all his cultivation.

But now, Wei Xiao is going to take out more than ten bottles of such magic medicine, whether it is a gift or a conditional exchange to these Yunmeng Pavilion disciples, it can be regarded as a great contribution to Yunmeng Pavilion.

Once these miraculous medicines are effective and all the disciples in front of them are successfully promoted to the Golden Core Realm, the reputation of Yunmeng Pavilion will increase unprecedentedly, and their strength will also be greatly enhanced.

Although a disciple of the Golden Core Realm cannot beat an elder of the Dragon Transformation Realm in a single duel, more than a dozen of these Golden Core disciples can barely fight a few elders of the Dragon Transformation Realm. With these Golden Core disciples , the strength of Yunmeng Pavilion will definitely surpass Xuantian Temple, and it can even compete with Changshengtang!

The most important thing is that from now on, Yunmeng Pavilion will no longer be bullied by anyone!
Unlike Elder Mu who knew the inside story, Elder Wang seemed even more excited at this time, almost crying. He stood up abruptly, ran to Lu Yuqing's side, and asked loudly, "Where is the magic medicine? Where is the magic medicine?" Take it out quickly."

Lu Yuqing was taken aback by Elder Wang who suddenly rushed out, turned around quickly, and explained: "Elder Wang, don't get excited, the magic medicine is here with me, and I called everyone here this time to distribute the magic medicine to everyone." Everyone!"

"Wow!" As soon as the words fell, the disciples below were in an uproar again.

With Lu Yuqing's personal acknowledgment, everyone became even more excited. They wished they could get that magical medicine right away, rush to the Golden Core Realm, and become a glorious Golden Core disciple.

"However, before distributing, I still have something to say." Lu Yuqing was not in a hurry because of Elder Wang's words, but continued calmly: "There is no free lunch in the world. If someone gives us a magic medicine, it will naturally treat us. I have a request, so I'll put it in front of you, if you don't want to agree to this request, you don't have to!"

"any request?"

"No matter what the request is, I will definitely agree!"

"Yes, me too!"

"Me too!"

The crowd was in an uproar again, chattering into chaos.

Right here, Elder Wang suddenly stood up and shouted: "Quiet! What do you mean by agreeing to any request? Are you willing to let you betray your master? Can you think before you speak? It's against the righteousness." Things, even if it is exchanged with the cultivation of the Dragon Transformation Realm, we can't agree, otherwise, wouldn't it become crooked?"

Elder Wang's reprimand was so righteous that everyone lowered their heads and dared not speak any more.

However, Lu Yuqing has no objection to these words. Naturally, he cannot agree to things that are against the righteousness. Besides, Brother Xiao will not let them do things that are against the righteousness. The elders have discussed it, and they already know whether they can do it.

"Don't worry, everyone, that person won't let everyone do anything outrageous, and if there is such a request, I can't possibly agree to it!" Lu Yuqing comforted her immediately after giving birth.

"The man has only one request. After you take the magic medicine, work hard to advance to the Golden Core Realm as soon as possible. Once you succeed, you need to challenge the disciples of the Changsheng Hall. No matter what kind of excuse you make, as long as you can take the challenge If one disciple is expelled from Shujie Island, the requirement will be fulfilled!" Lu Yuqing said slowly.

"Ah? What kind of request is this?" Everyone was stunned and confused.

Many of them have actually been making this so-called request. With Lu Yuqing's previous arrangements, many Yunmeng Pavilion disciples have been making trouble for those disciples of other sects. Once they find out their misbehavior, they will report it immediately. To the law enforcement hall of Yunmeng Pavilion, requesting that the person be expelled from Shujie Island.

Although no one has succeeded so far, the whole process is already very familiar.

Compared with the previous method, the current request is only simpler and ruder, and it is no longer seeking misconduct from others, but has become a direct provocation.

Of course, this is also due to the change in strength. Before, they were only at the Soul Refining Realm, so they might not be able to win the disciples of other factions. If they can really be promoted to the Golden Core Realm, then of course it would be easier and more brutal to challenge directly.

(End of this chapter)

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