Chapter 661 Leaks
Since he came a little later, except for the few disciples of Law Enforcing Hall who were chasing after him, no one else saw Yunxi fly over the South Bank with their own eyes, so when he heard the tall man say that he had passed the South Bank, they were immediately blown away.

"Wow, you dare to go there!"

"That's right, didn't the Changshengtang only have sixteen disciples who died before, and that guy was not afraid of death at all, and dared to go there."

"Who said that something will happen to them? Isn't that the forbidden area of ​​Yunmeng Pavilion over there? If their own disciples break in, nothing will happen, right?"

A group of onlookers from Xuantian Temple talked a lot, with gloating expressions in their tone.

"Master, that guy did run out, and he crossed the south bank first..." Ding Yi returned to Elder Tong and said respectfully.

"Well, I see." Elder Tong frowned, he was holding back a fire, and he had nowhere to vent it.

He had never thought that Yun Xi could escape, and the place where he escaped was the south bank of the Central Lake, where he had just lost sixteen disciples. Watching each other run away.

In this regard, he can only hope that the trapped dragon array hidden on the south bank will show thick fog indiscriminately, so that Mu Yunxi can also taste the monster in the thick fog.

But unfortunately, after waiting for a long time, a group of people looked at the South Bank from a distance, hoping for a little different movement, but nothing happened, and there was no movement on the South Bank.

"Could it be because he is from Yunmeng Pavilion that there is no movement in the trapped dragon formation?" At this time, even Elder Tong couldn't help but think so.

At this moment, Elder Mu and Elder Wang from Yunmeng Pavilion arrived late. Seeing the surprised expressions on everyone's faces, they naturally knew what was going on.

Seeing them coming, Elder Tong stood up unceremoniously, and was about to question, but was blocked by Elder Mu's black hand.

"I know what you're going to ask!" Elder Mu said first: "You must first ask me to find someone to catch Xier back, right? But I still say that, that's the forbidden area I sent, we can't help it past."

"What do you mean?" Elder Tong was also a little annoyed, and asked in a loud voice: "You evaded it before, saying that there was a thick fog on the south bank, so you dare not go there. Now the thick fog is gone, and someone saw your grandson escape with their own eyes. Why can't they send someone to catch them?"

"I can't, I can't. As for the reason, I have no comment!" Elder Mu was so strong that he said it all at once, making Elder Tong almost vomit blood with anger.

This time, Elder Mu just emphasized that he could not send people over there, and did not explicitly say that otherwise they would pursue them, and if the disciples of Changshengtang had the courage, they could go over by themselves.

But it's a pity that with what happened not long ago, everyone was afraid that they would encounter the same situation as Ding Yi after the past, and accidentally confessed their lives, so everyone dared to mention it.

"Hmph!" Elder Tong was furious, and after snorting coldly, his head turned quickly, and he quickly came up with another way.

"Your grandson absconded in fear of crime. If you don't bring him back, you will be charged with a higher crime! A small crime that may have been punished in the first place may lead to a catastrophe in the end. Elder Mu, just watch it like this ?” He said to Mu Ling suspiciously.

"Bah!" Mu Ling cursed without thinking, and then slowly said: "My grandson is not guilty at all, Brother Fei has already been punished, it's just an unintentional mistake, you insisted on forcibly imprisoning him Get up, now that he's left by himself, he can go wherever he wants, and you don't care!"

"Hmph! Who said he was not guilty? If he was not guilty, why would he be imprisoned by us? If he did not commit a crime, why would you feel guilty and let us imprison him? If he is imprisoned, it means he is guilty. Now Fleeing in fear of crime, when you are caught, you will definitely be punished! And you accomplices who have done nothing will all be punished by the Xiumeng Law Enforcement Hall!" Elder Tong opened his mouth with a long speech, and told Elder Mu what he said. Refuted it over and over.

Elder Mu knew that he couldn't tell the other party well, and he couldn't think of so many sophistical excuses, so he just kept silent.

Elder Wang was also not very comfortable at this time, because he saw Tan Yuge who had just defected from the sect in the crowd, and that guy was whispering something to Ding Yi, as if he was telling the truth.

Seeing this scene, Elder Wang was instantly furious, wishing he could rush over and slap that guy to death. This kind of guy who eats inside and outside should be hacked to pieces!

At this time, Tan Yuge was indeed whispering to Ding Yi, and it was a rather secretive thing.

"Before that Mu Yunxi competed with Mo Qiushi from your faction, I have personally seen him go to the South Bank several times quietly, and every time he would go there when no one was paying attention, as if he was very familiar with that place. "Tan Yuge said in a low voice.

"Oh?" Ding Yi was taken aback, and immediately realized that there was very important information in it, and then asked, "Why is he over there?"

"This... I'm not too sure, but I heard from that old guy Mu Ling that he seems to be asking a senior about fighting skills for the later competition." Tan Yuge thought for a while, and heard what he heard The news was all told.

Although his relationship with Mu Ling is not very good, he was still the elder of Yunmeng Pavilion before that. He also learned a lot of news from those disciples, especially about Mu Yunxi's sudden study before the competition. , disappearing every day.

Among them, some people were curious why Mu Yunxi didn't ask his grandfather for advice, but instead disappeared, so they got the answer above Mu Ling.

"Ask a senior for advice?" Ding Yi repeated this sentence, and suddenly Wei Xiao's figure came to mind.

During the competition, that Mu Yunxi used Wei Xiaocai's move, and defeated Junior Brother Mo Qiushi with this move, and it was precisely because of this move that caused Junior Brother Mo's death. He once used this move to testify that Wei Xiao was behind it, but neither Mu Yunxi nor Lu Yuqing objected.

In this way, Mu Yunxi must have gone to Wei Xiao in the few days after the start of the engagement, not only learned a few tricks from him, but also borrowed a blood-red sword.

Based on Tan Yuge's few words, Ding Yi quickly figured out what happened and guessed the truth.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sneer, looked at the south bank of the central lake, and shouted in his heart: "So you've been hiding here all this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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