City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 64 Familiar text

Chapter 64 Familiar text

"Where did the monsters and monsters come from? Taoist priest, you should make up more reliable stories!"

Luo Mengqing listened for a long time, and when she heard the old man talk about the snake demon, she subconsciously despised it. Later, the old man's story became more and more outrageous, and she finally couldn't help it, and yelled out directly.

The old man smiled slightly, but looked at Wei Xiao who was beside him instead of answering.


Wei Xiao nodded affirmatively, and seeing the policewoman staring at him blankly, he added, "I killed that snake demon."

The old Taoist obviously already knew about this, so he was not surprised. On the other hand, the policewoman Luo Mengqing opened her mouth wide at this time, and her beautiful eyes were full of inconceivable colors.

"how can that be?"

Luo Mengqing felt that she must have heard it wrong. She picked out her ears and touched her forehead to confirm that she was not hallucinating.

Normal hearing!No dizziness, no hallucinations!
How is that possible...

When she turned her head and saw Wei Xiao's serious face again, she suddenly felt someone say something in her mind: "What he said is true!
Luo Mengqing only felt that his three views had collapsed... The atheism he had insisted on for more than twenty years was ruthlessly broken like this. There really are demons in this world!

While Luo Mengqing was still cleaning up his broken outlook on life, the old man suddenly bent down and bowed deeply to Wei Xiao.

After a long time, he raised his head and asked, "Fellow Daoist, do you know why we are here?"

Wei Xiao took a deep breath, calmed down, and then took a deep look at the Dongping brothers beside him, and immediately understood their purpose.

"That's right, we're here to ask fellow daoists for help!" The old Taoist didn't make any fuss after he glanced at him, and quickly asked himself and answered.

"I can go with you, but I want to know everything about it!" Wei Xiao didn't wait for them to speak, he directly agreed to their invitation, and made his own request incidentally.

When he was in the scenic spot before, he had made an oath to exterminate the descendants of the demon snake and avenge the innocent victims. Now that the opportunity has come, there is still someone to help guide the way, so there is no reason not to agree.

Seeing that he agreed simply, the old Taoist was overjoyed and quickly agreed to his request.

"No problem! I'll be on the road later, the old Taoist, I will explain it to fellow Taoists in detail!"

After the two of them discussed the next steps, Wei Xiao told Liang Xi and the others to act with caution. If it was not possible, don't force it. The burden of rescue should be left to the police force.

After everything was arranged, Wei Xiao came to the old Taoist side alone, ready to go to the demon cave with them.

"I also need to go!"

He looked back and found that Luo Mengqing had followed behind him at some point, and only then made a sound to express his thoughts.

Wei Xiao frowned slightly, took a deep look at her, and asked lightly: "Are you sure? I may not be able to protect you!"

The danger in the trip to the demon lair is self-evident. Wei Xiao has never been there, nor has he seen the strength of the snake demon. He just heard it from the mouth of a veteran. energy to protect an ordinary person.

"Sure! Also, I don't need anyone's protection!" Luo Mengqing raised her head and looked at him, her eyes were full of stubbornness and a little bit of grievance. She didn't know why, although she was very skilled and equipped with a gun, she didn't show it. Show the strong side.

What's more, the demon snake that shattered her three views, no matter what, she has to go and see it, and she will never give up until she sees the existence of the snake demon with her own eyes.

Wei Xiao's complicated eyes fell on her face, and he looked at her fixedly.

This stubbornness is somewhat similar to her... Wei Xiao sighed softly in his heart, and suddenly remembered the grievance and stubbornness when she was pushed away by Ms. Zhou that afternoon.

After a long time, he suddenly sighed in his heart: Forget it, try to take good care of her then.Then he turned around and left, leaving only one sentence.

"Come on!"


Along the way, everyone passed through the sea of ​​snakes and walked slowly towards the demon lair that the old Taoist said.

"Although the ancestor tried his best to seal most of this snake monster's strength, its snake body can still move in a small range, and it also has a clear consciousness. It also has a strange spiritual spell, which can make people hard to guard against, which is quite troublesome. !"

The veteran led the way and explained to Wei Xiao and the policewoman Luo Mengqing who was following behind.

"So once we approach the demon den, we must be highly concentrated and be careful of the demon snake's spells!" Thinking that the policewoman is just an ordinary person, the old Taoist priest emphasized again.

Originally, according to his intention, it is absolutely impossible to bring ordinary people here. Not only can ordinary people not help, but they are likely to become a burden. However, Wei Xiao insisted on bringing her. In the end, he had no choice but to agree, but it was inevitable in his heart. A moment of worry.

Wei Xiao nodded, expressing his understanding.Then he turned his head to look at the policewoman again. She was listening seriously, and she also nodded at this time.

With a thought in his heart, he took out a card from his pocket and handed it over.

"Take it."

"What is this?" Luo Mengqing took the card and looked at it carefully, and found that it looked a bit like the board game cards on the market, but there were no printed words, but a few strange hand-painted runes, which looked a bit like ancient hieroglyphics.

"Good stuff! Take it with you, don't lose it." Wei Xiao replied softly.

The card is one of the few witch cards he has left with the "Comg" character card. The person who has the "Comg" character will be controlled by the caster and obey the caster's words and deeds. From the word "Witch Talisman", it can also make people firm and less susceptible to spiritual spells.

This is the second use of the "from" character he has discovered!
At this time, Wei Xiao gave her the only one on his body, just because he was afraid that she would accidentally fall into the spirit spell of the snake demon.


Luo Mengqing's face was reddish, and she was a little hesitant to speak, because she found that from the first meeting to when he gave the card just now, his posture had always been superior, and his tone had always been commanding, but she But he didn't feel inappropriate at all, on the contrary, he was very happy to adapt to his attitude.

This adaptation made her blush a little.

What's wrong with me?He is still a college student, and I have been working for three years!
Wei Xiao didn't notice the strangeness of the policewoman beside him, because he had already seen the entrance of the cave, the entrance of the cave with the ancient demon snake sealed inside, it was exactly the same as the old Taoist's description, the entrance of the cave was covered with talisman paper!
He suddenly trembled all over, looking at the familiar words on the talisman paper, he was shocked.

Those talisman papers are also witch talismans!

He knew all the characters on the talisman paper.

"Seal", "Forbidden", "Cut"!
The three kinds of shamanic characters were painted on the talisman paper in a strange way, and it still looks like a new one.

The witch clan disappeared thousands of years ago, so this talisman paper has a history of at least a thousand years. It seems that the talisman paper used for drawing talismans is also not simple, otherwise it would not be possible to preserve it for such a long time.

Could it be that this snake demon was sealed by the power of the witch clan thousands of years ago?

Huge questions arose in his mind, leaving him speechless for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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