City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 622 Letter to Elder Sword Grant

Chapter 622 Letter to Elder Sword Grant

Elder Wang did not directly answer Elder Mu's question, but looked around Elder Mu from all directions, up and down, left and right, and then asked slowly: "Brother Mu, do you have any evidence for such an important matter? Knowing that such rumors are generally unreliable, if there is no direct evidence, how can we believe that your words are true?"

"Direct evidence?" Elder Mu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, and said, "Although I have evidence, I can't show it to you right now. You can only choose to trust me. I, Mu Ling, will never deceive you. My own senior brother!"

"Brother Mu, you are talking nonsense! Everything needs evidence, not to mention the Changsheng Hall you are talking about. What happened not long ago has already made them hate us to the bone. If there are some more baseless rumors, then what will happen to us? Isn't Meng Ge even more passive!" the law enforcement elder persuaded with earnest words.

Regarding Yunxi's accidental murder, besides the parties involved and Mu Ling, nothing is more upset than the elder of the Law Enforcement Hall of Yunmeng Pavilion. It was obviously just an unintentional mistake, but because of the strength and rascal of Changshengtang, Xiumeng laws were violated.

"Okay!" Mu Ling sighed for a long time, then shook his head and said: "Since you all disagree, then I can only report this matter to the head of Yimeng. If the head agrees to this matter, I hope Don't be an obstacle in the future!"

"Brother Mu, what's the point? If the leader can believe in you, then we will naturally support it with all our strength. How could it be an obstacle?" Elder Wang asked a little displeased.

Mu Ling smiled faintly, and did not answer directly, but gave a meaningful look at Elder Qin who was in charge of internal affairs, then got up and left immediately.

"Sure enough, Brother Xiao guessed it right. Among the many elders in Yunmeng Pavilion, there are not many who have the courage to resist... It seems that we have to discuss this matter with Lao Xu first." Mu Ling walked out In the meeting hall, while looking around, he said to himself.

Among the many elders in Yunmeng Pavilion, in terms of strength, the sword-giving elder Xu Jian is definitely the undisputed No. 1, and in terms of courage and insight, he is also far superior to other elders.

Therefore, during the previous discussion, Wei Xiao once reminded Elder Mu that if you want to report this time to the head of Yimeng, it is best to have a breath with the sword-giving elder before that, and if you can get the support of the sword-giving elder , there is a high chance that the leader of a dream will agree.

Regarding this, Wei Xiao’s basis for this is the courage and courage of the Elder Giving Sword when he fought alone against the two factions on Yunmeng Mountain. The extremely harsh "suggestions" were forcibly erased.

If Elder Giving Sword hadn't stepped forward back then, it would be hard to say whether the current Shujie Island belongs to Yunmeng Pavilion or not.

Except for Elder Giving Sword, Wei Xiao doesn't think much of the other elders. Although he is not very familiar with these elders, judging from Yunmeng Pavilion's experience of being bullied over the years, these elders are either just muddling along. , or have become accustomed to being bullied, and completely abandoned themselves.

After carefully thinking about what Wei Xiao had said to him before, Elder Mu sighed again, and then returned to his yard, took out a messenger flying sword, and began to send a message to Elder Giving Sword.

As an elder stationed on the island, Mu Ling cannot leave Shujie Island easily unless there is something special. Therefore, for the time being, he can only send a letter to the sword-granting elder. After the other party confirms the response, he can find a reason to return to the mountain. At that time, When we show off our cards to the leader of Yimeng together.

After writing the content of the letter, Elder Mu thought it over again, and suddenly frowned, as if he was not satisfied, so he thought about it, and added an introduction to Wei Xiao at the end of the letter. In addition to his knowledge of Wei Xiao, there are also comments from Lu Yuqing and others.

By the way, Mu Ling also wrote down a few words about Wei Xiao's views on the elders of Yunmeng Pavilion. He hoped that the elder who taught the sword could have a more comprehensive understanding of this young casual cultivator. After all, before this, the elder who taught the sword had only heard of Wei Xiao. It's just a name, but I have never been in contact with it.

After writing this, Elder Mu breathed a sigh of relief, and soon released the Messenger Flying Sword, waiting for the response from Elder Giving Sword far away on Yunmeng Mountain.

At the same time, Lu Yuqing, who just got the "miracle medicine", couldn't wait to find an opportunity to go to the camp where Yunxi was being guarded.

Although the detention location was still on Shujie Island, it was quite far from Yunmeng Pavilion's camp, on the northeast corner of Shujie Island, near the sea.

This place was originally used by Yunmeng Pavilion for the disciples in charge of patrolling the island to rest. When Yunxi was the person in charge of patrolling the island, he used to rest here. Unexpectedly, it became a place where he was imprisoned now.

Since the Law Enforcement Hall of the Xiumeng is almost entirely composed of disciples of the Hall of Longevity, those who guarded Yunxi are naturally disciples of the Hall of Longevity, and they were all found on the island, and they all witnessed Yunxi's killing of the disciples of the Hall of Longevity. Everyone held great hostility towards him, and within a few days of being detained, Yunxi had already been tortured by all means.

The most outrageous thing is that in the past few days, Elder Mu has been asking to come to visit, but he has been rejected by the Xiu Alliance Law Enforcement Hall for only one reason - to prevent collusion in confessions.

Not only was Elder Mu not allowed to visit, even Lu Yuqing was rejected many times. It can be said that all the disciples belonging to Yunmeng Pavilion were rejected.

Therefore, in these short few days, the outside world didn't know what kind of torture Yun Xi was going through.
Lu Yuqing had just approached the camp where Yunxi was being held, when a figure suddenly rushed out of the darkness, stopped in front of her abruptly, and shouted coldly: "Stop! The front is the detention center of the Xiumeng Law Enforcement Hall, idlers, etc. Do not come near!"

Lu Yuqing was so drunk that she frowned, but she still suppressed her anger and said patiently: "I am Lu Yuqing from Yunmeng Pavilion. I came to visit my junior brother Mu Yunxi, and I want to meet him."

The Changsheng Hall disciple was stunned for a moment when he heard this, then shook his head, and did not get out of the way. Instead, he denied it even more firmly: "The people from Yunmeng Pavilion are even more forbidden to get close to! You Yunmeng is the one being imprisoned inside. Criminals in the pavilion, you don’t know how to avoid suspicion at this time, and you are still trying every possible means to visit me, what are your intentions?”

"What's the intention?" Lu Yuqing sneered, as if she was annoyed by the disciple's remarks, and pointed to the hut not far away with her right hand and said, "Although my junior brother is currently being detained here, even your Longevity Hall Master Fei of the Rainbow Sword judged him to be unintentional, so what qualifications do you have to say that Yunxi is guilty?"

(End of this chapter)

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