City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 618 Simple Plan

Chapter 618 Simple Plan

After finishing the matter, Elder Mu frowned, and his energetic old face had completely turned into a bitter look.

"According to what you said, this is another Changshengtang's action against our Yunmeng Pavilion." Elder Mu's face became bitter, and his heart became even more bitter.

He is more aware of the gap between the two factions than the two of them. Once Changshengtang puts down its face and does its best to do this, let alone the Yunmengge family, even if they unite with Xuantian Temple, they can only compete with them at most. It's a lose-lose situation.

The Yunmengge family alone is not qualified to stop Changshengtang!

"Yes!" Wei Xiao nodded with certainty, and then explained: "The southern end of Shujie Island, although the head of Yimeng has assigned it to me, at least it belongs to the forbidden area of ​​Yunmeng Pavilion on the surface. The behavior of the other party obviously did not take Yunmeng Pavilion seriously. Their plan is to first investigate the situation in the south bank, and then they will start to snatch it, and they will not make any sense at all."

"Yeah, the people of Changshengtang are used to domineering in Xiumeng! Just like the last time we shared Shujie Island, we were still working hard on the island, and they joined forces with Xuan without saying a word. Tianguan, forced to go to Yunmeng Mountain to ask the head to share Shujie Island, isn't this style of doing things what they are best at!" Lu Yuqing couldn't help but added.

"Alas!" After hearing Lu Yuqing's supplement, Elder Mu couldn't help but let out a long sigh, his tone full of helplessness.

He was also a member of Shujie Island who was unaware of the matter of sharing Shujie Island. Elder Mu naturally had a deep understanding of Lu Yuqing's mood. However, as an elder of a sect, he must be cautious in his actions and be careful before doing anything. I have to think about it again and again.

"Even though this matter was instigated by Elder Tong of Changshengtang, it might not be necessary to snatch the southern end, right? Perhaps it was just a misunderstanding?" Elder Mu said helplessly.

As soon as these words came out, Wei Xiao's complexion changed immediately, and his tone became indifferent, saying: "Elder Mu's words, do you mean that I am making a fuss out of a molehill?"

Lu Yuqing on the side was also very helpless, not believing that Elder Mu would actually say such a thing. This matter was clearly a test by Changsheng Hall. As long as the test was successful, the other party would definitely seize the southern end of the territory, and then forget it. If Yunmeng Pavilion wants to stop it, it will be intentional or not.

Therefore, the best time to prevent this from happening is at this time. Before Changshengtang has made up its mind, Yunmeng Pavilion immediately makes the most determined objection. Only in this way can there be a glimmer of hope.

But why didn't Elder Mu see it?
Lu Yuqing was well aware of Elder Mu's vision and foresight, and he didn't believe that he would fail to see the seriousness of this matter. Therefore, the reason why he said so was worth investigating.

Could it be that he was afraid of the strength of Changshengtang?After thinking for a long time, Lu Yuqing finally came up with an answer that she couldn't believe.

Elder Mu's words did have this consideration, but it was more out of concern about the conflict between the two factions. Originally, the fact that Yunxi accidentally killed the opponent's disciple had already made the disciples of Yunmeng Pavilion and Changshengtang like water. Huo, once this incident occurs again, the conflict between the two factions will definitely increase, and his grandson Yunxi may be in danger for his life by then.

For this reason, Elder Mu had no choice but to take this matter to a better place, hoping that this matter would not affect the relationship between the two factions.

Wei Xiao and Lu Yuqing are both smart people, but their relationship with Yunxi is not as close as Elder Mu's after all, so when considering things, they will not think of Yunxi's safety immediately like him, so it is difficult for Elder Mu to understand the behavior of.

After hearing Wei Xiao's rhetorical question, Elder Mu suddenly looked embarrassed. After being silent for a long time, his thousands of words turned into a long sigh: "Alas!"

Wei Xiao still looked confused, but Lu Yuqing on the side understood the meaning of the sigh, and soon thought of Yun Xi's matter.

"Elder Mu, please rest assured that Brother Xiao already has a way to deal with this matter. Whether it is a fuss or not, can you listen to Brother Xiao to talk about his solution? The so-called precautions, even if this matter is a misunderstanding, let's listen There is nothing wrong with how to take precautions, right?" Lu Yuqing tried to persuade with the most tactful words.

"Okay, since it's a precautionary measure, let's listen to it." Elder Mu thought for a while, and finally agreed.

Wei Xiao was listening with doubts in his head, but after seeing Lu Yuqing's wink, he suppressed the doubts in his heart, took a deep breath, and said: "As for how to prevent Changshengtang from snatching the southern end of Shujie Island, I only thought of two ways. One is to create conflicts within them, and make this matter a personal behavior of Elder Tong, without the support of the entire sect, then naturally there will be no big threat."

"Secondly, you must strongly oppose Yunmeng Pavilion, do everything you can to stop Changshengtang, divert their attention, and prevent the entire sect of Changshengtang from focusing on the southern end of Shujie Island. Naturally, we will not try our best to snatch the southern peninsula."

Wei Xiao's plan is only a general direction, and the specific matters are still to be discussed, but just the direction is enough to solve the matter.

The key is not whether the plan is perfect enough, but whether Yunmeng Pavilion can do its best, whether it can attract the attention of Changshengtang, if not, no matter how perfect the plan is, it is just empty talk.

After listening to Wei Xiao's simple plan, Elder Mu nodded affirmatively, and said, "Although the plan is simple, it is indeed feasible. But in the first point, although there are internal conflicts in Changsheng Hall, under the leadership of Hall Master Yuan , these can be ignored, unless you can influence Hall Master Yuan, it is better not to think too much about the first plan."

"Okay, I see." Wei Xiao nodded a little discouraged. Although he knew that the first point would be difficult to achieve, he never expected to be so bluntly denied by Elder Mu.

This shows that Hall Master Yuan has a decisive position in Changshengtang. Unless his position is shaken, he will never be able to create internal conflicts in Changshengtang.

Elder Mu nodded lightly, and continued to add: "As for the second point, it is indeed a good way to divert Changshengtang's attention, but to be specific, it must have a certain weight, otherwise Changshengtang may not attracted to."

"Well, I've thought about this too. At present, the easiest way is to have a few more competitions like Yunxi's before. As long as the disciples of Yunmeng Pavilion can keep winning, Changshengtang's attention will definitely be attracted. Yes!" Wei Xiao said bluntly.

(End of this chapter)

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