City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 615 Dozing off and sending pillow

Chapter 615 Dozing off and sending pillow

After handing over the task, Hall Master Yuan looked at the many elders present, and asked again: "Is there anything else you need to add?"

The audience shook their heads and shook their heads, but no one responded.

Hall Master Yuan smiled, didn't care, and said loudly: "Since there is no problem, let's go to our own business." After finishing speaking, he left the Hall of Eternal Life first.

On the back mountain of the Hall of Eternal Life, Hall Master Yuan stood on the top of the mountain, looking straight into the distance, that was the direction of the South China Sea, and very far away in this direction, there happened to be small islands full of spiritual energy. It is Shujie Island.

Regarding the drastic changes in the aura of Changshengchuan, Hall Master Yuan had already expected it, because when he founded the sect here and established the Changshengtang, he knew that this place was not actually a place where auras gathered, and that it could become a place not inferior to Yunmeng Mountain. The blessed place of aura, all depends on something special in the forbidden place.

It's a pity that with his knowledge, there is no way to tell what is affecting the aura here. In the end, he has no choice but to seal that area and list it as a forbidden area, so as not to be disrupted by his disciples.

It's a pity that even though he has maintained it so carefully, there are still changes today. The aura in Changsheng River has changed drastically, and the forbidden area must have changed a lot.

Hall Master Yuan himself knew the reason for this change, but it was inconvenient to tell everyone directly, so when he asked what to do, as soon as someone came out to answer, he immediately explained the matter.

This result, no matter who found it, no matter what the consequences are, at least it is better than what he said himself.

The disciples of Changshengtang can accept that someone has destroyed the feng shui of Changshengchuan, but they cannot accept that this is a doomed thing. If the aura of Changshengchuan is destined to dissipate, then they still regard this place as a mountain gate, as A paradise, doesn't that seem stupid?
However, in the current situation, although the aura of Changshengchuan has decreased, the heavens seem to have left them a good place to prepare, that is, Shujie Island, where there is a lot of aura, and it is a newly developed place, and there may be many more. I haven't discovered the magic, but in terms of value alone, I'm afraid it's not much different from Changsheng River.

If it was a last resort, it would be a good way to completely abandon the Changsheng River and transfer the entire Changsheng Hall to Shujie Island.

Of course, the people of the country have a homeland complex. If it is not a last resort, most people are probably unwilling to relocate. Therefore, Hall Master Yuan thinks about it and thinks that it is better to start with the new generation of disciples and arrange them to live on Shujie Island first. Once they are familiar with it and have achieved something, they will naturally stop thinking about going back to the main hall of Changshengchuan.

At this moment, a sword light suddenly flashed across the sky, and then flew towards Hall Master Yuan at an extremely fast speed. It was a flying sword of communication.

Hall Master Yuan took out the biography from Feijian, and after reading it carefully, his originally worried expression suddenly became much more cheerful, and the corners of his mouth even curled up involuntarily.

It’s so sleepy that I came to send a pillow. As soon as the aura of Changshengchuan began to decrease, Shujie Island had a big discovery. It seems that God’s will is to let Changshengtang transfer its site, abandon it, and go to Shujie Island to develop.

Hall Master Yuan thought so.

The content of the biography is actually very simple, just a few words from Elder Tong, but what he said is not simple at all. Elder Tong has already stated clearly in the letter that the southern end of Shujie Island is not a forbidden place that is not suitable for cultivation. , there are not only people living there, but also built a lot of houses like the northern end. It is likely that Yunmeng Pavilion reserved for their own practice. Now it has been discovered by the disciples of Changshengtang. Maybe they can find a reason And an excuse to "borrow" the southern peninsula of Shujie Island!
The site borrowed by Changshengtang is naturally not repaid, and Langyunmengge has no courage to refuse, so Elder Tong vowed in his heart that as long as Hallmaster Yuan orders, he can immediately take the southern peninsula. down.

Hall Master Yuan would naturally not refuse this kind of good deed, but he was a little worried. He felt that since Yunmeng Pavilion tried every means to conceal the fact that there were people living on the South Bank, it must be very important there, and the person who lived there might be a big person. It's better to find out the situation before taking action, and don't be too impatient.

Hall Master Yuan spent a few minutes writing his replies and thoughts into a biography, and then put it in the Xunxun Feijian, asking him to take it back to Elder Tong.

At this time, in the small courtyard on the south bank of Shujie Island, after careful consideration for a long time, Wei Xiao finally came up with a feasible solution. Tentacles kept them out, preventing them from having any chance of getting involved with Nan'an.

Although this method is simple and easy to use, the most important thing is to cooperate with Yunmeng Pavilion. If they are not willing to cooperate, or if they do not try their best, this method may fail. You have to ask Lu Yuqing to come over and leave this matter to her.

After being in Xiumeng for so long, Wei Xiao has always had a good relationship with Lu Yuqing, and he regards her as a trustworthy friend, so Wei Xiao can only feel at ease if he entrusts this matter to her.

Of course, only if she handles this matter, can she do her best and help Wei Xiao regardless of the consequences.

And if this matter is successful, it will be a good thing for mutual benefit; even if it fails, it will only hurt Wei Xiao's interests, and it will not have much impact on Yunmeng Pavilion.

After all, the southern end of Shujie Island was not originally owned by Yunmeng Pavilion.

Speaking of Lu Yuqing, Wei Xiao couldn't help but think of Yunxi, and wondered if he had worked harder to cultivate after winning the competition?

Since the last time Lu Yuqing sent him a message, telling him that Yun Xi had won the competition, Wei Xiao has not contacted him. Even when he returned to the island this time, he quietly circled back and flew back from the south coast. .

Therefore, Wei Xiao knows nothing about the current situation of Yunmeng Pavilion. He has no idea that he is in the Xiumeng and has been listed as the target of hunting. to make an arrest.

Wei Xiao picked up the phone and gently dialed Lu Yuqing's number. After a few long beeps, the call was finally connected.

"Hey, it's Yuqing. I have something to discuss with you."

"Ah? Brother Xiao?" Lu Yuqing was a little surprised. She couldn't believe that Wei Xiao dared to call her at this time, and her voice couldn't help but increase a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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