City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 612 Accidental Intrusion

Chapter 612 Accidental Intrusion
Out of the consideration of maintaining the stability of the Xiumeng, Fei Yu did not agree with Elder Tong's idea at all, but Wei Changsheng had already made a statement first, so he could only shake his head helplessly, neither objecting nor agreeing, it was regarded as tacit consent up.

"Then, did Elder Tong think about Xuantian Temple? If we occupy the South Bank, I'm afraid Xuantian Temple will have certain ideas, and if things go wrong, they will want it too." Fei Yu gave up trying to stop Elder Tong. Thoughts, turned to another aspect to continue to ask.

"Xuantianguan, they don't need to think about it at all. Those people will just follow us to pick up food. If Hall Master Yuan didn't take the lead this time, they wouldn't even be able to enter Shujie Island! As long as we take it down For the south bank, it is enough for Yunmeng Pavilion to give them some of the north bank, there is no need to give them the south bank!" Regarding Xuantian Temple, Elder Tong's tone was full of disdain, as if he looked down on Xuantian Temple very much.

The description "picking up food to eat" is generally not used to describe a person or a group of people!
Although Elder Tong's words are harsh, they are the current status of the three major sects of the Xiu Alliance.Although the three major sects have maintained independent relationships on the surface for a long time, and everyone works together in a harmonious and friendly atmosphere, secretly Xuantian Guan has always been following Changshengtang, and only Yunmeng Pavilion is relatively independent. , it can also be said that it was squeezed out by the other two factions and has been jointly cannibalized by the two factions.

Elder Tong said that Xuantian Temple is "picking up food and eating", which means that Xuantian Temple is following behind Changsheng Hall, and together they go to eat away at the resources and territory of Yunmeng Pavilion.

The biggest one of them was naturally the last time they joined forces to go up to Yunmeng Mountain and asked to share Shujie Island.

As soon as Elder Tong finished speaking, Wei Changsheng over there nodded again, and once again agreed: "That's right! The south bank can only belong to us. As for Xuantian Temple, let them play on the north bank."

Fei Yu saw that neither of his two questionings had any effect, but the more he asked, the clearer he was, that Elder Tong and Wei Changsheng had already reached an agreement. Seeing them taking the south bank of Central Lake as their own step by step, Fei Yu couldn't help but With a long sigh, he thought to himself: After all, this Xiumeng will be disbanded, and the 300 years of peace were finally ruined by the lack of spiritual energy!

300 years ago, it was the depletion of spiritual energy that finally led to a catastrophe in the cultivation world, and 300 years later, such a scene may be repeated soon, which made Fei Yu who had experienced that catastrophe extremely sad.

"That's it! This world cannot escape the greed of human nature after all. Let it be chaos. I don't care." Fei Yu sighed in his heart and waved his hand casually, indicating that he had no problem.

Elder Tong immediately looked happy, and said with a smile: "Since the two elders have agreed to this matter, let's wait for that disciple to come back, and then we will start to implement this plan. It is only reasonable to put Nan'an under our sect."

The three elders of Changshengtang finished their discussion and left with their own thoughts.

At this time, in the small courtyard on the south bank of the central lake, the disciple of Changshengtang was kneeling on the ground trembling, kowtowing like pounding garlic, and kept chanting: "I don't know, I don't know anything. I know... I really broke in by accident, and I didn't even know that you are practicing here, Daxian, so I beg you to let me go."

The person standing in front of this disciple, that is, the great immortal he was talking about, was Ying Gou who returned from the northwest. Of course Wei Xiao also came back, but he didn't show up, but went to settle the general's zombie body He went, so he let Ying Gou handle the matter.

Being called a Great Immortal, Ying Gou felt a little proud, because in ancient times, only advanced Qi practitioners like Huang Di and Chi You were eligible to receive this title, and he had already degenerated into a zombie unless his flesh and blood were reborn successfully and he practiced cultivation. If you are successful, otherwise you will not be able to live up to this title for the rest of your life.

Although he was secretly refreshed, Ying Gou did not forget his duty. With a fierce expression on his face, he asked fiercely, "Who are you, why are you here, and what is your purpose?"

The disciple of Changshengtang saw that the other party didn't take his own life immediately, but instead asked him a question, he was overjoyed, and quickly replied: "I am a disciple from the north, and I just came here by mistake. The one who broke in, saw a small courtyard here, and wanted to come and have a look, without any purpose!"

"The disciples in the north?" Ying Gou's face was full of doubts. Wei Xiao didn't tell him who was there in the north, but he also warned him not to go to the north to avoid accidents.

Therefore, Yinggou has always maintained a non-contact and uncaring attitude towards the north. He doesn't care who is there in the north, and he doesn't want to go to the north to see.

But now that the disciples from the north suddenly came over, have they crossed the line?

"Yes, I... I came from the north. We had been living there to practice before, and it was just an accident to get here." The disciple of Changsheng Hall saw that Ying Gou was puzzled, and quickly added an explanation.

Originally, he wanted to say that he was a disciple of Changshengtang and asked Yinggou to let him go, but then he thought about it, since the north shore had always been the territory of Yunmeng Pavilion, and this monster had always lived in the south, the relationship between the two parties must be different. Generally, even if it is not a friendly relationship, at least it is a well water that does not violate the river water.

As long as I pretend to be a disciple of Yunmeng Pavilion and say some good things, I may have a chance to slip away.

Sure enough, after hearing him say "I have been living in the north to cultivate", the monster nodded slightly, and the malice in his eyes seemed to have dissipated a lot, leaving only a little doubt.

"Since it was an accident, let's go." Ying Gou thought for a while, but couldn't think of a good solution, and finally decided to let the man go, so as not to cause trouble to Brother Xiao.

But before the man left, he warned again, saying: "You broke in by accident, I don't want to pursue it, but this is not a place for you to come in, if I see you again, you will never want to leave !"

Hearing that he could leave, the disciple of Changsheng Hall kowtowed again in thanks, and agreed twice: "Yes, yes, the boy will definitely not come again!" After speaking, he immediately got up, and started to run outside.

But at this time, Wei Xiao, who had just settled down with his generals, immediately frowned when he saw this scene, and shouted: "Stop! Don't leave, I have something to ask you!"

Wei Xiao's words were shouted very loudly, as long as he is not deaf, he can definitely hear them. However, the disciple of Changsheng Hall would not listen to his words and stop, but immediately quickened his pace and ran out without looking back, for fear of being caught back again .

(End of this chapter)

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