City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 608 Suck Back

Chapter 608 Suck Back
Dilong didn't know where he got the courage to face the general, but seeing his seriousness, he couldn't help but nodded in approval, and said, "Okay, that's up to you." He moved his body a bit, preparing to stop the blood on the wound by squeezing.

However, the general didn't seem to intend to let the earth dragon go. A group of long fangs were still clenched tightly, and the mouth was still moving, as if sucking the earth dragon's blood.

"Not good!" Dilong screamed, only then did he discover the general's blood-sucking behavior.

Although the talent of the mirror monster race is coming to an end, but it took advantage of the last bit of time to start a blood-sucking idea, and the chosen object is also the most suitable one at the moment, the spiritual power content in the blood of the earth dragon is far Super everyone, as long as it can absorb enough blood of the earth dragon, it can still maintain extremely strong combat effectiveness even without the talent of the mirror man.

When Wei Xiao heard Dilong's exclamation, his heart skipped a beat. Through the gap between Dilong's body, he saw the appearance of the general sucking blood.

The pair of long fangs were like two water pipes, continuously sucking the red and white blood of the earth dragon, and the general's body changed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Quick! Its mirror talent is over, hurry up and stop it!" Dilong yelled, almost commandingly yelling at Wei Xiao.

"Okay!" Wei Xiao didn't even think about it, exhausted the little witch power he had just recovered, summoned the Blood Sand Sword from the "Witch Code", and then held it tightly with his right hand.

The next moment, he charged towards the general!
Without the witchcraft, he couldn't release the witchcraft, and it was difficult to maintain the change of the transformation technique. The only means he could use was the martial arts in the witchcraft technique, that is, he raised his sword and slashed.

Fortunately, he had enough confidence in his Blood Sand Sword that he could use this sword to stop the general, so he took the initiative to use the sword.

On the other side, Ying Gou was still struggling in the corpse bubble. Unfortunately, with the end of the mirror man's talent, the bubble was already full of cracks, and I believe it would be broken in less than five seconds.

But five seconds can already decide a lot of things, especially in a battle with a master like the fourth ancestor of zombies, it is almost a matter of life and death.

The general was still sucking the blood of the earth dragon. When he saw Wei Xiao rushing towards him, he sensed that he didn't have too much energy, so he didn't care. He just waved his hand casually, and a cloud of black blood directly hit his face. Smash it up.

While it was sucking blood, its body had already started to change slowly. It was originally a human figure, which gradually became blurred, and then returned to its previous viscous appearance. Naturally, its face also changed, and it was no longer Ying Gou's appearance. , but turned into the haggard look at the beginning.

Wei Xiao charged forward without hesitation, and the Blood Sand Sword pierced the blood-stained mass without hesitation, and then absorbed it into the sword body without a sound.

This scene made the general who had been staring at him widen his eyes instantly, with an unbelievable look, he couldn't believe it at all.

In the past, it was always the one that sucked the blood of other living creatures. This time, there was a sword that could absorb the blood it spit out. How powerful is that?
The blood sand sword can absorb blood stains, which may seem very surprising to the generals, but Wei Xiao looks familiar, as if he didn't see it, and rushed over at the original speed.

Just when the Blood Sand Sword was about to stab the general, it spit out a bigger mouthful of blood in desperation, turning into a black wall of blood, firmly blocking in front of it.

The next moment, the Blood Sand Sword pierced through the blood wall silently, through the thick blood wall, it still stabbed the generals behind.

The huge shock force sent Wei Xiaozhen flying far away, but the blood sand sword in his hand stayed on the general, pierced its body from the side, and stuck straight into its heart.

"This is impossible!" The general roared, with indescribable fear mixed with anger.

Right after it roared out, the blood wall originally used to resist the Blood Sand Sword disappeared all of a sudden, and the bloody light on the Blood Sand Sword kept flickering, obviously absorbed by it again.

The Blood Sand Sword itself was refined from the blood crystals of the great monsters of the monster clan. Not only is the color blood red, but even the special design has a touch of weirdness. Even if its model is the gentleman's sword, it cannot hide the weirdness contained in it.

The feature of being able to suck blood was discovered by Wei Xiao when he was practicing later, but this feature is harmful to the world, and he has never used it, and he doesn't even plan to use it.

However, I don't know why, but after I lent it to Yunxi and won a competition, this feature was activated.

What was going on, he didn't know for a while, but the Blood Sand Sword was considered a meritorious service, and it hurt the general in one shot, so he didn't plan to pursue it for the time being.

Before the general's roar dissipated, the Blood Sand Sword made another movement. The blood light on the sword suddenly stopped flickering and turned into a whirlpool. It actually began to draw blood from the general's body, and the effect It is more powerful than the one that sucks the earth dragon.

This scene completely panicked the general, and quickly let go of the earth dragon's mouth, almost using his hands and feet to pull out the blood sand sword.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Earth Dragon quickly shrank its body to stop the gushing blood for itself. Those red and white liquids are not only the blood of its body, but also the source of energy for its whole body. Extremely precious.

Ying Gou also took advantage of this time to intensify his strength. After dozens of punches, he finally burst the bubble of the corpse and regained his freedom.

The general wanted to draw the sword, but when it did it, it was discovered that everything was not as simple as imagined. As soon as its blood-stained hands touched the blood-sand sword, it was absorbed in the blink of an eye. The strange suction flowed down the hands and suddenly invaded its arms.

The general made a decisive decision, cut off his arms in an instant, let them fall, and was absorbed by the blood sand sword when they were still in the air.

Seeing this scene, the general felt as if he had seen a ghost. The horror in his heart was beyond words. He couldn't imagine that there was anything more blood-sucking than this vampire zombie in this world?
What it didn't know was that the red crystal that was refined into the Blood Sand Sword was congealed by the blood of the great demon of the demon clan, and the great demon of the demon clan was named Jiufeng, and it had a son named Xueyin, who was It is the ancestor of the blood-drinking insect it transformed into before, and it is also the famous blood-sucking clan in the monster clan!
(End of this chapter)

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