Chapter 60
The dagger is sharp!
The golden python that should cooperate with the performance also performed perfectly.

The dagger started from the python's lower jaw and ended at the snake's tail. It pierced through the giant python directly, and the snake's blood and internal organs scattered all over the ground.

Everyone who was still worried that Wei Xiao would be injured by the golden python was all stunned at this moment, with their mouths wide open, unable to utter a word.Especially the head of the house in 308, his original intention was to tell Brother Xiao to pay attention to the giant python at the side door, so as not to be discovered by it, but Wei Xiao just walked over there in a foolish way, and was even attacked by the giant golden python.

The moment the golden python shot out, the head of the house was full of regret and guilt. At that moment, he just wanted to ask himself one sentence: If Brother Xiao died because of this, would I regret it for the rest of my life?

But the next scene finally made him no longer have to worry about this problem. The golden python was killed by Wei Xiao, and fell limply to the ground. The ground was full of stench.

After killing the giant python, the surrounding poisonous snakes seemed to be suppressed, instead of swarming up, they scrambled to escape from Wei Xiao's vicinity, but surrounded them from a distance, neither daring to go forward nor leave.

"Snake! The snake retreated!"

The sharp-eyed students immediately noticed the abnormality of the snake group and shouted loudly.As soon as he reminded, everyone in the coffee shop looked out one after another, and sure enough, the group of snakes had retreated a few feet away, and they were no longer lying on the glass windows and crawling in as before.

"It's all right! We're all right!" "We're saved!"


Everyone in the coffee shop hugged each other and wept, venting their joy hoarsely!
Everyone had just walked through the ghost gate, and seeing the snakes receding, it was inevitable that they would be a little excited.Just now when the giant golden python knocked on the door, the glass door was about to shatter, and everyone inside the door would inevitably be slaughtered by snakes. Those who have never experienced that kind of despair cannot understand it.

At this time, Wei Xiao did not celebrate the joy of escaping death with everyone, he still frowned, looking at the snakes in the distance with a serious face.

After killing the giant python just now, Hou Qing had already told him in his mind the reason why the group of snakes retreated.

All because of the snake gall of the snake demon!

Because he ate the gall of the snake demon, the descendants of the snake demon did not dare to approach him. Although the golden python was also affected, it was stronger than these little snakes and could resist the coercion generated by the snake gall, so it could attack him.

The snake demon can resist the snakes!After realizing this, Wei Xiao ignored the stench all over the ground, and started to grope around the corpse of the giant python. After a while, his face was filled with joy, and he took out something, which was the gall of the giant golden python.

"Brother Xiao, are you okay?"

"Brother Xiao, I really saw you right!"

"Brother Xiao, do you know martial arts? That move just now was really cool!"

After the people in the room vented wantonly, they remembered the hero who made the snakes retreat, hurriedly pushed open the glass door full of cracks, swarmed out around Wei Xiao and shouted excitedly.

"Don't! Don't get excited, everyone, go back to the house and talk!"

Because too many people came out, the snake group in the distance caused a commotion, and some poisonous snakes that were not afraid of death were already ready to move.Seeing this scene from the corner of his eye, Wei Xiao quickly stopped the crowd pouring out and shouted loudly.

His reminder made everyone see the abnormal movement of the snake group, and all of them paled instantly, and retreated into the house in a hurry.

Holding a dagger in one hand and snake gall in the other, Wei Xiao also followed into the coffee shop, and then closed the cracked glass door. .

As soon as he entered the room, he saw three people lying on the ground, and Liang Xi was one of them.

"How are they?" Wei Xiao asked the squad leader, pointing to the wounded on the ground.

"I did first aid, but it didn't work much... the snake venom seems to be very powerful, look!"

Squad leader Ling Xi was not overwhelmed by the excitement at this time, and pointed to the wound on Liang Xi's arm with a serious face, explaining to Wei Xiao.

Following the squad leader's finger, Wei Xiao saw Liang Xi's wound, which had been cut in a cross shape, with traces of washing on it, and the smell of potassium permanganate in the air, obviously the wound had been cleaned, but the effect was obvious not so good!
His arm was still pitch-black, and a streak of purple-black had even crossed the rubber band tied around his arm to stop the bleeding and spread towards his heart.

The snake's venom was too strong, and the bloodletting method could no longer remove the toxin, so the wound was no longer bleeding, leaving only the cut black flesh and blood, showing the ferociousness of the poisonous snake to people.

Wei Xiao looked at the two classmates next to him, they were in the same situation as Liang Xi, the snake venom had begun to be out of control.

"Help me open his mouth."

Wei Xiao pointed to Liang Xi and said to Ling Xi.At this time, the three injured people had passed out, and it was not easy to pry their mouths open, so they had to ask the squad leader to help.

Ling Xi glanced at Wei Xiao. Although she didn't understand what he was going to do, she still obeyed his words and pried open Liang Xi's tightly closed mouth with both hands.

Wei Xiao put down the dagger in his left hand, put the python gall over Liang Xi's mouth, and tore it with both hands, a strong stench came, and the green bile flowed directly into Liang Xi's mouth. With a light movement, he subconsciously swallowed the liquid in his mouth.

Seeing Wei Xiao's dagger still on the ground, Ling Xi was slightly taken aback: He actually got this special prize!
Then he thought of the way he held the dagger and killed the boa constrictor with one blow, secretly rejoicing in his heart: At the beginning, it was just a whim, and he regarded this beloved dagger as the greatest treasure, but he didn't expect to be rescued by someone holding this dagger today, what a good man There are good rewards too!

Just when Ling Xi was thinking wildly, a girl's exclamation suddenly came from her ear.

"Look, the toxin has faded!"

Ever since Wei Xiao entered the room, everyone's eyes have been on him. Seeing him feeding Liang Xi snake bile, everyone looked at Liang Xi without blinking, expecting a miracle to happen. After all, he was at the door just now. Miracles have been created outside!The girl who exclaimed at this time was the deputy squad leader Jia Han. As the squad leader, she has been responsible for taking care of the three wounded. She was also the first to discover the miracle on Liang Xi's body. When she saw the snake's venom fade, she immediately exclaimed .

Wei Xiao watched as the blackness on Liang Xi's arms gradually faded away, and gradually faded away, with a rare smile on his face.

Ordinary snake gallbladder can't detoxify the snake, but the snake gallbladder of the golden python can!Moreover, as the child of the snake demon, and already has some foundation of cultivation, its snake gall is more than enough to detoxify the general snake venom.

Sure enough, not long after, Liang Xi's hand was completely black and changed back to its original color. Some bright red blood began to flow from the cross-shaped wound. Jia Han saw it and hurriedly stopped it.

Seeing the miracle that happened again, the eyes of everyone looking at Wei Xiao changed, especially the few in the same dormitory as him, who were even more troubled at this time: Ordinary classmates, when facing a catastrophe, , suddenly turned into a superman, not only to save you from danger, but also to save your classmates who were already on the verge of life and death, what do you think?
Can you still be a good classmate?

(End of this chapter)

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