Chapter 591 Borrow
More than two days passed in a flash, and all of it was spent on actual combat training against Yunxi. For this reason, Wei Xiao had to ask his former roommate to help him take a leave of absence, and then devote himself to the training wholeheartedly.

Although this training was to help Yunxi in name, Wei Xiao actually learned a lot from it, because during their training, Ying Gou, who lived in the backyard, would send voice transmissions to Wei Xiao from time to time, teaching them He learned many things that he had never touched before.

As a general who fights a hundred battles, although what he did later was not very honorable, his actual combat experience is extremely rich. The combination of Wei Xiao and Yun Xi is not as good as one-tenth of his!

With Ying Gou's guidance, Wei Xiao and Yun Xi can be said to be making progress at the same time, but Wei Xiao's progress is even greater. After all, Ying Gou can't answer Yun Xi personally, but has to relay it through Wei Xiao, so He had to understand what Ying Gou meant before he could transfer it to Yunxi.

After coming and going, his understanding became more thorough.

During this period of time, no one from Yunmeng Pavilion showed up. Only Lu Yuqing came once and saw that Wei Xiao and Yunxi were training intensely, so they didn't bother, just took a silent look and left.

At about ten o'clock in the morning on the third day, the last actual combat training ended, Yunxi relied on the extremely tight Yunmeng Pavilion sword formation, and held on for a full 5 minutes under the blood sand sword, and finally exhausted, all the spiritual energy was exhausted When it was empty, he fell to the ground and admitted defeat.

Although he still lost, Yun Xi who fell on the ground smiled so brightly that his face was almost bursting with laughter.

"Brother Xiao, how's it going? It's been 5 minutes!" He looked at Wei Xiao proudly, and stubbornly stretched out his rootless finger.

"Okay, you win! Since you can last 5 minutes under the blood sand sword, then you are eligible to borrow it once, take it!" Wei Xiao smiled indifferently, and put his hand on it casually. Throwing the Blood Sand Sword to Yunxi.

Before that, he made a bet with Yunxi that as long as Yunxi could hold out under the Xuesand Sword for more than 5 minutes, he would lend the Xuesand Sword to the other party. Of course, it could only be used for this time with Mo Qiushi. Gambling, you have to return it after you use it up.

However, what he didn't expect was that during training yesterday, Yunxi, who was only able to last for 3 minutes, suddenly exploded with his potential, exhausted all his strength and aura, and held on for 5 minutes at a stretch before finally Finally down.

Yun Xi won the bet so tenaciously and stubbornly, so Wei Xiao was willing to admit defeat and lent him the Blood Sand Sword to use once.

Of course, although this process was a bit unexpected, the result was something that Wei Xiao had already thought about. After all, he had promised Lu Yuqing before that he would help Yunxi. It is also necessary.

In Wei Xiao's prediction, if Yunxi was too useless during the two days of actual combat training, he could only take out the Jade Dragon Fan and ask Senior Earth Dragon for help.

Fortunately, the result was not bad, Yunxi had made great progress in the past two days, so Wei Xiao did not take out such treasures as the Jade Dragon Fan, but lent him the Blood Sand Sword he had cast in his own mold.

"Thank you, Brother Xiao!" Yun Xi lay on the ground, holding the Blood Sand Sword in his arms, looking at the bright red clear sword, almost drooling.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiao immediately regretted lending him the blood sand, so he subconsciously kicked him and said, "Don't look, hurry up and meditate to recover, and in more than an hour, you will be with him That Mo Qiushi is dueling."

During the training just now, Yunxi had exhausted all her strength, and finally managed to hold on for 5 minutes. If she didn't recover quickly, she might lose the duel to come.

For the upcoming duel, Yunxi still attaches great importance to it. As soon as Wei Xiao said this, he immediately stood up like a carp and stood up.

Then I found a clean lawn and meditated to restore my spiritual power.

While Yunxi was meditating, Wei Xiao hurriedly explained what he had to explain, especially about the use of the Blood Sand Sword. These secrets were originally known only to him, and he told Yunxi without reservation .

After finishing speaking in one breath, Wei Xiao paused for a while, and then said: "In my heart, I have already handed over to you all that should be handed over to you, and the rest depends on how much you can learn. How much you can play, anyway, it's no longer my business!"

"I have been out for several days this time. If I don't go back, the school will not approve my leave! So, I will not get involved in the next duel. As long as you win the competition, you will be against me for the next few days." The best reward, don't have too much burden on your heart, go to the competition with confidence."

Wei Xiaoxu babbled, and then walked straight to the backyard regardless of whether Yunxi, who was meditating, heard it or not.

In the backyard, Senior Earth Dragon is still resting with his eyes closed. It can also be said that he is calmly digesting the red crystal minerals in his belly. Therefore, he has been sleeping for the past few days. No matter how hot the actual combat training in the front yard is, it has not moved at all. .

"Yinggou, Senior Earth Dragon is inconvenient these days. You have to stay by its side with peace of mind. Don't let senior be exposed to the eyes of outsiders on the island. Of course you are too. Be careful to hide your identity and don't go out of this place if you have nothing to do. courtyard."

"After Senior Earth Dragon recovers, you can start your own exploration of the seabed. At that time, Wei Xiao will also bring you the compass for you. At that time, you will not be afraid of getting lost."

Just finished explaining Yunxi's affairs, here wants Yinggou to explain things, please take care of Senior Dilong who is still recovering, only when Dilong is completely safe, can he unscrupulously go to his own things.

Ying Gou followed behind Wei Xiao, gave a soft "hmm", and then nodded calmly.

After arranging these things, Wei Xiao flew directly into the sky with his sword and headed for Guixi University in Shanjiang City.

Originally planned to leave for two days, unexpectedly it would take four days. Wei Xiao finally returned to school at noon on Tuesday, and also returned to his home on the East Campus.

Four days, whether it is long or short, because he has already called in advance, so apart from not going to class and being called by the teacher, no one has called him or anything. Luo Mengqing, who liked to chat with him on the phone, also had no news.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiao suddenly frowned, his heart throbbed suddenly, and suddenly it beat dozens of times rapidly, making his face flushed red.

The rapid heartbeat without warning made him doubtful, and he couldn't help but think: Is this some kind of ominous premonition?
(End of this chapter)

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