City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 576 Drive them away

Chapter 576 Drive them away

Seeing the disciples from the other two sects pouring into Shujie Island, their faces immediately became tense, knowing that things were not good, these outsiders came to compete with them for the spirit energy of Shujie Island!
"Elder, this disciple wants to know why these outsiders can enter Shujie Island?" Yunxi was the first to stand up and asked.

Originally, this kind of matter should be asked by No.1 student Lu Yuqing, but it is a pity that she had something to do not long ago, she just left Shujie Island, and she doesn't know where she is at this time.

Therefore, from the beginning, Yun Xi replaced Lu Yuqing as the leader of the disciples on the island, and it was naturally his turn to ask such questions.

The elder of the internal affairs frowned, and did not answer Yunxi's question immediately, but watched Fei Yu and the outsider disciples go away before he sighed and said, "Their entry into the island was allowed by the head of the island. As for the others You don't need to know about the situation..."

"This!" Yun Xi was shocked, but still refused to give up, and kept asking, "Why?"

"Even if you know it, you won't be able to change anything, and it will only increase your troubles." After the elder of the housekeeping finished speaking, he shook his head and left.

As the house elder left in despair, a group of Yunmeng Pavilion disciples also returned in despair.

However, what they didn't know was that the matter on Shujie Island was far from over.

Lu Yuqing returned to Guixi University happily. Without attending a class, she happily went to find Wei Xiao.

However, unfortunately, Wei Xiao was not at home.

She went to the Jifu herbal tea shop to take a look again, but she still couldn't find Wei Xiao's trace. She even called her daughter-in-law over to ask, but she didn't get an answer. Everyone didn't know Wei Xiao's whereabouts.

After looking around, but still unable to find anyone, Lu Yuqing went back to school somewhat disappointed, holding a mobile phone in her hand, and kept dialing a number, but unfortunately the other end of the phone was never connected.

"Where did this guy go?" She couldn't help complaining.

She originally returned to school excitedly just to share the joy of breaking through the Golden Core Realm with Wei Xiao, and then express her gratitude, but the other person disappeared, and completely disappeared without a trace.

This made Lu Yuqing feel a little disappointed, and she wasn't even in a good mood.

Of course, if things that were originally happy become like this, no one will be in a good mood.

She walked alone in the school for a long time, and after making several calls, there was still no response, she finally gave up the idea of ​​continuing to call, and sighed: "Forget it, he will always come back anyway, at worst, just wait a few more days !” After that, she happily went back.

However, before she had time to return to the dormitory, she was stunned by a call from her younger brother Yunxi.

"Senior Sister Yuqing, our Shujie Island has been occupied by outsiders. Many disciples from the Changsheng Hall and Xuantian Temple have come to the island!" Yun Xi's first sentence was unastonishing.

When Lu Yuqing heard this, she was stunned, and it took a long time before she realized, and quickly asked, "What's going on, please explain clearly?"

Yunxi didn't dare to neglect at all, and quickly told the whole story of what happened in the morning, and at the end, she also added her own guess.

"I think there must be something wrong here! If it is normal benefit sharing, then why doesn't the house elder let us continue to ask? He also said: Even if he knows, he can't change anything, and it can only increase troubles. This is obviously You mean something!" As he spoke, Yun Xi became extremely angry. After all, he had seen with his own eyes the arrogance of the disciples of the other two sects, as well as the helplessness and loneliness of the elders in his own sect, and it was inevitable that he would feel some indignation in his heart. .

Lu Yuqing was a little more calm than Yunxi. After listening to his story seriously, her brows were tightly knit together, and her face became extremely cold.

"You don't have to worry about this matter for now. I will give you an explanation when I go back!" She comforted softly.

"Okay, senior sister!" Yun Xi nodded obediently.

Since the matter of sharing Shujie Island has become a fact, and even the head of Yimeng has allowed it, it is naturally impossible for Lu Yuqing to object, so her focus has naturally shifted to another place.

"Those outsiders...uh, the disciples of Changshengtang and Xuantianguan, did they do anything excessive after they entered the island?"

Yun Xi thought carefully, shook his head and said, "Not yet, but senior sister also knows that the disciples of Changsheng Hall have always been arrogant and domineering, and there may not be any trouble in the future. We must be prepared."

Everyone in the world of cultivation knows the temperament of the disciples of the Changsheng Hall. However, due to the power of the Changsheng Hall, most people dare to be angry and dare not speak out. Only the disciples of the other two sects of the three major sects dare to speak out and accuse. .

"Well, you're right! Since we can't stop them from coming in, let's find a way to drive them out! Let the disciples pay attention. Once they find those people have violated the rules, drive them out immediately!" Lu Yuqinghan said the voice.

"Okay! Let's all listen to Senior Sister!" Yun Xi nodded heavily.

Just like Lu Yuqing said, since they disciples are unable to prevent outsiders from entering the island, they should find a way to drive them away so that those people cannot compete for the spiritual energy resources of Shujie Island, so as not to harm the interests of the disciples of Yunmeng Pavilion.

After ending the call, Lu Yuqing let out another long sigh and subconsciously looked at a small building not far away, which was Wei Xiao's home.

"Sorry, I can't wait for you to come back!" After that, she turned around resolutely, found a hidden place, raised her sword, and flew towards Shujie Island.

Disciples from Changsheng Hall and Xuantian Temple poured in one after another, and all the dormitories on Shujie Island were filled at once. Even the warehouse canteen was filled with people, and some of them liked to get close to nature. Simply use the sky as a quilt and the ground as a mat to sleep outside.

Without a place to live, those disciples were naturally filled with dissatisfaction, so they clamored to their elders, and then joined forces to put pressure on the internal affairs elder of Yunmeng Pavilion, asking him to free up some houses for those people to live as soon as possible.

On the other hand, they require Shujie Island to restart construction as soon as possible and build more houses to meet the rental demand.

The elder of the internal affairs could only grit his teeth and agree to these requests.

Compared with the elder's distress, Yunxi and his followers were a little ecstatic. After discovering the behavior of sleeping in the open space, they immediately united and went to find the bad luck of these people.

According to the sect rules of Yunmeng Pavilion, disciples are prohibited from sleeping outside. If these outsiders violate the sect rules, they will naturally be punished according to the rules of Yunmeng Pavilion.

Yun Xi was obsessed with Lu Yuqing's advice, and kept an eye on the outsiders' every move, and never let go of a chance to drive them away once they found any shortcomings.

(End of this chapter)

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