City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 573 Name of the Sword

Chapter 573 Name of the Sword
"As long as there is no problem with this sword, as for turning the will of the great demon into your own use, forget it." Wei Xiao shook his head emotionally.

"Forget it? Well, it's your weapon anyway, how you use it is up to you." Dilong said indifferently.

Wei Xiao looked at the sword for a while, muttered in his mouth, and said, "Why don't I give you a name first?"

The last witch weapon sword was not particularly brilliant, it was just an ordinary mortal sword, and it was the standard sword of Yunmeng Pavilion, so he didn't even bother to name it.

Judging from the appearance, this sword is already quite extraordinary, not to mention that when the sword was pregnant, it obtained the sword intent of the divine sword, plus it was made of red crystal, and it was born after swallowing the soul of the big monster. Extraordinary.

Without giving it a name, Wei Xiao felt a little sorry for its self-proclaimed protector just now.

"However, what should it be called?" He thought about it carefully, closed his eyes, and the names of countless divine swords in the hidden sword book flowed through his mind.

It stands to reason that divine swords will have their own exclusive names, but after thousands of years, the names of many divine swords have been lost, so the hidden sword books can only be named according to the shape or color of the divine sword, and past deeds.

If you follow the naming method in the hidden sword book, this sword can be called "Red Crystal" or "Blood Demon", or "Demon Blood"...

But Wei Xiao didn't like such a simple name. After thinking for a long time, he slowly said, "Why don't we call you Blood Sand Sword?"

In fact, from a literal point of view, the name "Xuesha" is similar to "Red Crystal", but slightly stronger than "Demon Blood", but if you really understand this word, you will have a different feeling.

Bloody sand, in fact, is most reminiscent of the "blood-stained battlefield".Before Wei Xiao fought with the big skeleton monster, it was a life-and-death battle, and he was attacked and seriously injured several times, which can be regarded as the experience of blood-stained yellow sand.

Secondly, blood sand can also be understood as "bloody battlefield", expressing a determination to fight to the end rather than surrender, and it can be regarded as an interpretation of his just fighting to the last moment.

Therefore, Wei Xiao thought about it carefully for a long time, and finally chose this name.

When he expressed his idea of ​​naming, the sword suddenly bounced up, and the sword made a "buzz" sound, which sounded like cheering or shouting.

After the sound of the sword, the sword slowly fell back into Wei Xiao's hand, and the hilt landed on his hand, as if expressing agreement.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiao couldn't help laughing.

"It seems that you agree, so I'll call you Xuesha from now on."

Dilong watched the whole process in mid-air, and even listened quietly to Wei Xiao explaining the idea of ​​naming to Baojian.

However, he didn't express any opinions of his own, and he didn't make a sound to disturb him. He just watched quietly and waited until the sword sounded and he was willing to submit to Wei Xiao, then he nodded in approval.

Wei Xiao stood up happily, patted the dust on his body, and shouted into the air: "Senior, since the matter here is over, shouldn't we go back?"

After all, he looked at the sky, and it was almost dusk.

"It's over? It's still early." Dilong rolled his eyes, and a white air flow spewed out of his mouth, and continued: "In this desert, there are a total of two corpses of big monsters. You only get rid of one, and the rest That name will only get stronger."

"Why?" Wei Xiao was a little puzzled.

"The red crystal of this big monster was eaten by me thousands of years ago, and I ate another one not long ago, so it will be so weak after resurrection. But the other big monster, thousands of years ago No one interferes, it must have been hiding there and slowly recovering its strength, once it absorbs the three red crystal mines that belong to it and fully restores its strength back then, there is no way to stop it just by you and me." Dilong said somewhat Said dejectedly.

"Ah?" Wei Xiao was shocked.

"You don't have to be too surprised. Although it is a good thing for us to kill a big monster, it is actually a bad thing... Once the bondage of this big monster is gone, it will only take away the red blood that originally belonged to this big monster. Once the crystal mine is swallowed up, it will have four mines' strength, and it will be more difficult to deal with than when Zu Wu killed it, and this is the biggest problem!" Dilong said, with a look on his face. Anxiety.

When Wei Xiao heard it, he also fell silent.

The big monster he dealt with just now only absorbed a small amount of red crystals, less than one-tenth of its strength is so difficult to deal with, once the other one absorbs the remaining four red crystal mines, it will be so powerful How far?
At that time, would he have the ability to kill this big monster?
Wei Xiao lowered his head and thought for a while, then seemed to think of something, raised his head suddenly, and asked loudly: "Senior, why don't we cut the weeds and root them out, and go directly to get rid of it?"

"It's not that I won't go, but that I can't do it." Dilong shook his head indifferently, and continued: "Did you think that big brother didn't have your thoughts back then? But these big monsters are already dead, as long as they don't come back to life, We can't do anything about it, so the eldest brother will try his best, and even let me eat the mine."

With Dilong's explanation, Wei Xiao immediately understood for a long time.

It seems that if you want to completely kill the big monsters, you have to wait for them to be resurrected first. Only the resurrected big monsters can be completely killed.

It was also like this that the ancestral witch would try every means to weaken the power of the resurrected big monster, just to make it easier to deal with it in the future.

But he certainly didn't expect that although the earth dragon can eat a mine, it is also tortured by the red crystals turned into demon blood, and even controlled its mind. In the end, it can only be sealed in a spiritual vein in desperation. It is slowly recovering its vitality in the position of Zhenshan Hundred Beasts.

If nothing happened later, according to Zu Wu's plan, he might let the earth dragon slowly digest the remaining mines, slowly weaken the strength of the big monster, and eventually force them to resurrect to fight Grab the red crystal mine, and then you can wipe it out completely.

But I'm afraid the ancestral witch wouldn't have thought that problems would arise in the witch clan not long after.

The great witch rebelled, refined the terrifying evil Gu, and created the fourth ancestor of zombies to wreak havoc on the world, forcing the witch clan to take action to eradicate the rebellion.

A "battle against evil" caused the Witch Clan to lose more than half of its strength, and was eventually taken advantage of by the Demon Clan, triggering an even greater Lich War.

In the end, the Wu clan was completely defeated, its prosperity was gone, and its civilization was lost!

Only the beasts that obeyed the orders of the ancestral witch have persisted, becoming proof of the witch clan's former glory.

Of course, from the moment Wei Xiao obtained the "Witch Code", the civilization representing the Wu clan began to sprout again. As for the future, it remains to be created by him!
(End of this chapter)

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