Chapter 559
Wei Xiao's calculation was very good, but the humanoid skeleton was not stupid either.

After a roar, it seemed to have a feeling of going berserk, and rushed over like crazy. Except for the two arms in the middle, the other five danced at the same time, and chopped at the same time.

Wei Xiao was waiting for this moment. He found a gap in dodging, his eyes suddenly kicked, and a flash of lightning in his eyes struck again.

However, this time the lightning in his eyes was not so lucky. As soon as he made a move just now, a cold light cut over, blocking the path of the lightning in his eyes.

With a sound of "stab", the purple electric light hit the big hammer, leaving only a series of sparks, and then disappeared without a trace.

Wei Xiao was not too surprised when the lightning in his eyes was blocked. After all, this humanoid skeleton seemed to be intelligent at first glance, and the same move could not be easily effective twice.

If you want to get rid of it again, you have to find a good opportunity!

Blocking the lightning in his eyes, the human-shaped skeleton seemed to have a boost in morale, and even the rhythm of the attack became much faster. The five heavy weapons continued to attack, making people feel breathless.

For a while, Wei Xiao fell into passive dodging and resisting. Originally, he could deal with two arms at a time with ease, but now with five at a time, it is a bit unsustainable.

But he didn't give up, and he didn't blindly dodge or be beaten. He always looked for a chance when there was no time, and then another lightning bolt flew out of his eyes.

Once, twice, after being blocked by the sledgehammer and the iron ax twice, the third time finally hit one of the arms, which was the one holding the sledgehammer.

However, the arm did not break off as expected. It was just hit with a small black crater, and then the lightning in his eyes disappeared without a trace.

"Oh, not this one!" Wei Xiao shook his head in disappointment, and then continued to avoid the attacks of furious human-shaped skeletons in turn.

With no weapons, no armor, and no talisman dared to use it lightly, Wei Xiao could only wrap his hands with shamanic power, and when it was unavoidable, he took the attack of the human-shaped skeleton hard, and then used this The reaction force of the move opened a little distance.

Of course, this kind of move didn't last long. After a few times, the human-shaped skeleton also learned how to behave. The sledgehammer and giant ax changed to chopping from top to bottom, and the sword and sword became horizontal chopping. The stick was also changed from a sweep to a chop, which made Wei Xiao completely lose the opportunity to use his strength.

However, this kind of move is exactly what Wei Xiao expected, after all, chopping is easier to dodge than sweeping.

Wei Xiao's nimble body shuttled among the five weapons, constantly dodging fierce attacks, and every time there was no time to do so, he was able to let go of a series of murderous cold lights.

Thanks to the help of his eyes and supernatural powers, Wei Xiao's control over the distance has become more and more exquisite. Every time he dodges, he is at the right distance. Sometimes the steel knife will pass in front of his nose, but he has no fear. Calmly sending out a flash of lightning in his eyes as his own counterattack.


For the fifth time, the lightning flashed in his eyes, and because he was too close, no weapon could help block this blow, and it just hit the arm holding the steel knife nose-to-nose.

Then, the arm snapped off!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

The human-shaped skeleton stopped immediately, and let out a loud scream. It was trembling all over its body, and countless bone fragments fell from its body in the blink of an eye, as if it had rained bones.

For a full minute, the humanoid skeleton kept yelling in pain, and the bone fragments on its body kept falling.

Not long after, the bone fragments stopped falling, and the human-shaped skeleton became thinner, and its body became six-handed and six-legged!
A group of blue flexible flames as small as a lighter flame fell down and landed on a bone fragment on the ground, and then those bone fragments wriggled with difficulty, as if they wanted to gather together.

However, it tried for a long time, but never succeeded. It could only be gathered into three sections, with two long gaps in the middle.

That is the part cut off by the lightning in the eye!
Wei Xiao took a few glances at Bone Snake, knowing that he would no longer pose a threat, he shifted his gaze, staring at the actions of the human-shaped skeleton to prevent it from jumping over the wall in a hurry.

After peeling off a layer of animal possession, the size of the human-shaped skeleton became much smaller. Apart from the loss of two hands and feet, the most important thing was that the weakness of the waist and abdomen were completely exposed.

Without the cover of the two arms, Wei Xiao can clearly see the waist and abdomen of the humanoid skeleton, which is only the size of a normal person, and the bones on it are not normal white, it looks more like the color of jade.

After discovering this weakness, Wei Xiao unceremoniously launched a counterattack. With both hands filled with witch power, he slammed towards the waist and abdomen of the humanoid skeleton.

The humanoid skeleton screamed in pain for a long time. It was not until it was attacked by Wei Xiao that it came to its senses. The iron ax and sword were lying in the path of the fist, as if waiting for Wei Xiao to send it forward.

And his middle two arms finally moved.

A pitch-black banner was unfurled by him, and then the blue soul fire jumped a few times, a pure black spiritual energy vortex appeared on the surface of the banner, and as the vortex turned, black spiritual energy gurgled out. Keep going out.

Wei Xiao punched out, and soon saw the opponent's obstruction. When he was about to approach the human-shaped skeleton, he suddenly twisted his waist, and forcibly changed the direction when there was no time to go, and deviated a short distance to the right.

Fist and iron axe.The sword passed by, Wei Xiao naturally did not hit the humanoid skeleton, and the two weapons did not touch him.

But Wei Xiao took this opportunity to come to the side of the human-shaped skeleton, where the bone snake's arm was cut off just now, and there was a treasured knife lying quietly on the ground.

Wei Xiao's figure flashed past, and with a random sweep of his right hand, he picked up the precious sword on the ground.

The treasured knife was in the hands, it was cold, and black aura kept coming out of the pitch-black blade, as if it had evaporated.

Wei Xiao poured witch power into it without hesitation. Just like the iron rod before, there were several crackling sounds from the top of the treasured knife, crackling and crackling, and then the precious knife belonged to him completely.

"Hmph! If you snatched mine, I'll just grab it back." He smiled triumphantly, and looked up at the human-shaped skeleton.

In the next second, Wei Xiao's complexion changed drastically, and his face instantly turned pale, with a trace of fear in his panic.

On the dark banner, the black spiritual energy vortex became faster and faster, so fast that it was almost invisible, and then the withered arm crawled out from it.

This thing is about to use its killer move again!

Wei Xiao secretly said "No", seeing that withered hand was about to take shape, knowing that it was too late to escape, he simply sat down cross-legged.

(End of this chapter)

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