City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 546 The Beginning of the Western Tour

Chapter 546 The Beginning of the Western Tour
After asking Daming, Wei Xiao conducted a complete mountain patrol under Daming's leadership and walked the entire Daming Mountain completely.

The mountain patrol did not find anything abnormal, so Wei Xiao felt relieved and left with peace of mind.

After Daming Mountain, the next stop is Kuzhu Peak.

Bitter Bamboo Peak is still the same. When Wei Xiao came to the previous archaeological camp, he found that the tents in the camp were all in dilapidated condition. When he touched them lightly with his hands, they were broken into small pieces. It fell from his hand to the ground.

The high temperature in the bitter bamboo peak valley has completely affected this side.

"Oh!" Wei Xiao sighed, shook his head and left.

After seeing the disaster scene on Bitter Bamboo Peak, I had to look at the two Eldar who could save there—Little Tree and Vines.

In Shewang Village, the daily spirit-gathering dance is going on.

The team led by Xiaojuan moved neatly, with a slow rhythm, graceful and revealing a bit of aggression.

Over the past few months, Huang Qiang and Xiaojuan have taught the entire village of Shewang Village, so the scale of the dance has become larger and larger, with a total of 64 people participating.

Wei Xiao was on the cloud, overlooking Ju Lingwu on the ground, with a gratified smile on his face.

With the help of these people, Xiaoshu and Manman must have almost recovered, right?

As soon as the dance was over, the villagers around the Shewang tree reluctantly left and started working in the afternoon. Only Xiaojuan and Huang Qiang, who led the dance, did not leave, but just stared blankly at the Shewang tree.

"Brother Qiang, Xiaojuan, what are you looking at?" Wei Xiao lowered his flying sword and said behind the two of them.

"Brother Wei!" Xiaojuan yelled when she heard the words, turned her head quickly, and rushed towards Wei Xiao without even looking.

Wei Xiao took her firmly in his arms and patted her on the shoulder lightly. It seemed that it was thanks to Juling Wu. After only a few months, Wei Xiao actually felt the difference in Xiaojuan. It actually grew a lot taller.

A ten-year-old girl, last time he was tied to the Shewang tree, Xiaojuan came to bring him food, it seemed that she had just reached the height of his belly button, and now her head had actually touched Wei Xiao's chest .

"Brother Xiao, you're here." Huang Qiang was a little slower, but quickly came over to say hello.

"Well, come and take a look at them." Wei Xiao said, nodding towards Xiaoshu and Manman.

The small tree and vines could also sense his arrival, and the branches and vines swayed towards him for a while, greeting him.

Speaking of the Shewang tree, Huang Qiang suddenly showed a happy smile on his face, and said to Wei Xiao with a smile: "Since we listened to you and switched to this Juling Dance, the Shewang Lord looks much better than before. Yes, we saw with our own eyes that Lord She is healthy, and the villagers are also very happy."

As he said that, Huang Qiang pointed at Xiaoshu, and showed Wei Xiao the certificates of Xiaoshu's health.

Wei Xiao knew it long ago, and the green leaves on Xiaoshu's body are the best proof.

After these green leaves grow out, the small tree can start to absorb nutrients from the earth and the sun, and it won't take long for it to fully recover. The progress is much faster than Wei Xiao originally expected, thanks to the villagers of Shewang Village. .

In addition to the green leaves of the small tree, Wei Xiao also saw a huge change in the vines. The roots that she could only attach to the small tree to absorb nutrients had also penetrated into the soil beside her and began to be self-sufficient.

Now, the vines can support each other and grow together with the young trees.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiao was very relieved. After all, this also marked the maturity of the two of them. Once they recover from their injuries, they can start to become spirits and form symbiotic vines.

Wei Xiao was very satisfied with the harvest of this trip, so when he parted, he took out a bottle of fresh body lotion, and poured the whole bottle next to the roots of the small trees and vines, letting them enjoy themselves. Absorption.

He knew that with this bottle of body wash, it wouldn't take long for them to fully recover.

The next time I come back, it will be the time when the little tree will become a spirit and form a symbiotic vine tree with the vine!
Leaving Shewang Village, Wei Xiao deliberately took a trip to Shenpo Ridge in his hometown. Although the journey is relatively far away, he is now very proficient in the art of flying the sword and flying to the sky, and it is also handy to use, so the speed is no longer what it used to be. up.

In fact, there is nothing to see in Shenpo Ridge, there are traces of desolation everywhere, one side is bare, and there is no life, it looks like a ghost.

There are Zhenshan Hundred Beasts guarding Shenpo Ridge, so there will be no major problems. Wei Xiao just went out to check around the edge, and tried to call Senior Lingyin to see if he could call her out.

As a result, it goes without saying that Senior Lingyin ignored his call and didn't want to see him at all.

In desperation, Wei Xiao just walked around the periphery for a while, and then came back.

Once back and forth, the whole afternoon and night passed.

The next day, Wei Xiao attended university courses as usual and lived the life of a college student honestly. It was not until the last class in the afternoon that he felt like a different person.

The class on Friday is over, and Saturday and Sunday are holidays. Wei Xiao has already made a plan for himself, and the trip to the west will start soon.

Wearing the jade dragon fan, Wei Xiao soared into the sky in the night, heading northwest with his sword.

This time on the west tour, he didn't plan to bring anyone with him.

Zu Wu's west tour starts from Taihua Mountain and ends at the coast of the sea. The whole journey is nearly 6000 kilometers. It took Zu Wu a whole year to complete the journey on the ground dragon mount.

Now, Wei Xiao only has two days plus one night, even Yujian Feitian may not be able to complete the journey.

Therefore, he did not plan to follow Zu Wu's route on this trip to the west. After all, his goal this time was only to find mines.

The record of the mine was after entering the desert, so Wei Xiao planned to search from the edge of the desert.

In one night, he tried his best to barely reach a city near the edge of the desert.

The sky was getting brighter and the sun was about to rise. He quickly lowered the flying sword, found a safe and hidden place, and started a new day of cultivation.

An hour later, after training, Wei Xiao became more energetic again.

Looking up at the desert in front of him, he compared it with the records in "The History of Witchcraft", and found that the difference was not as big as usual, even though it was still a desert, Wei Xiao felt a sense of vicissitudes.

Thousands of years ago, this place was a desolate place, with no human habitation except for beasts, ghosts and plants.

But now, it is completely different!
(End of this chapter)

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