Chapter 533
"Yes, this is the highest state of the talisman sword technique - volleying into a sword. Elder Xu has given swords for more than 100 years, and he has seen countless famous swords. You can fly in the air at will, this ability, even my head is ashamed!" After finishing speaking, the head of Yimeng couldn't help but sighed, as if he was a little frustrated.

Speaking of which, if only in terms of cultivation, Yimeng Daoist is indeed ranked third in the world, but in terms of strength and fighting ability, the Elder Giving Sword may be stronger than him. A leader was very afraid, and Hall Master Yuan had publicly stated that his move was very powerful.

The strength of a battle does not depend on one's cultivation, this is a generally accepted truth in the cultivation world.

In the eyes of Yun Su and the others, Yimeng Daoist's emotion was just modesty, and there was no need to take it seriously. There is no master who is not as good as an elder.

They looked at the Juechen Divine Sword that volleyed into the sky with admiration, and silently calculated the gap between themselves and the elder who granted the sword in their hearts. Just thinking about it for a while, they felt a headache.

There are five realms in the technique of talisman swords, which are drawing swords on talismans, creating swords on talismans, forming swords from empty talismans, creating swords without talismans, and forming swords in the sky.

These five realms are advanced layer by layer. From the most basic one, you need to draw the sword seal on the talisman paper in advance, so that you can summon the perfect heart sword in your heart. Sword intent is enough, then you can use blank talisman paper to form a sword, and then even if there is no talisman paper, it is fine, and finally, ten thousand swords are hidden in your heart, which can be formed in the air anytime, anywhere.

If it is said that the first stage of the Fujian technique requires a sword in the chest to practice, then the last stage requires a thousand swords in the chest, so that it can be done at will and out of thin air.

The reason why Yun Su and Yun Jue are so admired is that on the one hand, they are in the second and third realms respectively, and there is still a huge gap between them and the highest realm; So far, the pavilion has been passed down, and only the Elder Giving Sword has reached the highest level.

They were naturally excited to see the legendary "Sword from the Sky" with their own eyes.

As soon as the Juechen Divine Sword came out, Elder Hetong immediately felt a pressure. In the black sword light, there seemed to be a terrifying aura that had engulfed him, making him feel like he couldn't breathe.

The other elders around were also moved at the same time, some were worried, fearing that Elder Tong would not be able to take the sword, and some were watching the excitement with a smile, hoping that Elder Tong would make a fool of himself.

Even the two masters, Tianyiyichang and Yuantang master, showed serious expressions on their faces, and there was something wrong with the eyes of the elder who gave the sword.

"Sure enough, he is the biggest trouble in Yunmeng Pavilion!" Tian Yidao snorted coldly in his heart.

"Elder Granting Swords, who hides thousands of swords in his chest, really deserves his reputation!" Hall Master Yuan shook his head and sighed.

As soon as the Juechen Divine Sword came out, the sword-granting elder didn't give his opponent too much time to react. Almost at the next moment, the divine sword immediately transformed into a meteor, like a comet hitting the moon, rushing towards the opposite Elder Tong.

The speed of the Excalibur is extremely fast, and ripples can be seen with the naked eye wherever it passes, and the screaming sound resounding through the air resounds on the spot, people with a slightly lower cultivation base can't help but cover their ears, Afraid of being hurt by this howling sound.

Elder Tong's face was solemn, and he clapped his hands forward, and another thing burst out in the air, but this magic weapon was a defensive one, it was a piece of tortoise shell the size of a washbasin.

Everyone in Changshengtang yearns for longevity and worships longevity. Everyone loves life and hates death, and tortoise is a particularly long-lived animal in nature, so it is very popular among the disciples of Changshengtang.

According to legend, there is a tortoise more than 1000 years old in the inner aura pool of Changsheng Hall, who is honored by them as the "Turtle Master".

And the tortoise shell that Elder Tong is holding at this time is what fell off from the "Turtle Master", and he has refined it into an extremely strong defensive magic weapon.

The attack of the Divine Sword came in an instant, and Elder Tong only had time to spread the tortoise shell in front of him, and then he felt a huge and unparalleled force coming, hitting the tortoise shell, and then transmitted the force through the tortoise shell. on him.

"Pfft!" Elder Tong gushed out a mouthful of blood, which he couldn't stop, and it was accompanied by a few violent coughs, and bystanders could tell they had hurt their lungs as soon as they heard it.

After vomiting blood, Elder Tong stepped back more than ten steps in a row, and only then did he dissipate the huge impact.

"As expected of Excalibur Juechen, it's really powerful!" After spitting out the blood in his mouth, he wiped his lips, with a look of hatred on his face, and said sinisterly.

Elder Jianjian stood with his hands behind his back at this time, and did not intend to take advantage of the victory to pursue and defeat his opponent in one fell swoop. After hearing the other party's praise, he just smiled slightly and said, "Elder Tong's tortoise shell is not bad either. It is worthy of the name of the strongest defensive magic weapon!"

He said that the tortoise shell is the strongest defensive magic weapon, but everyone knows that this magic weapon did not completely block the blow of Juechen Shenjian, and it also caused Elder Tong to be hurt. This is obviously ridiculing that this magic weapon is not worthy of its name. Empty has its name.

Elder Tong didn't feel very angry when he heard it, he just smiled coldly and said, "Since Elder Xu doesn't like the turtle shell's defense, how about trying my offense?"

"Please!" Elder Jianjian swept his right hand and made a "please" movement.

Elder Tong smiled coldly, and the spiritual energy surged wildly on his hands, forming a huge cluster of spiritual energy almost in the blink of an eye.

Every disciple of the Changshengtang is a generation with a long life span, especially the dragon-forming powerhouse like Elder Tong, so his cultivation base is much deeper than the general powerhouses of the same realm, and the huge aura ball in front of him , is the most powerful technique of Changshengtang, a spell that is only suitable for the disciples of Changshengtang - comet strikes the moon.

The aura ball grew bigger and bigger, almost reaching the size of the two hugging each other. When Elder Tong pushed his head, the aura ball turned into a bolt of lightning and struck towards the elder Giving Sword.

Before, when the sword-giving elder Juechen Divine Sword attacked, he rushed towards the enemy like a comet attacking the moon with unrivaled momentum, but now Elder Tong's spell is a comet attacking the moon, and the huge ball of aura is an imitation The comet came out, carrying endless aura, and smashed towards the elder who granted the sword.

This is a spell that relies on profound cultivation to crush the enemy, relying on the endless aura on the comet cluster.

The Elder Giving the Sword couldn't dodge at all at this time, he didn't even have the strength to move, he had already put his mind on defense to resist the devastating blow.

"Ju Que, sword out!" He shouted loudly, and an epee as huge as a door panel appeared in front of him. Elder Jian's figure completely blocked it, leaving no gaps.

(End of this chapter)

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