City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 454 Written as a Story

Chapter 454 Written as a Story
When Wei Xiao and the others were still discussing how to conduct interviews and investigations, the interviewees they envisioned could only hide in the mountains, shivering in hunger, cold and fear, struggling to survive.

The first batch of villagers who fled into the mountains had already endured ten days in the desolate mountains. During these ten days, all the dry food they had brought with them had been eaten up, and their clothes were torn by the thick thorns. In a state of escaping, I couldn't get a good rest, and I was almost mentally broken.

From the mouths of other fugitives who entered the mountain one after another, I learned that the murderous demon has completely lost control. It is searching for the villagers in Maotou Village everywhere, and almost kills anyone it sees. All those who fail to escape are basically dead. in his hands.

Among those people are relatives and friends of these fugitives.

After knowing this news, the spirits of almost all the fugitives were about to collapse. They couldn't see hope, and they didn't know who to wait for to save them. Never find yourself.

However, compared to the panic of other fugitives, a young man in the crowd looked very different. From time to time, he took out his mobile phone, looked at the "no signal" displayed on it, and raised it to the top of his head with full expectation On it, and shook it, as if it could receive the signal.

Unfortunately, his efforts still failed, and it was impossible to receive any signals in this deep mountain.

Ever since he fled into the mountains with other people, his mobile phone has been in a state of no signal, but he is quite calm. After all, the news has been passed on, and he believes that it will not be long before someone will come to rescue them.

The matter started half a month ago. At that time, Liu Hailong was rampant in Maotou Village. Due to the land acquisition, his subordinates clashed with the villagers. The group fight of Liu Hailong's subordinates.

The villagers of Maotou Village beat this beating into a fool. After the group fight, several villagers were seriously injured. Died in his own bed.

Now all the people in Maotou Village can't sit still anymore. Usually, Liu Hailong runs rampant in the village and bullies the people. After all, as long as you bear it, you'll be fine, but now it's turned into this, and they dare to kill people!

As a result, all the villagers were mobilized, and they went to Liu Hailong to ask for an explanation, and asked him to hand over the murderer and kill for his life.

However, they underestimated Liu Hailong's insanity after all, and those villagers who went to ask for an explanation were beaten up again, each of them was wounded, and fled back in a state of embarrassment.

Only then did they finally wake up, and finally saw Liu Hailong's true face clearly.

At this time, the villagers were quite smart. Liu Yang, who had been out and about, came up with a way and decided to expose Liu Hailong's evil deeds on the Internet, hoping that someone could help the villagers get justice.

It's a pity that he overestimated his ability to communicate, and all the calls for help on the Internet fell into the sea without any response. After seeing his complaint, others all scoffed at it, thinking it was nonsense.

"What age is this, and there are still such arrogant village tyrants? Are you making up a story?"

This is what most people think in their hearts after seeing it, and some people responded to him in this way.

After seeing these responses, Liu Yang's heart completely cooled down. He didn't know what to do next, and completely lost confidence in asking for help online.

However, a very coincidental thing happened. A few days later, a person who claimed to be an online editor found him and thought his story about Liu Hailong's crimes was well written, and wanted him to write a story novel based on it.

After receiving this warning, Liu Yang was a little dumbfounded. What he wrote was a true story, but it was treated as a story by others, and he wanted to adapt it into a novel. What kind of irony is this?
But after all, he has seen the world, and his mind is very active, so he accepted the invitation in one breath, and then began to write the whole story, with Liu Hailong as the protagonist, describing the image of a bully who rampages in the countryside and kills without blinking an eye.

In the middle of the story, he also added a shocking plan that the villagers came up with, but changed the concept, changing everyone's plan to use explosives to kill Liu Hailong into a thunder strike from the sky, and the heavens will eliminate harm for the people.

While the villagers were planning, he was writing the story until the explosives went off, the assassination plan failed, and after Liu Hailong's family was safe, the lightning strike he wrote in the story also failed.

As for the following stories, he never had the opportunity to continue writing. Liu Hailong's revenge came extremely quickly. That night, several villagers were caught by his subordinates and killed on the spot. The rest of the villagers heard the news and flee.

Liu Yang also followed the villagers and fled into the deep mountains. His mobile phone lost signal and completely lost contact with the outside world.

Fortunately, before entering the mountain, he posted the story he wrote to the web editor who found him. According to the other party, this story will be posted to his website soon On it, it was found by someone with a heart.

Yang Liu was lucky, because he escaped too hastily, the story didn't have time to end, it just wrote that after Tianlei failed, several villagers were killed, and then it ended in a hurry. After the network editor got the story, he thought It was well written before, but it is a pity that there is no ending, so I continued to write an ending, and then published it on the Internet.

A few days after the story was published, the massacre in Maotou Village broke out on the Internet, and it immediately attracted a lot of attention. The word "Maotou Village" also became a hot search word.

Since Liu Yang used real information when he wrote it, and the village in the story is also in Maotou Village, this article was found in this craze and became a popular rumor.

The article that Brother Yang saw at the beginning was the story written by Liu Yang, and after being continued by the editor, it was published on the Internet.

Liu Yang didn't know that the story he wrote had become a popular rumor about the murder in Maotou Village, but he knew that as long as people read that article, they would always find the distress message he left on it, and they would definitely come forward. to save himself and these villagers.

"Ah Yang, what are you doing? Hurry up and put that thing away! It's so bright, what will happen if those lackeys find out later?" The villagers at the side noticed Liu Yang's movement of looking at his phone, and immediately stopped him.

Liu Yang shrank his head, obediently put away the phone, and then looked around, in this dark night, there was no light at all.

Before that, his mobile phone was the only light in this night!

(End of this chapter)

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